Nothing But Reading Challenges discussion

Tower Teams 8 - Discworld > Team Rob Anybody

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message 1: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (last edited Apr 21, 2021 03:17AM) (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32624 comments Mod

Team Rob Anybody

Jammin Jenny (Captain)
Louise (Co-Captain)
Audrey Jane
Colleen Drum

Cilla Fleig

Challenge Status Sheet
Team Sheet

message 2: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32624 comments Mod

message 3: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32624 comments Mod

message 4: by Jammin Jenny (last edited May 16, 2021 02:47PM) (new)

Jammin Jenny (jamminjenny) | 4184 comments Important Links & Info

Tower Team Shelves
✔️ • Jammin Jenny (Captain) -
✔️ • Louise (Co-Captain) -
✔️ • Audrey Jane -
✔️ • Colleen Drum -
✔️ • Carrie-
✔️ • Geri -
✔️• Heli -
✔️ • Filipa -
✔️ • Yasmine -
✔️ • Rina -
✔️ • Cilla Fleig -
✔️ • Lindsay -
✔️ • Kristel -

Countdown to Start
Points System

Links to verify word count for MPG Childrens books:

Completion Post Information

Please use the following format when posting your completions:

Completion Post
Book: Link to book
Date Read:
BOM/Writing DQs: Yes/No ( link to 3 days of discusson) - not/am writing DQs (link to DQs)
Possible uses and reasons/justifications:

Here's an example of what we're talking about
(view spoiler)

Spell it Out Rules

Spell-out rules
◈ the first letter in the book's title
◈ the first letter in the series
◈ the first letter in the author's first or last name
◈ the first letter of a character's first, last, or nick-name
◈ the first letter in the narrator's first or last name
◈ the first letter in the translator's first or last name

message 5: by Jammin Jenny (last edited Jul 24, 2021 11:45PM) (new)

Jammin Jenny (jamminjenny) | 4184 comments Tasks From Spreadsheet

LIST OF TASKS under the spoiler tags 6 spots to finish, 6 claimed
(view spoiler)

BINGO SPOTS listed under spoiler 2 spots to finish, 2 claimed
(view spoiler)

Jackanory Inputs listed under spoiler inputs needed - NONE!!

message 6: by Jammin Jenny (last edited Jul 27, 2021 07:33AM) (new)

Jammin Jenny (jamminjenny) | 4184 comments JACKANORY Development

Carrie did a great job drafting a jackanory for us:

(view spoiler)

If you have any thoughts or comments please post them by July 29th. I'll post the final story to the Jackanory thread for all to enjoy and upload it into our spreadsheet.

message 7: by Jammin Jenny (new)

Jammin Jenny (jamminjenny) | 4184 comments res

message 8: by Louise (last edited Jun 24, 2021 01:25PM) (new)

Louise | 3204 comments BOM
Writing a day's worth of discussion questions = 40 points
Participating in a current BOM = 20 points

Discworld BOMS
May - Equal Rites - Discussion (May 22)
Official Page Count: 288pgs

June - Mort - Discussion (June 22)
Official Page Count: 320

July - Guards! Guards! - Discussion (July 22)
Official Page Count: 432

Regular BOM
May - The Foundling or The Lost Orphan Discussion (May 2)
Official Page Count: 400pgs

Dumplin' Discussion (May 16)
Official Page Count: 400pgs

June - The Midnight Library Discussion (2 June)
Official Page Count: 304

Firekeeper's Daughter Discussion (June 16)
Official Page Count: 496

July - The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue Discussion (July 2)
Official Page Count: 560

The House in the Cerulean Sea Discussion (July 16)
Official Page Count: 400

Back Room - BOM
Prickly Business Discussion (June 9)
Official Page Count: 287

Pumpkin Spiced Omega Discussion (July 12)
Official Page Count: 194

Where Will My Book Fit
These are pretty self explanatory - we will aim to complete these in the following order
R - Rincewind 40 points
CW - City Watch 40 points
W - Witches 30 points
IR - Industrial Revolution 30 points
D - DEATH 25 points
TA - Tiffany Aching 25 points
O - Others 15 points

If you’re book doesn’t fit any of the above we’ll try for
We can be as creative as we like with the spots as long as we can justify it. Cover items, title/ series names, plot elements can all be used
E.g Sock - Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Dobby is given a book from Lucius Malfoy in which HP has hidden a sock, essentially freeing Dobby from servitude

If we can’t get your book to fit any of the above then chances are we can fit it in here.
We are basically writing a story with books. We can use titles, cover items, text, plot, authors and of course genres to write our story. We may want a paranormal comedy where a trainee witch falls in love with Curran and puts a spell on him to turn him into a little kitten.

message 11: by Jammin Jenny (new)

Jammin Jenny (jamminjenny) | 4184 comments Welcome everyone to Team Rob Anybody. I haven’t read the Discworld series books so I don’t really know about him. If you do please share with the class.

Please let us know that you have found this group by posting below and maybe share what you are most excited about doing in this challenge. I think I am most excited to write a Jackanory using books we read.

message 12: by Audrey Jane (new)

Audrey Jane | 1707 comments Hi team ! I'm Audrey, a belgian living in France, Normandy (not far from the D-day landing beaches). Last TT I participated in was in 2017 - afterwards I had to take a 3 year long break from GR due to RL. Glad to be part of the fun again.

Love our team name (we will be robbing those points ;)). Don't know much about him but I remember reading that he dislikes lawyers (rightly so :)).

I will most likely be concentrating on reading BOM's, Discworld books, and try to make my other books work for the tasks and bingo. My nomination for BOM won so I'm writing DQ's by default. More points for our team :)

Captains, here's my shelf if you need it : discworld-tower-teams-viii‎

message 13: by Jammin Jenny (new)

Jammin Jenny (jamminjenny) | 4184 comments Thanks Audrey Jane. Appreciate the link.

Yes, we will need links to your TT shelf so please post that information when you check in.

message 14: by Louise (new)

Louise | 3204 comments Welcome all I’m Louise from South Wales and am pretty much a challenge addict. I haven’t read any Terry Pratchett but I have managed to reserve the 3 BOM so will be participating for those bonus points. I have a wide variety of tastes in books and love nothing more than finding a book that fits as many challenges as possible. The best I have ever come up with is 1 book to 7 challenges, and yes I am in that many team/partner challenges at any one time if not more.

Since the start of the pandemic last year I have been working from home and have found audiobooks a welcome substitute for office noise. I am finding that I am reading a book a day on audio whereas a print or ebook will take me 2-3 days.

As TT is all about the pages I have been saving some juicy books for this:
Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell 1006pg
Chain of Iron 591pgs
The Sinner 512pgs

As well as the discworld BOMs I will also be doing the regular BOMs for points.

I will be sending out friend requests over the next 24hours please accept them when they come through. It will make checking books easier. 😀

My shelf
Discworld TT8

message 15: by Fi (new)

Fi | 324 comments Hi everyone! (👋 Jenny!)

While I love fantasy I'm not familiar with the Discworld books, since I prefer m/m romance. Great team name, though. 😄 So I'll be focusing on the mini challenges, and I do have a few big books I really want to get to. Not entirely sure how the Jackanory will work yet, but it does look fun!

My shelf: tower teams 8

message 16: by Jammin Jenny (new)

Jammin Jenny (jamminjenny) | 4184 comments Hi Filipa! It's nice to be on the same team again :)

message 17: by Rina (new)

Rina | 650 comments Hi everyone,
I am Rina from Switzerland. I haven't read the Discworld series, though I've heard much good about this series. And I love Terry Pratchett's Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch, so I'll have to read Discworld sometime.

My shelf: Link

message 18: by Cilla (new)

Cilla (cillafleig) | 224 comments Hello everyone,

I am Cilla from just southwest of St. Louis, Missouri (USA). I just joined Goodreads in January and have already collected over 2,000 books on my to-read list. I am sure list will continue to grow. We likely all have the same problem, so many books with so little time to read them.

This will be my first Tower Team and I am looking forward to getting started.

I am still learning how to do links and such. There is likely a more tidy way to do the link, but I think you will be able to access my tt8 shelf just the same.

message 19: by Audrey Jane (new)

Audrey Jane | 1707 comments Welcome, Cilla ! Wow, 2 000, that's impressive. I 'try' to keep my TBR list manageable and sometimes delete books but they increase again during these kind of reading challenges ;)

I think except for Rina I haven't been on a team with any of you yet. But some of you I have seen around. I recognize Louise cute little dog :) and Jenny as well.
Like Filipa, I'm slightly puzzled by the Jackanory but I'm very curious how it will turn out. Looking forward to play with all of you.

message 20: by Geri (new)

Geri Hi Team!

I’m very excited to be playing Towers! This is my third time playing, I believe. I live near Chicago in the U.S.. I read pretty much any genre except non fiction. I’ve never read or even heard of Discworld. But I love the name of our team! 😁 I am ready for a flexible challenge like TT. I do have some big books I’d like to get to. And I will help out with the bingo game and jackanory. Like everyone else, I am not sure exactly what to do. I’ll also try to participate in the BOM if I can.

Welcome, Cilla! A first timer. 🙂 I totally agree there isn’t enough time to read all the books. I don’t try to anymore. I just have fun reading!

My shelf for TT:

message 21: by Carrie (new)

Carrie (carriele1216) | 1184 comments Hi all!

I'm Carrie from PA, close to Pittsburgh. This is my third time playing Tower Teams and I can't wait to play again.

I've never read Discworld but I grabbed the first book to get started.

I plan on reading House of Leaves
House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski for one of my big books. It comes in a little over 700 pages.

I'll try to read some BOM as well.

Looks like a great team and there are some familiar faces. Rina...I think we've done something together but I can't recall what?

Here's my link to my shelf:

Got to run as I'm moving my daughter to a new place today!

message 22: by Jammin Jenny (new)

Jammin Jenny (jamminjenny) | 4184 comments Welcome to Rina, Cilla, Geri and Carrie. I know Rina and Carrie, and look forward to getting to know Cilla and Geri. I think this is going to be a great group to play with.

message 23: by Jammin Jenny (last edited Apr 17, 2021 09:36AM) (new)

Jammin Jenny (jamminjenny) | 4184 comments Here are the big books I may be bringing to the table:

The Fireman by Joe Hill - 752 pages
Under the Dome by Stephen King - 1074 pages
The Talisman (The Talisman, #1) by Stephen King - 656 pages

I'm also going to try and read all the BOMs and participate in the DQs for bonus points!

message 24: by Carrie (new)

Carrie (carriele1216) | 1184 comments Jammin Jenny wrote: "Here are the big books I may be bringing to the table:

The Fireman by Joe Hill - 752 pages
Under the Dome by Stephen King - 1074 pages
The Talisman (The Talisman, #1) by Stephen King - 656 pages

I'm ..."

Are those all first reads for you or rereads? Great choices!

message 25: by Colleen (last edited Apr 17, 2021 02:31PM) (new)

Colleen  | 238 comments Hi Everyone! And JJ - I've played with you before and agree what a great team! :)

I guess this is only my second year - I must have missed it last time, but I swear I've been in it ~3x. Nevertheless, I'm ready to go again - patiently.

I haven't yet read any of these books but they sound unique and may have to give it a go - perfect reason to here!

message 26: by Jammin Jenny (new)

Jammin Jenny (jamminjenny) | 4184 comments Carrie wrote: "Jammin Jenny wrote: "Here are the big books I may be bringing to the table:

The Fireman by Joe Hill - 752 pages
Under the Dome by Stephen King - 1074 pages
[bookcover:The Talisman|592..."

All are re-reads, except I don't remember The Talisman very well so that will be a nice refresher.

message 27: by Jammin Jenny (new)

Jammin Jenny (jamminjenny) | 4184 comments Welcome Colleen! Nice to see you again and good to be playing with you in another challenge. I agree the books look unique. I have read Douglas Adams books Hitchhiker series, so I'm interested to see if they are something along those lines.

message 28: by Colleen (new)

Colleen  | 238 comments Jammin Jenny wrote: "Welcome Colleen! Nice to see you again and good to be playing with you in another challenge. I agree the books look unique. I have read Douglas Adams books Hitchhiker series, so I'm interested to s..."

I read the first one and enjoyed it for the most part but haven't been thinking about continuing the series - but Discworld sounds like they develop - the hard part is knowing how to start...just like my turmoil deciding between starting The Hobbit vs Lord of the Rings - therefore I haven't even started that series either.

Lindsay♫SingerOfStories♫ (lindsaysingerofstories) | 687 comments Hi everyone - stopping by quickly for now to check in. I'm Lindsay and I'm from Illinois in the US. I'm heading to bed at the moment but I wanted to stop in and say that I found the group and post my shelf. I'm excited to play. This will be my third or fourth Tower Teams round so I'm really looking forward to it! No idea about anything to do with Discworld but...I guess we'll all find out together from the sound of it! Talk soon!

My shelf: tt viii

message 30: by Melindam (last edited Apr 18, 2021 12:20AM) (new)

Melindam | 6413 comments description

Hello, Team Rob!

*waves to Jenny, Louise, Rina, Colleen* :)

Team Sam Vimes here. Thank you for inviting us for book recommendations!

Personally I recommend the following books

- All the City Watch books of Discworld, of course! :)


The Goblin Emperor (The Goblin Emperor, #1) by Katherine Addison - a lovely fantasy book with coming-of-age, political intrigue and some whodunit plots.

The Shuttle by Frances Hodgson Burnett by Frances Hodgson Burnett. This is an unworthily neglected classic story about British-American high-society intermarriages at the turn of the century with excellent psychological character studies & a great love story.

Practical Magic (Practical Magic, #1) by Alice Hoffman by Alice Hoffman
It's different than the movie with Sandra Bullock and Nicole Kidman, but very enjoyable.

message 31: by Melindam (new)

Melindam | 6413 comments In turn, please also drop by again with some book recommendations of your own. Thank you. :)

message 32: by Louise (new)

Louise | 3204 comments Good morning all. Glad to see so many of you have found your way. I think this is probably my third maybe 4th TT. It’s great for all readers and I love the creativity of the mini games.

@Cilla that’s an impressive TBR, when I joined GR nearly ten years ago, where did the time go, mine was around the 1k Mark then I discovered freebies. I get a daily e-mail with free books to download so not matter how much I read my TBR keeps growing currently just under 7000 books. On a positive I can generally find something to fit the more obscure tasks in challenges.

@Audrey than you, she’s a 4yr old spaniel/daschund cross who still thinks she’s a puppy. She’s been my strength over the last year, my partner of 18 years passed away suddenly last summer, and she gives me a reason to get through each day.

I had my first COVID vaccine yesterday and other than a sore arm I feel fine. 🤞

message 33: by Louise (new)

Louise | 3204 comments Melindam wrote: "

Hello, Team Rob!

*waves to Jenny, Louise, Rina, Colleen* :)

Team Sam Vimes here. Thank you for inviting us for book recommendations!

Personally I recommend the following books

- All the City..."

👋 Thanks for the recs, my TBR is growing 🤭

message 34: by Louise (new)

Louise | 3204 comments Posted recs in Team Sam Vines

message 35: by Geri (last edited Apr 18, 2021 06:32AM) (new)

Geri Oh good! Book recommendations. 😁

I do have an FYI for anyone considering the May BOMs. I found both available on hoopla and overdrive. YAY! At first, I couldn’t find The Foundling. Because it is also titled The Lost Orphan.

Louise - I noticed you will be reading Chain of Iron. I will be too. Loved the first book. Also, so sorry for your loss! It’s good to be playing in another challenge with you. And really looking forward to chatting with everyone!

message 36: by Audrey Jane (new)

Audrey Jane | 1707 comments @Louise: I'm truly sorry for your loss! Sending strength your way. I concur pets are just the best.

I saw Jenny nominated The Once and Future Witches by Alix E. Harrow (525 pages) for June BOM, I was planning to read it during this TT so will vote on that one.

Re: Discworld: If it can help I'm using the reading guide Stacie posted in the Mended Drum - this one

I've just read Wyrd Sisters (book 6 in Discworld - book 2 in the Witches sub-series), it's a quick, fun fantasy read with laugh out loud moments. It wasn't difficult to follow despite not having read the previous books.

message 37: by Louise (last edited Apr 18, 2021 01:22PM) (new)

Louise | 3204 comments BOMs and team recommendations are linked above for ease.

message 38: by Yasmine (new)

Yasmine (swissbookworm) | 474 comments Hello! I'm Yasmine from Switzerland and this is my first time participating in Tower Teams. i'm still trying to get an overview over the challenges and BOMs and then make another comment here on what I plan and try to accomplish. :)

message 39: by Jammin Jenny (new)

Jammin Jenny (jamminjenny) | 4184 comments Welcome Lindsay and Yasmine. I'm so glad you found your way to our thread!

Yasmine, when you get a chance please post a link to your TT shelf.

message 40: by Yasmine (new)

Yasmine (swissbookworm) | 474 comments Jammin Jenny wrote: "Welcome Lindsay and Yasmine. I'm so glad you found your way to our thread!

Yasmine, when you get a chance please post a link to your TT shelf."

Yes, here it is:

I put it in the survey though, so not quite sure why that didn't work. sorry!

message 41: by Yasmine (new)

Yasmine (swissbookworm) | 474 comments Louise wrote: "Welcome all I’m Louise from South Wales and am pretty much a challenge addict. I haven’t read any Terry Pratchett but I have managed to reserve the 3 BOM so will be participating for those bonus po..."

I hope you'll enjoy Chain of Iron! I just finished it a couple of weeks ago and I absolutely loved it!

I am going to read The Dark Artifices in the next months, so I'm hoping to use those for some prompts :)

message 42: by Yasmine (new)

Yasmine (swissbookworm) | 474 comments Rina wrote: "Hi everyone,
I am Rina from Switzerland. I haven't read the Discworld series, though I've heard much good about this series. And I love Terry Pratchett's [book:Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate Pr..."

Hii! It's great to see a fellow Swiss person on this team :D

message 43: by Cilla (new)

Cilla (cillafleig) | 224 comments Pretty Girls by Karin Slaughter 575 pages

Doctor Zhivago by Boris Pasternak 700 pages

Red Storm Rising by Tom Clancy 830 pages (the old paperback I have)

Five Families The Rise, Decline, and Resurgence of America's Most Powerful Mafia Empires by Selwyn Raab 816 pages

The Cases That Haunt Us by John E. Douglas 512 pages

The Lost Symbol (Robert Langdon, #3) by Dan Brown 670 pages

I won't finish all of these, but they are some longish books I want to read in the near future.

message 44: by Rina (new)

Rina | 650 comments Carrie wrote: "Rina...I think we've done something together but I can't recall what?"

I think we've been on the same team in some other team challenge in this group, but I can't remember which one too :-)

message 45: by Rina (last edited Apr 19, 2021 05:59AM) (new)

Rina | 650 comments Yasmine wrote: "Hii! It's great to see a fellow Swiss person on this team :D

Hoi, Yasmine!
I know, right? I think I have never been on the same team with another person from Switzerland; Germany and other European countries yes, but not Switzerland :-)

I live in Thurgau, btw.

message 46: by Rina (last edited Apr 19, 2021 05:58AM) (new)

Rina | 650 comments Cilla wrote: "Pretty Girls by Karin Slaughter 575 pages

Doctor Zhivago by Boris Pasternak 700 pages

Red Storm Rising by Tom Clancy 830 pages (the old paperback I have)

[bookcover:Five Families: The ..."

I liked Pretty Girls, it has some very graphic violence, but if it doesn't bother you, then I'd definitely recommend it.

message 47: by Geri (new)

Geri Audrey Jane wrote: "@Louise: I'm truly sorry for your loss! Sending strength your way. I concur pets are just the best.

I saw Jenny nominated The Once and Future Witches by Alix E. Harrow (525 pages) for June BOM,..."

I will definitely vote for The Once and Future Witches too. It’s on my tbr and will give me a reason to finally read it.

message 48: by Geri (new)

Geri I just looked at the tasks list, bingo and jackanory. Will we be working on them all at once during TT? Or concentrating on one at a time? Do we use book titles for jackanory? And for bingo, do we find books that best represent the pictures? It should be fun working on them!

message 49: by Yasmine (new)

Yasmine (swissbookworm) | 474 comments Rina wrote: "Yasmine wrote: "Hii! It's great to see a fellow Swiss person on this team :D

Hoi, Yasmine!
I know, right? I think I have never been on the same team with another person from Switzerland; Germany..."

Hellü! Yeah I'm also always very surprised in the rare occasion to see other Swiss people on Goodreads no matter in which group. Ah nice! I live in Züri Unterland (but no prejudice please :P I'm not a Zurich city person)

message 50: by Yasmine (new)

Yasmine (swissbookworm) | 474 comments Geri wrote: "I just looked at the tasks list, bingo and jackanory. Will we be working on them all at once during TT? Or concentrating on one at a time? Do we use book titles for jackanory? And for bingo, do we ..."

I'm still very confused about the jackanory part. Can somebody maybe try and explain this to me again?

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