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North Korea gets a lot of negativity on this site, so what's your favorite thing about North Korea?

reuf 8 points9 points 7 days ago[-]

Dear Leader creates the weather as he sees fit.

This always happens to me when I go out to eat at a restaurant.

reuf 0 points1 point 25 days ago[-]


This always happens to me when I go out to eat at a restaurant.

reuf 20 points21 points 28 days ago[-]

Yeah nice observation there Seinfeld

Which reddit do you visit most often?

reuf 0 points1 point 28 days ago[-]

1)Askreddit 2)Funny 3)Pics 4)WTF 5)Gaming

Why are Dialga and Palkia fighting?

reuf 0 points1 point 28 days ago[-]

Time vs Space, they are intertwined.

How long do you wait until you take the stickers off a new laptop?

reuf 0 points1 point 28 days ago[-]

Well, it's hard to say, leave them for too little time and the "new" wears off faster, leave them there too long and they leave a slight mark, but generally I'd say if they peel a little bit, just a little bit, remove them with no mercy.

So I just saw this movie called "Serenity"....

reuf 2 points3 points 29 days ago[-]

did you just watch "Serenity" NOW!?

What game do you constantly return to, for nostalgia's sake?

reuf 0 points1 point 29 days ago[-]

I might be the only one ever to mention this but for me Zelda the Oracle of Ages/Seasons will forever be replayed whenever I feel nostalgic.... I just find them to be REALLY good.(No one has mentioned them so far in r/gaming which I find disappointing)

What concepts are difficult for you to understand?

reuf 0 points1 point 1 month ago[-]

It's a bit counter intuitive because normally you'd say "neither" but Schrodinger proposed it to be "both" instead, which as far as you know could be any of those neither or both, so then which of then is it? Infinite loop detected.

What concepts are difficult for you to understand?

reuf 0 points1 point 1 month ago[-]

This is a perfect example, let's call it Schrodinger's Tree

What concepts are difficult for you to understand?

reuf 0 points1 point 1 month ago[-]

Ok, so (I'm not a physicist), from comments above I take that you know that it is the state of being "alive" or "dead" at the same time. In a way, yes, but it's actually a bit more.

The concept dwells in superposition, say you have a cat inside a box and you put a mechanism inside that kills the cat but only goes off randomly, you have NO way of knowing if it activates or not. If you can't see the inside of said box.....then the cat could be dead or alive, but since you can't know, it is said to be both dead and alive.

tl;dr: You don't know which of the two so it can be both at the same time.

If mankind was given the ability to have one question, any question at all, answered, what should that question be?

reuf 1 point2 points 1 month ago[-]

How can we answer every question Humanity hasn't already answered?


What's the biggest breakthrough humans will achieve?

Need help with creating a 3D Star trek like chess in Visual Basic.NET

reuf [S] 0 points1 point 1 month ago[-]

Thanks I will definitely do this

Need help with creating a 3D Star trek like chess in Visual Basic.NET

reuf [S] 0 points1 point 1 month ago[-]

well, I thought I would first do a normal chess that was dynamic so I could then change the board but I'm not sure that's the best approach, I guess a more specific question would be "would it be better for me to code a chess with a dynamic board and then change the layout of the board or just code from 0 with the layout I want?"

Need help with creating a 3D Star trek like chess in Visual Basic.NET

reuf [S] 0 points1 point 1 month ago[-]

I don't want to create a visual 3d chess, in the sense that the pieces are rendered in 3D, The chess is called 3D because of the game style, the actual program would be 2D but with multiple boards and color coding.

What would be the best/worst superhero, based on name only?

reuf -2 points-1 points 2 months ago[-]

Worst: Altar Boy. Powers: Can turn ANY priest into a gay-pedophile.

Best: Beer Dispenser Man: Seriously do I really need to tell you why he is the most awesome superhero?

Reddit, who else walks in circles when on the phone?

reuf 1 point2 points 3 months ago[-]

In which case you'd only need to sit in front of it and be automagically pushed forward.

Reddit, who else walks in circles when on the phone?

reuf 2 points3 points 3 months ago[-]

It could also go faster than you......

Men of Reddit: How do you make the first move on the ladies?

reuf 1 point2 points 3 months ago[-]

"Mine's so big the chicks I hook up with pass out BEFORE seeing it"

Welcome to Iceland - visit our lava fall

reuf 1 point2 points 3 months ago[-]

In Iceland they don't have waterfalls, instead they get lava falls. They have evolved to drink lava instead of water.

ASKREDDIT: Hey! Need a Semi-Sexual/Funny name for our Mixed Baseball Team!

reuf 0 points1 point 3 months ago[-]

The "Hard Bats" or "Large Bats". Any variation of Bat really (of course the Pink Bats would only yield more awkward looks than laughs....)

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