Sources of Inspiration When National Politics Sucks

As I sit down to the computer this morning to write my weekly newsletter, my brain is warring between “what I should write about” and “what I want to write about.” 

should write about the upcoming presidential election, because people always click on election horse-race newsletters and because it’s important. But I can’t summon the energy to write on the depressing Trump-Biden election today. There’s not too much to say: we know that turnout will be huge, but nobody will vote with enthusiasm or joy. It will be the bleakest Election Day ever. And whoever wins will probably leave the White House in a hearse. 

With inevitability and nihilism swirling around national politics, I have been turtling — avoiding national issues and putting all my efforts into new entrepreneurial efforts and local activities. This morning, I choose to write about the happy stuff, and put the awful stuff on the back burner for another day. So, what’s sparking joy in my life at the moment?

Read more at Apt. 11D, the newsletter