
Here are some of the articles I’ve written over the years.  For a complete list, go to my CV.

“How Do We Survive the Constitution.” The New Yorker (October 4, 2023).

“The End of the Take-Home Essay?” The Chronicle Review (August 24, 2023).

“The Clarence Thomas Scandal Is About More Than Corruption.” Politico (April 18, 2023).

“The Trouble With Money.” The New York Review of Books (December 22, 2022).

“Empathy and the Economy.” The New York Review of Books (December 8, 2022).

“The Self-Fulfilling Prophecies of Clarence Thomas.” The New Yorker (July 9, 2022).

“Republicans Are Moving Rapidly to Cement Minority Rule. Blame the Constitution.” Politico (January 5, 2022).

“Why the Biden Presidency Feels Like Such a Disappointment.” The New York Times (December 9, 2021).

“In the Malcolm Archives: On the Couch.” The New Republic (June 18, 2021).

“Arendt and Roth: An Uncanny Convergence.” New York Review of Books (May 12, 2021).

“Trump and the Trapped Country.” The New Yorker (March 13, 2021).

“The Professor and the Politician.” The New Yorker (November 12, 2020).

“The Gonzo Constitutionalism of the American Right.” New York Review of Books (October 21, 2020).

“Freedom Now.” Co-written with Alex Gourevitch. Polity 52 (July 2020), 384-398.

“The Pandemic is the Time to Resurrect the Public University.” The New Yorker (May 7, 2020).

“Comrades: The Inner Life of American Communism.” The Nation (May 18/25, 2020), 13-18.

What People Power Looks like in a Pandemic Democracy.” NYR Daily (April 13, 2020).

The Tyranny of the Minority.” NYR Daily (February 21, 2020).

The Obamanauts.” Dissent (Fall 2019), 157-167.

Eric Hobsbawm, the Communist Who Explained History.” The New Yorker (May 9, 2019).

Uninstalling Hayek.” Boston Review (March 3, 2019).

The Plight of the Political Convert.” The New Yorker (January 23, 2019).

The New Socialists.” New York Times (August 26, 2018), Sunday Review, 1.

The Erotic Professor.” The Chronicle Review (June 2018), B11-13.

Forget About It.” Harper’s (April 2018), 5-7.

The Politics Trump Makes.” n+1 (January 11, 2017).

How Intellectuals Create a Public.” The Chronicle Review (January 22, 2016), B10-14.

The Trials of Hannah Arendt.” The Nation (June 1, 2015), 12-25. [PDF]

Achieving Disunity.” London Review of Books (October 25, 2012), 23-25.

The War on Tax.” London Review of Books (August 25, 2011), 8.

“Reclaiming the Politics of Freedom.” The Nation (April 6, 2011), 18-22.

“Dragon-Slayers.” London Review of Books (January 4, 2007), 18-20.

Language and Violence: From Pathology to Politics.” Raritan (Fall 2006), 41-51.

“Strangers in the Land.” The Nation (April 10, 2006), 28-33.

“The Fear of the Liberals.” The Nation (September 8, 2005), 13-18.

Fascism and Counterrevolution.” Dissent (Summer 2005), 110-115.

“Liberalism at Bay, Conservatism at Play:  Fear in the Contemporary Imagination.” Social Research 71 (Winter 2004), 927-962.

“Fragmented State, Pluralist Society: How Liberal Institutions Promote Fear.” Missouri Law Review 69 (Fall 2004), 1061-1093.

Endgame: Conservatives after the Cold War.” Boston Review (February 2004), 26-30.

“Closet-Case Studies.” New York Times Magazine (December 16, 2001), 23-24.

Denied the Fruits of Their Labor.” Dissent (Fall 2001), 131-135.