
Welcome to the CDAP community, where you can connect with other users and contributors, get help, as well as contribute to the project.

See our code of conduct to learn more.

Get connected

We’re here to help if you’ve hit an issue or even if you just have a question about CDAP.

Ask a question

You get in touch with the community using any of the following channels:

Report a bug

To report bugs, please use the Jira issue tracker. We recommend you to post your issues to the mailing list, and report a bug if it is confirmed as an issue there.

Join the BDAM group

The Big Data Application Meetup is a community focused on solving real world problems using Big Data technologies.


The CDAP community welcomes and greatly appreciates your contributions. To get started, view our contributing guide. Here are a few ways you can contribute to CDAP:

Get familiar

Fix a newbie issue, to get familiar with the process of contributing to CDAP

Go to Jira

Submit a proposal

Review existing design proposals, or submit your own proposal for a new feature or an improvement

Go to Wiki

Create a pull request

Contribute to core CDAP, pipeline plugin, documentation or the Hub

Go to Github

Verify your code

Using our build system to run unit and integration tests, as well as download the latest build

Go to builds