As of December 8th 2020, Goodreads no longer issues new developer keys for our public developer API and plans to retire the current version of these tools. You can find more information here.
The Goodreads API allows developers access to Goodreads data in order to help websites or applications that deal with books be more personalized, social, and engaging. The API can be used in many ways, including:
- Goodreads Connect: Let members connect to their Goodreads accounts, and you'll have full access to the books in their shelves, their ratings, their reviews, and their friends – the social reading graph. Use this to personalize an ecommerce store, power recommendations, show a widget of a member's favorite books, build a mobile or desktop client app, and more. Learn more about Goodreads Connect.
Getting Started
- Most API methods require you to have for a developer key. As of December 8th 2020, Goodreads no longer issues new developer keys for our public developer API and plans to retire the current version of these tools. You can find more information here.
- All developers using the API must adhere to the Goodreads API Terms & Conditions.
- Read examples about how to use the API.
- For questions and discussion, visit the Developer Group or contact us.
API Methods
auth.user —
Get id of user who authorized OAuth.
author.books —
Paginate an author's books. —
Get info about an author by id.
author_following.create —
Follow an author.
author_following.destroy —
Unfollow an author. —
Show author following information.
book.isbn_to_id —
Get Goodreads book IDs given ISBNs.
book.id_to_work_id —
Get Goodreads work IDs given Goodreads book IDs.
book.review_counts —
Get review statistics given a list of ISBNs. —
Get the reviews for a book given a Goodreads book id.
book.show_by_isbn —
Get the reviews for a book given an ISBN.
book.title —
Get the reviews for a book given a title string.
comment.create —
Create a comment.
comment.list —
List comments on a subject.
fanship.create —
Become fan of an author. DEPRECATED.
fanship.destroy —
Stop being fan of an author. DEPRECATED. —
Show fanship information. DEPRECATED.
followers.create —
Follow a user.
followers.destroy —
Unfollow a user.
friend.confirm_request —
Confirm or decline a friend request.
friend.requests —
Get friend requests.
friends.create —
Add a friend.
group.join —
Join a group.
group.list —
List groups for a given user.
group.members —
Return members of a particular group. —
Find a group. —
Get info about a group by id. —
Get the listopia lists for a given book.
notifications —
See the current user's notifications.
owned_books.destroy —
Delete an owned book.
quotes.create —
Add a quote.
rating.create —
Like a resource.
rating.destroy —
Unlike a resource. —
Get a user's read status. —
Get a recommendation from a user to another user.
review.create —
Add review.
review.edit —
Edit a review.
review.destroy —
Delete a book review.
reviews.list —
Get the books on a members shelf. —
Get a review.
review.show_by_user_and_book —
Get a user's review for a given book.
search.authors —
Find an author by name.
search.books —
Find books by title, author, or ISBN. —
See a series.
series.list —
See all series by an author. —
See all series a work is in.
shelves.add_to_shelf —
Add a book to a shelf.
shelves.add_books_to_shelves —
Add books to many shelves.
shelves.list —
Get a user's shelves.
topic.create —
Create a new topic via OAuth.
topic.group_folder —
Get list of topics in a group's folder. —
Get info about a topic by id.
topic.unread_group —
Get a list of topics with unread comments.
updates.friends —
Get your friend updates.
user_shelves.create —
Add book shelf.
user_shelves.update —
Edit book shelf. —
Get info about a member by id or username. —
Compare books with another member.
user.followers —
Get a user's followers.
user.following —
Get people a user is following.
user.friends —
Get a user's friends.
user_status.create —
Update user status.
user_status.destroy —
Delete user status. —
Get a user status.
user_status.index —
View user statuses.
work.editions —
See all editions by work.
Links & Widgets
book links —
how to build proper links to Goodreads pages.
add to my books widget —
allow users to add books to their Goodreads shelf from your site.
reviews widget —
embed Goodreads book reviews on your site with an iframe.
share a link —
allow members to share a book related link from your site.
members widgets —
let members show off their favorite books, quotes, etc.
logo & images —
link to Goodreads with these image of our logo, "g" badges, and bookmark images.
API Documentation
Get id of user who authorized OAuth
Get an xml response with the Goodreads user_id for the user who authorized access using OAuth. You'll need to register your app (required).URL:
HTTP method: GET
Paginate an author's books
Get an xml response with a paginated list of an authors books.URL: (sample url)
HTTP method: GET
- key: Developer key (required).
- id: Goodreads Author id (required)
- page: 1-N (default 1)
Get info about an author by id
Get an xml response with info about an author.URL: (sample url)
HTTP method: GET
- key: Developer key (required).
- id: Goodreads Author id.
Follow an author
Make the signed-in user follow an author using OAuth. You'll need to register your app (required).URL:
HTTP method: POST
Unfollow an author
Unfollow an author using OAuth. You'll need to register your app (required).URL:
Show author following information
Get an xml response using OAuth describing the association between a user and an author. You'll need to register your app (required).URL:
HTTP method: GET
Get Goodreads book IDs given ISBNs
Get Goodreads book IDs given one or more ISBNs. Response contains IDs without any markup.URL: (sample url)
HTTP method: GET
- key: Developer key (required).
- isbn: ISBNs of books to look up.
Get Goodreads work IDs given Goodreads book IDs
Get Goodreads work IDs given one or more Goodreads book IDs. Response contains work IDs without any markup.URL: (sample url)
HTTP method: GET
- key: Developer key (required).
- id: Book IDs of books to look up.
Get review statistics given a list of ISBNs
Get review statistics for books given a list of ISBNs. ISBNs can be specified as an array (e.g. isbns[]=0441172717&isbns;[]=0141439602) or a single, comma-separated string (e.g. isbns=0441172717,0141439602). You can mix ISBN10s and ISBN13s, but you'll receive a 422 error if you don't specify any, and you'll receive a 404 if none are found.URL: (sample url)
HTTP method: GET
- key: Developer key (required).
- isbns: Array of ISBNs or a comma separated string of ISBNs (1000 ISBNs per request max.)
- format: json
- callback: function to wrap JSON response
Get the reviews for a book given a Goodreads book id
Get an XML or JSON response that contains embed code for the iframe reviews widget. The reviews widget shows an excerpt (first 300 characters) of the most popular reviews of a book for a given internal Goodreads book_id. Reviews of all known editions of the book are included.XML responses also include shelves and book meta-data (title, author, et cetera). The Goodreads API gives you full access to Goodreads-owned meta-data, but it does not give you full access to book meta-data supplied by third parties such as Ingram. Book cover images, descriptions, and other data from third party sources might be excluded, because we do not have a license to distribute these data via our API.
If you need book meta-data beyond what our API provides, consider signing up for an Amazon developer key.
URL: (sample url)
HTTP method: GET
- format: xml or json
- key: Developer key (required).
- id: A Goodreads internal book_id
- text_only: Only show reviews that have text (default false)
- rating: Show only reviews with a particular rating (optional)
Get the reviews for a book given an ISBN
Get an xml or json response that contains embed code for the iframe reviews widget that shows excerpts (first 300 characters) of the most popular reviews of a book for a given ISBN. The reviews are from all known editions of the book.URL: (sample url)
HTTP method: GET
- format: xml or json
- callback: function to wrap JSON response if format=json
- key: Developer key (required only for XML).
- user_id: USER_ID (required only for JSON)
- isbn: The ISBN of the book to lookup.
- rating: Show only reviews with a particular rating (optional)
Example code for using json with callback:
<script type="text/javascript"> function myCallback(result) { alert('nb of reviews for book: ' +; } var scriptTag = document.createElement('script'); scriptTag.src = ""; document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(scriptTag); </script>
Get the reviews for a book given a title string
Get an xml response that contains embed code for the iframe reviews widget, which shows an excerpt (first 300 characters) of the most popular reviews of a book for a given title/author. The book shown will be the most popular book that matches all the keywords in the input string. The reviews are from all known editions of the book.URL: (sample url)
HTTP method: GET
- format: xml or json
- key: Developer key (required).
- title: The title of the book to lookup.
- author: The author name of the book to lookup. This is optional, but is recommended for accuracy.
- rating: Show only reviews with a particular rating (optional)
Create a comment
Creates a new comment. You'll need to register your app (required).URL:
HTTP method: POST
- type: one of 'author_blog_post', 'author_following', 'blog', 'book_news_post', 'comment', 'community_answer', 'friend', 'giveaway', 'giveaway_request', 'group_user', 'interview', 'librarian_note', 'link_collection', 'list', 'owned_book', 'photo', 'poll', 'poll_vote', 'queued_item', 'rating', 'read_status', 'recommendation', 'recommendation_request', 'reading_year', 'review', 'review_proxy', 'services/models/reading_note', 'sharing', 'topic', 'user', 'user_challenge', 'user_following', 'user_list_challenge', 'user_list_vote', 'user_quote', 'user_status', 'video'
- id: Id of resource given as type param
- comment[body]: This review was really insightful!
List comments on a subject
Lists commentsURL: (sample url)
HTTP method: GET
- type: one of 'author_blog_post', 'author_following', 'blog', 'book_news_post', 'comment', 'community_answer', 'friend', 'giveaway', 'giveaway_request', 'group_user', 'interview', 'librarian_note', 'link_collection', 'list', 'owned_book', 'photo', 'poll', 'poll_vote', 'queued_item', 'rating', 'read_status', 'recommendation', 'recommendation_request', 'reading_year', 'review', 'review_proxy', 'services/models/reading_note', 'sharing', 'topic', 'user', 'user_challenge', 'user_following', 'user_list_challenge', 'user_list_vote', 'user_quote', 'user_status', 'video'
- id: Id of resource given as type param
- page: 1-N (optional, default 1)
Become fan of an author. DEPRECATED
Make the signed-in user become a fan of an author using OAuth. You'll need to register your app (required). This method is DEPRECATED and uses author_following data. Please migrate to author_following.create before July 1st, 2015.URL:
HTTP method: POST
- fanship[author_id]: id of the author (required)
Stop being fan of an author. DEPRECATED
Stop being a fan of an author using OAuth. You'll need to register your app (required). This method is DEPRECATED and uses author_following data. Please migrate to author_following.destroy before July 1st, 2015.URL:
Show fanship information. DEPRECATED
Get an xml response using OAuth describing the association between a user and an author. You'll need to register your app (required). This method is DEPRECATED and uses author_following data. Please migrate to before July 1st, 2015.URL:
HTTP method: GET
Follow a user
Start following a user using OAuth. You'll need to register your app (required).URL:
HTTP method: POST
- USER_ID: Goodreads user id of user to follow
Unfollow a user
Stop following a user using OAuth. You'll need to register your app (required).URL:
- USER_ID: Goodreads user id of the user you want to stop following
Confirm or decline a friend request
Confirm or decline a friend request for the current user using OAuth. You'll need to register your app (required).URL:
HTTP method: POST
- id: friend request id
- response: Y or N
Get friend requests
Returns a XML with the current user's friend requests 'using OAuth. You'll need to register your app (required).URL:
HTTP method: GET
- page: 1-N page of results to show (optional, default 1)
Add a friend
Sends a friend request to a user using OAuth. You'll need to register your app (required).URL:
HTTP method: POST
- id: Goodreads user id for friend
Join a group
Let the current user join a given group using OAuth. You'll need to register your app (required).URL:
HTTP method: POST
- id: id of the group (required)
- format: xml (required)
List groups for a given user
Returns xml list of groups the user specified by id belongs toURL: (sample url)
HTTP method: GET
- sort: One of 'my_activity', 'members', 'last_activity', 'title' ('members' will sort by number of members in the group)
- key: Developer key (required).
Return members of a particular group
Returns an XML list of members of the groupURL: (sample url)
HTTP method: GET
- sort: One of 'last_online', 'num_comments', 'date_joined', 'num_books', 'first_name'
- q: List of names to search for, separating each name with a space character. Optional, will find all members by default
- page: Which page of results to show (default 1)
- key: Developer key (required).
Find a group
Search group titles and descriptions for the given stringURL: (sample url)
HTTP method: GET
- q: The query string
- page: page number (optional, default 1)
- key: Developer key (required).
Get info about a group by id
XML version of group/showURL: (sample url)
HTTP method: GET
- sort: Field to sort topics by. One of 'comments_count', 'title', 'updated_at', 'views'
- order: 'a' for ascending, 'd' for descending
- key: Developer key (required).
Get the listopia lists for a given book
XML version of list/book. This API requires extra permission please contact usURL: (sample url)
HTTP method: GET
- key: Developer key (required).
See the current user's notifications
Viewing any new notifications here will mark them as 'viewed'. using OAuthURL: /notifications.xml (sample url)
HTTP method: GET
- page: 1-N page number (optional, default 1)
Delete an owned book
Deletes a book a user owns using OAuth. You'll need to register your app (required).URL:
HTTP method: POST
- id: id of the owned book record
Add a quote
Add a quote using OAuth. If you don't specify an author_id, it will try to look one up based on the author_name you provide. You'll need to register your app (required).URL:
HTTP method: POST
- quote[author_name]: Name of the quote author (required)
- quote[author_id]: id of the author
- quote[book_id]: id of the book from which the quote was taken
- quote[body]: The quote! (required)
- quote[tags]: Comma-separated tags
- isbn: ISBN of the book from which the quote was taken. This will not override the book_id if it was provided
Like a resource
Like a resource (e.g. review or status update) using OAuth. You'll need to register your app (required).URL:
HTTP method: POST
- rating[rating]: 1 (required)
- rating[resource_id]: id of the resource being liked (required)
- rating[resource_type]: camel case name of the resource type (e.g. UserStatus, Review) (required)
Unlike a resource
Unlike a resource (e.g. review or status update) using OAuth. You'll need to register your app (required).URL:
- id: rating id
Get a user's read status
Get information about a read status update.URL:
HTTP method: GET
- key: Developer key (required).
- id: read status id
Get a recommendation from a user to another user
Get information about a particular recommendation that one user made for another using OAuth. Includes comments and likes. You'll need to register your app (required).URL:
HTTP method: GET
- id: recomendation id
Add review
Add book reviews for members using OAuth. You'll need to register your app (required).URL:
HTTP method: POST
- book_id: Goodreads book_id (required)
- review[review]: Text of the review (optional)
- review[rating]: Rating (0-5) (optional, default is 0 (No rating))
- review[read_at]: Date (YYYY-MM-DD format, e.g. 2008-02-01) (optional)
- shelf: read|currently-reading|to-read|<USER SHELF NAME> (optional, must exist, see: shelves.list)
Edit a review
Edit a book review using OAuth. You'll need to register your app (required). This method should be called with a PUT request but we support POST as well.URL:
HTTP method: PUT
- id: Review Id
- review[review]: Text of the review (optional)
- review[rating]: Rating (0-5) (optional, default is 0 (No rating))
- review[read_at]: Date (YYYY-MM-DD format, e.g. 2008-02-01) (optional)
- finished: true to mark finished reading (optional)
- shelf: read|currently-reading|to-read|<USER SHELF NAME> (optional, must exist, see: shelves.list)
Delete a book review
Deletes a book review using OAuth. You'll need to register your app (required). This method should be called with a DELETE request but we support POST as well.URL:
- id: Review Id
Get the books on a members shelf
Get the books on a members shelf. Customize the feed with the below variables. Viewing members with profiles who have set them as visible to members only or just their friends requires using OAuth.URL: (sample url)
HTTP method: GET
- v: 2
- id: Goodreads id of the user
- shelf: read, currently-reading, to-read, etc. (optional)
- sort: title, author, cover, rating, year_pub, date_pub, date_pub_edition, date_started, date_read, date_updated, date_added, avg_rating, num_ratings, review, read_count, votes, random, comments, notes, isbn, isbn13, asin, num_pages, format, position, shelves, owned (optional)
- search[query]: query text to match against member's books (optional)
- order: a, d (optional)
- page: 1-N (optional)
- per_page: 1-200 (optional)
- key: Developer key (required).
Get a review
Get an xml response that contains the review and ratingURL: (sample url)
HTTP method: GET
- key: Developer key (required).
- id: id of the review
- page: 1-N. The page number of comments. (default 1, optional)
Get a user's review for a given book
Get an xml response that contains the review and rating for the specified book and userURL: (sample url)
HTTP method: GET
- key: Developer key (required).
- user_id: id of the user
- book_id: id of the book
- include_review_on_work: 'true' or 'false' indicating whether to return a review for another book in the same work if review not found for the specified book (default 'false', optional)
Find an author by name
Get an xml response with the Goodreads url for the given author name.URL:<ID> (sample url)
HTTP method: GET
- id: Author name
- key: Developer key (required).
Find books by title, author, or ISBN
Get an xml response with the most popular books for the given query. This will search all books in the title/author/ISBN fields and show matches, sorted by popularity on Goodreads. There will be cases where a result is shown on the Goodreads site, but not through the API. This happens when the result is an Amazon-only edition and we have to honor Amazon's terms of service.URL: (sample url)
HTTP method: GET
- q: The query text to match against book title, author, and ISBN fields. Supports boolean operators and phrase searching.
- page: Which page to return (default 1, optional)
- key: Developer key (required).
- search[field]: Field to search, one of 'title', 'author', or 'all' (default is 'all')
See a series
Info on a seriesURL: (sample url)
HTTP method: GET
See all series by an author
List of all series by an authorURL: /series/list?format=xml&id=AUTHOR_ID (sample url)
HTTP method: GET
See all series a work is in
List of all series a work is inURL: (sample url)
HTTP method: GET
Add a book to a shelf
Add a book to a shelf using OAuth. This method can also be used to remove from shelf. You'll need to register your app (required).URL:
HTTP method: POST
- name: Name of the shelf (see: shelves.list)
- book_id: id of the book to add to the shelf
- a: Leave this blank unless you're removing from a shelf. If removing, set this to 'remove'. (optional)
Add books to many shelves
Add a list of books to many current user's shelves using OAuth. You'll need to register your app (required).URL:
HTTP method: POST
- bookids: comma-separated list of book ids
- shelves: comma-separated list of shelf names
Get a user's shelves
Lists shelves for a userURL: (sample url)
HTTP method: GET
- key: Developer key (required).
- user_id: Goodreads user id (required)
- page: 1-N (default 1)
Create a new topic via OAuth
Create a new topic using OAuth. You'll need to register your app (required).URL:
HTTP method: POST
- topic[subject_type]: Either 'Book' or 'Group'. If 'Book', the book the topic is about. If 'Group', the group that the topic belongs to. (required)
- topic[subject_id]: The id for the subject the topic belongs to, either book_id or group_id, as appropriate (required)
- topic[folder_id]: If the subject is a group, you can supply a folder id to add the topic to. Be sure that the folder belongs to the group. By default, if the subject_type is 'Group', then the topic will be added to the 'general' folder
- topic[title]: Title for the topic (required)
- topic[question_flag]: Indicates whether the topic is a discussion question ('1') or not ('0'). Default is 0 (non-question)
- comment[body_usertext]: The text of the comment that starts the topic thread. Can include Goodreads book/author tags of the form [book:Title|ID] (required)
- update_feed: Indicates whether the comment for the new topic should be added to the user's update feed. To enable, set to 'on'; otherwise, default is not to add to update feed
- digest: Indicates whether the user would like to receive an email when someone replies to the topic (user will get one email only). To enable, set to 'on'; otherwise, default is not to add to update feed
Get list of topics in a group's folder
Returns a list of topics in a group's folder specified either by folder id or by group id.URL: (sample url)
HTTP method: GET
- group_id: If supplied and id is set to 0, then will return topics from the general folder for the group indicated by group_id. If id is non-zero, this param is ignored. Note: may return 404 if there are no topics in the general folder for the specified group
- page: Page in results to show, 1-N (default 1)
- sort: One of 'comments_count', 'title', 'updated_at', 'views'
- order: 'a' for ascending, 'd' for descending
- key: Developer key (required).
Get info about a topic by id
XML version of topic/showURL: (sample url)
HTTP method: GET
- key: Developer key (required).
Get a list of topics with unread comments
Get a list of topics from a specified group that have comments added since the last time the user viewed the topic using OAuth. You'll need to register your app (required).URL: (sample url)
HTTP method: GET
- viewed: Indicates whether to show topics user has viewed before or not. Default is to include all topics; set this param to 'true' or '1' to restrict to only topics the user has already viewed
- page: Page in results to show, 1-N (default 1)
- sort: One of 'comments_count', 'title', 'updated_at', 'views'
- order: 'a' for ascending, 'd' for descending
Get your friend updates
Get your friend updates (the same data you see on your homepage) using OAuth. You'll need to register your app (required).URL:
HTTP method: GET
- update: Type of update. Valid values are: books, reviews, statuses. (optional, default all)
- update_filter: Which updates to show. Options are: friends (default - includes followers), following, top_friends. (optional)
- max_updates: The max limit of updates. (optional)
Add book shelf
Add book shelves for members using OAuth. You'll need to register your app (required).URL:
HTTP method: POST
- user_shelf[name]: Name of the new shelf
- user_shelf[exclusive_flag]: 'true' or 'false' (optional, default false)
- user_shelf[sortable_flag]: 'true' or 'false' (optional, default false)
- user_shelf[featured]: 'true' or 'false' (optional, default false)
Edit book shelf
Edit a shelf using OAuth. You'll need to register your app (required).URL:
HTTP method: PUT
- user_shelf[name]: Name of the new shelf
- user_shelf[exclusive_flag]: 'true' or 'false' (optional, default false)
- user_shelf[sortable_flag]: 'true' or 'false' (optional, default false)
- user_shelf[featured]: 'true' or 'false' (optional, default false)
Get info about a member by id or username
Get an xml response with the public information about the given Goodreads user.URL: (sample url)
HTTP method: GET
- key: Developer key (required).
- id: Goodreads user id.
- username: Goodreads user name (not first name). Usernames are optional on Goodreads.
Compare books with another member
Get an xml response with stats comparing your books to another member's using OAuth. You'll need to register your app (required).URL:
HTTP method: GET
- id: Goodreads user_id you want to compare books to
Get a user's followers
Get an xml response with the given user's followers using OAuth.URL: (sample url)
HTTP method: GET
- key: Developer key (required).
- page: 1-N (optional, default 1)
Get people a user is following
Get an xml response with people the given user is following using OAuth.URL: (sample url)
HTTP method: GET
- key: Developer key (required).
- page: 1-N (optional, default 1)
Get a user's friends
Get an xml response with the given user's friends using OAuth.URL: (sample url)
HTTP method: GET
- id: Goodreads user_id (required)
- page: 1-N (optional, default 1)
- sort: first_name|date_added|last_online (optional)
Update user status
Add status updates for members using OAuth. You'll need to register your app (required).URL:
HTTP method: POST
- user_status[book_id]: id of the book being reviewed (optional)
- user_status[page]: page of the book (optional)
- user_status[percent]: percent complete (use instead of page if appropriate)
- user_status[body]: status update (required, unless page or percent is present, then it is optional)
Delete user status
Delete a status update for a member using OAuth. You'll need to register your app (required).URL:
HTTP method: POST
Get a user status
Get information about a user status update.URL:
HTTP method: GET
- key: Developer key (required).
- id: user status id
View user statuses
View most recent user statuses on the site.URL:
HTTP method: GET
See all editions by work
List of all the available editions of a particular work. This API requires extra permission please contact usURL: /work/editions/WORK_ID?format=xml (sample url)
HTTP method: GET
- key: Developer key (required).
Book Links
- by ISBN:
- add a review:
- by author: