
Seth Meyers: Trump Stuns World With Threat to Encourage Russia to Attack NATO Allies

56William Lewis
14 minutes ago
re: #55 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light)) Did it one year in Nuremburg and the next in Munich. Both hangovers were worse than the one from Octoberfest and the ... adult entertainments in Nuremburg are better than the ...

In the months ahead, criminal ex-president Donald Trump will be blurting out one increasingly horrible statement after another to get media attention, and it will work every goddamned time. It’s going to get very bad. The latest? He’s reiterating his threats to wreck NATO, based on his weird, distorted, …

Seth Meyers: Scaramucci Says Trump May Need to Liquidate Assets if Forced to Pay $350 Million Penalty

5 days ago
re: #307 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light)) Sounds very interesting! And, as you point out, there is generally not much reason to shoot things or people in the 'burbs (in my case) or villages (in your case) these ...

Seth Meyers: Fox Forced to Admit Biden Economy Is Booming; Biden Calls Trump a “Sick F*ck”

We are living in weird times dominated by weird people who talk about weird shit
6 days ago
re: #330 A hollow voice says: Abort SCOTUS Thank you! I just booked a trip on Spirit and would prefer not to be any more phobic about flying than usual.