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  • One-Year Club

What stereotypes do you find the most true?

[–]pokersjokers 112 points113 points ago

We make it hail.

Does university matter?

[–]pokersjokers 5 points6 points ago

Is it really that tough.

It's tough trying to balance your social life, grades/co-op/student teams and sleep.

The worst of it is hell week where you can expect 5 back-to-back midterms in 5 days. This is troubling because you might not be caught up on the material due to interviews, that project that you waited till the last minute to finish or just not waking up for your 8:30 classes. Maybe one of the classes had an incompetent professor and you question the practicality of the content so you decide to skip a few classes. This will usually come back to bite you in the ass when you realize you're 3 assignments behind and they've moved on to more advanced material.

Yep, relevant work experience and extracurriculars. Remember that you're always competing with upper year students. They'll be taking the cream of the crop while you'll be scrambling for anything you can get for your first work term. Who knows, you might have been the team leader for your school's robotics team, but that still pales in comparison to someone with two work terms at a manufacturing plant.

Anyway, if you do decide to go to Waterloo for engineering, you're welcome to check out the formula hybrid student team that we recently started.

Does university matter?

[–]pokersjokers 12 points13 points ago

4th year Mech Eng here from Waterloo. Don't live with your parents. Engineering is a rather reclusive major as is; missing out on dorm life will decrease your chances of making friends and having fun. These friends are your connections, your study buddies, your potential of getting laid.

Co-op isn't some +5 potion of employment either. From what I've seen, the quality of your first co-op job depends half on your first term grades and half on your experience from high school. Think of each co-op job as a stepping stone to better employment. If nothing from high school makes you stand out and your first term grades aren't spectacular, don't expect to be making more than $15 an hour at a no-name company. In your final work terms, expect interviews from Toyota, Apple and Google.

In terms of level of education, I'm pretty sure you'll be presented with the same material regardless of the school you choose. Engineering is tough no matter where you go. Half my professors are engaging and present the topic in an interesting manner. The other half are clearly focused on their research and don't care that you don't understand eigenvalues.


Things that all/most Scientists/Engineers [should/do] Know

[–]pokersjokers 80 points81 points ago

☑ Condescending preface

☑ Thorough and technical explanation

☑ Strict adherence to proper grammar

Engineering status confirmed.

Sometimes we find a once in a lifetime opportunity. If we’re really lucky, we have our cameras ready.

[–]pokersjokers 4 points5 points ago

Wow you found Cosmo Canyon IRL.

Got high with Shaq today.

[–]pokersjokers 6 points7 points ago


Kanye West didn't fit...

[–]pokersjokers 1 point2 points ago


63: One who copulates with uncles.

I'm a Maths student from Leeds Uni (UK) and i have the chance to spend a year abroad at UW. Has anyone got any advice, tips or can give me an idea about what it's like to study there?

[–]pokersjokers 3 points4 points ago

Waterloo is quite a bit smaller than Leeds, maybe half the size if you include Kitchener. That being said, expect the things-to-do-on-weekends to be sized down proportionally. Wilfred Laurier University is just down the street, so bars and clubs are definitely vibrant, then again you're usually going to have to go to Toronto for big name concerts.

I recommend applying for Mackenzie King Village. It's a suite style where you get a private room but share a living room and kitchen with 3 other upper year students (They won't plop in with 1st years). It's more expensive than other places, but has AC and is close to the math buildings.

There are a lot of asians in the math program at Waterloo. You'll hear mandarin or cantonese conversations on every floor. On campus, you'll see a mix of every nationality. Many students come from abroad or are children of immigrant families, so there's an inherent study hard, play soft dynamic which kind of defines the school.

No violence or crime. People are very friendly, but not the kissing-on-both-cheeks friendly. We generally ignore strangers on the bus but we'll be pleased to show you which way to go if you're lost. UWaterloo is biased towards males. Ratio is about the same as in blackjack. I'm sure that ratio is cancelled out by Laurier. When in doubt, pull out your best Hugh Grant impersonation and you should do much better than local residences on all fronts.

tl;dr: Nightlife worse than leeds. Go MKV. Asians. British accent will get you laid.

A club for all awkward forever alone students in UW. What do you think ?

[–]pokersjokers 3 points4 points ago

Hahahaha everyone is already part of the awkward forever alone club the minute they accepted their offer into engineering/math.

No but seriously, there's already a club like this, kind of. It's called Waterloo Toastmasters. It's a public speaking club where members offer constructive criticism of each other's prepared speeches. I'm guessing you don't want to be shy and awkward forever, so why not give this a shot to improve yourself.

What is the one song that makes you feel absolutely badass while listening to it?

[–]pokersjokers 148 points149 points ago

Still Dre - Dr. Dre

I think I'm going to like this job.

[–]pokersjokers 85 points86 points ago

TIL Google knows all the things

[–]pokersjokers 0 points1 point ago


Do we have an electric car club?

[–]pokersjokers -2 points-1 points ago

Why would you want to gut out the inline six? It's a perfectly capable setup. Not to mention the market for DIY electric kits is beginning to be eclipsed by EVs like the Leaf which comes fully assembled with Regen.

Still, if you're looking for garage space in E5, there's one available bay (previous parking spot for UWAFT) which two teams are contending over right now; deadline for registering for the space is coming this July.

Questions for Engineering Co-op Students

[–]pokersjokers 2 points3 points ago

Enviro is pretty good too, maybe 60:40 males to females. For some reason though, the more girls in your class, the more off-handed teasing you receive from the other engineering programs (I'm looking at you Chem, Enviro, Geo and Management). Just an observation; probably a defense mechanism.

Questions for Engineering Co-op Students

[–]pokersjokers 4 points5 points ago

Oh yea, FemEng has a ratio of like 50:50.

Questions for Engineering Co-op Students

[–]pokersjokers 0 points1 point ago

If you're unemployed you can still volunteer at one of the student teams to count as a work term.

I'm in Mechanical and the ratio is 20:1. Friends of mine at McGill and Western have the exact same ratios. Much better option is to make friends outside of your faculty as soon as possible (Frosh Week).


[–]pokersjokers -4 points-3 points ago


How the...

[–]pokersjokers 1 point2 points ago

And he delivers! From now on im going to scrutinze every routine I see at my local strip joint and compare it to this one...for science.

Damn signs of the zodiac

[–]pokersjokers 9 points10 points ago

OP ripostes with a video game compatibility test resulting in an unsatisfactory response. I've tried to avoid the topic of video games after taking cues from this onion clip.

How I feel when I play medic in Bad Company 2.

[–]pokersjokers 190 points191 points ago

I thought this was going to be when someone revives you with your own medic kit. Then you're all like, "Oh thank very much...Wait where the fuck am I again? T-th-this isn't my gun, THESE AREN'T MY THINGS...WHO THE FUCK AM I???"

If you're a FF7 fan you'll love this

[–]pokersjokers 18 points19 points ago

I DEMAND MORE. This time battling ruby weapon.


[–]pokersjokers 6 points7 points ago

Truly a man before his time.

Reddit made my night

[–]pokersjokers 1 point2 points ago

Redditors in read-only mode.

[–]pokersjokers 52 points53 points ago

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