There are obvious reasons why we don't allow people to personally insult others, and doing so will get you banned. It makes everyone feel a little less welcome. Note: this rule applies to messages in modmail, as well.
No trolling or baiting users
Do not post or comment with the purpose of trolling or inciting reactions from other users. This will lead to a ban. Don't be offensive just to be offensive.
No racist, sexist, or homophobic language
This is an automatic ban. We want everyone no matter their age, gender, sexual preferences, or race to feel welcome in this subreddit. This includes jokes or quotes that include such language.
No reposts
Please check the new queue before posting. Make sure the content you are posting has not already been submitted by another user.
No fake news
Any blatant attempt to grab attention or troll with a fake news headline will result in a permanent ban. Make sure your news comes from a reputable source.
No self-promotion
Self promotion includes, but is not limited to:
Promoting or linking to your youtube channel, site, blog, etc.
Promoting or linking to your design website, fan art, logo or court redesigns, etc
Trying to sell merchandise (t-shirts, jerseys, artwork, etc)
There's a big difference between people that are trying to use our subreddit for their own personal gain and people that are just trying to share something with the community.
No NSFW content
NSFW content will be removed and violators will be banned.
Posts and comments must be relevant to the NBA
Posts that are irrelevant for this subreddit include, but is not limited to: video games, 2K, fantasy, gambling and college players.
Comments that purposely derail the discussion of the post may lead to a ban.
Stats/Player Tweets/Quotes/Misc. Media are self-post only and must be sourced
All stats posts, outside of post game box score stats, must be sourced. If it's not a common stat easily found in a single game box score (counting stats across multiple games should be sourced), include the source in the post. You should also include some of your thoughts in the body of the post to jump-start discussion. Posts that simply link to stats will be removed.