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The House of Wolves

by James Patterson, Mike Lupica, Mike Lupica

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2616102,072 (3.79)2
The Wolfs, the most powerful family in California, have a new head--thirty-six-year-old former high school teacher Jenny Wolf. That means Jenny now runs the prestigious San Francisco Tribune. She also controls the legendary pro football team, the Wolves. And she hopes to solve her father's murder.--Dust jacket.… (more)

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This book was just an okay listen to me. It was promoted as this big family drama like a Yellowstone or a Succession (both shows I have not seen). I honestly just wanted to listen to it because I'm a big James Patterson fan! I didn't like any of the characters so I wasn't invested in what was going on. I didn't care who murdered Mr. Wolf, and that's really the whole point of the story. There was also A LOT of football jargon and if you're not familiar with the sport it's hard to understand what's going on. So I gave this one three stars. ( )
  TheReadingNerd | Oct 22, 2023 |
Quick read about a football family. When the father dies, the sons are shocked that the daughter inherits the voting shares and management of the football team. The brothers work against her, but she is determined to make her ownership of the NFL team work.
There are threats and murders and secrecy, as well as dirty tricks.
A thriller. ( )
  rmarcin | Sep 24, 2023 |
Good book about a family owning a football team ( )
  Rosemary1973 | Jun 6, 2023 |
James Patterson and co-writer Mike Lupica's latest collaboration is The House of Wolves. It was a page turner for me and I devoured it in a couple of days.

What's it about? Well, let's talk dysfunctional families. When Joe Wolf is murdered, his three sons expect to inherit and take control of Joe's empire. But when the will is read, it's their sister Jenny will now be in charge of it all - including the Wolves - a California NFL football team. Uh huh....it doesn't sit well with her brothers at all.

That's just from the first few chapters. What follows is a deadly game between the siblings. And others. Patterson and Lupica have done a fabulous job with the twists, turns and the 'oh my gosh, didn't see that coming' moments. And there are a lot. Not one character in the book is telling the truth. There's no way to predict which direction the plot is going to take. I really like being unable to predict how a book is going to unfold.

Jenny is a great lead - smart, savvy and strong. I was behind her all the way. But, she too kept me on my toes. To reiterate - they all lie. As readers, we see the book unfold through Jenny's point of view.

Now, we know that James Patterson writes suspense thrillers - and does it well. Add Mike Lupica's name to that list. Lupica is a sportswriter and The House of Wolves benefits greatly from his insider knowledge. Although I don't faithfully watch football, I do understand the game. Lupica brings the reader on to the turf, inside the dressing room and into the meeting rooms where deals are made and broken. He's also written many fiction titles himself.

This duo have penned an excellent story, one that kept me engaged from first page to last.

This comparison from the publisher is quite apt...a family more ruthless than Succession's Roys and Yellowstone’s Duttons." ( )
  Twink | Jan 10, 2023 |
First edition, condition:as new
  dgmathis | Mar 14, 2023 |
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Author nameRoleType of authorWork?Status
James Pattersonprimary authorall editionscalculated
Lupica, Mikemain authorall editionsconfirmed
Lupica, Mikemain authorall editionsconfirmed
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The Wolfs, the most powerful family in California, have a new head--thirty-six-year-old former high school teacher Jenny Wolf. That means Jenny now runs the prestigious San Francisco Tribune. She also controls the legendary pro football team, the Wolves. And she hopes to solve her father's murder.--Dust jacket.

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Book description
The Wolfs, the most powerful family in California, have a new head–thirty-six-year-old former high school teacher Jenny Wolf.

That means Jenny now runs the prestigious San Francisco Tribune.

She also controls the legendary pro football team, the Wolves.

And she has a murdered father to avenge—if she can survive the killers all around her.

An unforgettable family drama by two writers at the top of their craft.
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