Do not flood the subreddit with posts from multiple accounts, posts about goldfish crackers, etc.
Ask Before Advertising
Re-homing and for sale posts are allowed from hobbyists, if you are vendor please message the mods first.
No Fish Abuse
Images of animal abuse or cruelty will result in a permanent ban. Fish kept in safe conditions that you do not think are ideal is not abuse.
This includes fish in blenders, condoms, being swallowed, or intentionally put fish in bowl or very small container just to take a photo to make jokes or being troll will immediately get you a permanent ban hammer.
Be Nice With Each Other
If you think words you are about to say will make other feel offense, either opt to rephrase your words or don't say it at all.
There are things that should not be used as a joke, like a disability, gender, race, politics, and religion related. These are sensitive subject that will definitely lead to arguments.
A provoker who lead other person to violate this rule may considered violation based on our team's judging.
You will get a warning once, any more after that will get you banned.