Maybe you’re into restoring cars. Maybe you could do it for other people by making a website that shows off your work. With easy to use tools, Squarespace is designed to sell pretty much anything.
All submissions other than articles must be a direct link to a static image or gif (url must end in .jpg, .png, .gif etc.). The most reliable way to do this is to upload the image directly to Reddit.
Articles must contain more substance than just a gallery of images or an embedded video, and they must cover some current news in the art world.
You must wait at least 48 hours between posts, although no more than twice per week is better. Excessive posts/comments will be considered spam and result in a ban.
Please use rolling stickies for daily challenges or special threads.
Post these to other subreddits like r/IDAP, r/sketches and r/doodles instead. If it's an unfinished work and you need advice, instead try r/learnart or one of the dedicated subs like r/painting .
Remember you want your art to look clean and polished. Sometimes all you need is to take a better picture, or crop the picture to remove distracting elements, or enhance the contrast.
Do not Submit Work With Extraneous Objects
Just the art and nothing but the art, as if it was on display in a museum or gallery -- e.g., don't include yourself, your tools, your hands, your pets, your plants, or even a source photo. Let the art stand on its own merits.
Present your work like you really want to show it off in the best possible light. Take a good picture. Use neutral backgrounds. Frame it perfectly. And so on.
Do Not Post Memes or Low Quality Work
This rule is totally up to mod discretion. Deliberately low-effort posts will get you banned. Show that you care about presenting your artwork by taking a good photo and enhancing the contrast & color balance. Make your best first impression.
If you're not sure what you're posting is OK, message us to ask first.
We are a strictly moderated sub and do not give out warnings. Talk about the posted art and only the posted art. Bigotry, slapfights, creepy whatever, off-topic rants, or really anything that would be inappropriate in an art class, will not be tolerated and will get you banned.
If you're unsure, don't comment. Use the vote buttons and move on, or message us for clarification.
No Blogs/Social Media/Stores/Spam/Self-Promo
r/art is not a place to sell your work or grow your following. Consider r/artstore. This applies to comments and submissions. It applies to watermarks on images. It applies to almost anything even remotely "spammy".
If someone asks about buying your art, direct message them back. Do not comment.
Looking for the name of an artist or any info about a work of art? Try r/WhatIsThisPainting
Plagiarism is grounds for a permaban. If you copied someone else's art, including photographs, link to your source in a top-level comment. No exceptions; no warnings.