Fox News Outraged That Migrants Wear Clean Clothes

Fox News is attacking desperate migrant families for the supposed sin of wearing clean clothes. BILL MELUGIN (CORRESPONDENT): What you’re looking at is the border wall off in the distance. That is the area where all these illegal immigrants have been popping through in recent days. There are different gaps in the wall and then … Read more

GOP Judge Who Pushed Alabama IVF Ban Appeared On QAnon Talk Show

Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Tom Parker, who pushed the state’s new ban on in vitro fertilization (IVF) appeared on a streaming show pushing the debunked QAnon conspiracy theory. During a recent interview on the program of self-proclaimed “prophet” and QAnon conspiracy theorist Johnny Enlow, Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Tom Parker indicated that he … Read more

Biden Hails Ukraine Bravery Ahead Of Two Year Anniversary Of Russian Invasion

President Joe Biden released a statement praising the Ukrainian people ahead of the two year anniversary of Russia’s unprovoked attack on the nation: Statement from President Joe Biden Ahead of the Two-Year Anniversary of Russia’s Brutal Assault Against Ukraine Two years ago tomorrow, shortly before dawn, Russian missiles began exploding near the capital city of … Read more

Fox News Tries To Hide GOP’s IVF Ban

Fox News is trying to hide the news of the Republican ban on in vitro fertilization (IVF). You can tell that the all-Republican Alabama Supreme Court’s Friday ruling that frozen embryos are legally equivalent to children is bad news for the GOP because the party’s propagandists at Fox News aren’t talking about it. According to … Read more

Georgia Republicans Push Book, Sex Ed Ban

Republicans in Georgia are now pushing to ban sex ed and several books that are available. Republican senators in Georgia want to cull sexually explicit books from schools, ban sex education for younger students, display the Ten Commandments in classrooms and allow religious chaplains to counsel teachers and students. The measures, which passed Senate committees … Read more

GOP Pundit Wants IVF Doctors Arrested

Conservative pundit Michael Knowles is calling for doctors providing IVF care to be arrested: MICHAEL KNOWLES (HOST): Doctors are proceeding with illegal IVF sales in Alabama. You remember, I mentioned on the show yesterday, it was a wonderful story out of Alabama. The Alabama Supreme Court pointed out that human beings are human beings from … Read more

Judge Orders Trump’s ‘My Pillow’ Guy To Pay Out $5 Million

Mike Lindell, the “My Pillow” guy who promoted insane pro-Trump conspiracy theories, is now being ordered to pay up $5 million. Lindell, a prominent election denier and staunch supporter of former president Donald Trump, claimed to have data showing Chinese interference in the 2020 race. If someone could “Prove Mike Wrong,” as the challenge was … Read more