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Optical Illusion at Paris town hall by ariiiiigoldin pics

[–]TheJeffAnema 0 points1 point ago

I see what you did there, but it seems a little forced.

Optical Illusion at Paris town hall by ariiiiigoldin pics

[–]TheJeffAnema 0 points1 point ago

You deserve vast quantities of internets for the apparent depth and scope of your commenting prowess.

Woah van gogh! by BenjaminStarrin woahdude

[–]TheJeffAnema 2 points3 points ago

I saw a lot of his paintings do this when I went to the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam on mushrooms. Flashback.

The year was 1989... the game: Super Mario Bros. by MikeyMudin gaming

[–]TheJeffAnema 0 points1 point ago

That's a badass picture to have of one's self. I wish I had a picture of me with my first nintendo...with a matching Mario t-shirt on.

The year was 1989... the game: Super Mario Bros. by MikeyMudin gaming

[–]TheJeffAnema 0 points1 point ago

Hell yea 86'ers! Only 10 years late to the revolution... or 90 years early?

I am an aspiring artist, I drew this with sharpies over the last 6 months, what does Reddit think? by TheJeffAnemain Art

[–]TheJeffAnema[S] 0 points1 point ago

I appreciate that feedback a great deal. This, and many of my pieces, are really glorified doodles, I understand and embrace that fact. I also know that to be taken "seriously" as artist that I should learn more technically advanced and controlled forms, but part of my artistic style and expression (and personal taste) is in the "randomness" of the drawing experience. I include many obvious forms (faces, characters, animals, robots and lots of robots) within the complex doodling and often sit back and look at what I've done and interpret it for myself to decide how I want to morph the drawing. You are dead on though, the complex shape and line bunching is mostly random and appears sloppy, but I also see a lot of cool imagery when I really look at it and I keep sticking with this, my own personal style because I think and hope that there are a lot of people out there who really like what I do. Thanks for the feedback, it really does help.

I am an aspiring artist, I drew this with sharpies over the last 6 months, what does Reddit think? by TheJeffAnemain Art

[–]TheJeffAnema[S] 0 points1 point ago

How exactly does one get into stained glass window crafting? It seems like a more expensive enterprise than my sharpie medium.

I am an aspiring artist, I drew this with sharpies over the last 6 months, what does Reddit think? by TheJeffAnemain Art

[–]TheJeffAnema[S] 0 points1 point ago

Thank you! Feel free to check out the rest of my deviantart gallery, I've produced a lot of sharpie art over the last 3 years.

I am an aspiring artist, I drew this with sharpies over the last 6 months, what does Reddit think? by TheJeffAnemain Art

[–]TheJeffAnema[S] 0 points1 point ago

I resent that, so does Jeff. We are not schizo, just multi-dimensional.

I am an aspiring artist, I drew this with sharpies over the last 6 months, what does Reddit think? by TheJeffAnemain Art

[–]TheJeffAnema[S] 0 points1 point ago

Thank you very much, it is 8" x 11". I've been told by many of my friends that I should go bigger, and I have been working on a posterboard size one like this over the last year, but I don't think I will finish the black and white outline for another year at least, it takes way too long to go big.

Dear Animal Planet by stanleybowlesin pics

[–]TheJeffAnema 3 points4 points ago

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Super Jewy name? Stan "The Projewcer" Liebowicz. I'm picturing a super Jew that is TV exec by day, Zionist superhero by night.

CBS: Wondering why drug violence in Mexico is skyrocketing? Because the US ATF has been secretly arming the drug cartels. Seriously. Don't let this slip down the memory hole, reddit! [VIDEO] by mahtoobahin politics

[–]TheJeffAnema 0 points1 point ago

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The ATF mission was dubbed "Operation Fast and Furious" and that is not a joke, I wonder if Brian Earl Spilner had anything to do with it (sound like a serial killer to me). Was "Operation Point Break" already taken by a previous failed campaign starring Johnny Utah? Makes you wonder if they should really be named the Aqua Teen Force.

CNN Removed my comment about invading Libya, so I'm fighting the power and taking it to reddit. by [deleted]in worldnews

[–]TheJeffAnema 1 point2 points ago

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Was that in the form of a question.

CNN Removed my comment about invading Libya, so I'm fighting the power and taking it to reddit. by [deleted]in worldnews

[–]TheJeffAnema 14 points15 points ago

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What would Watson say? Toronto?

Not the most flattering picture of her by SwirlStickin pics

[–]TheJeffAnema 0 points1 point ago

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She wears meat dresses and makes entrances in eggs and I also thought this was a picture of Lady Gaga right away, it's only natural.

Is it safe to use nair on my Ass pubes? by Gators1591in AskReddit

[–]TheJeffAnema 2 points3 points ago

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Is that a Weiner reference? I love Weiner!

Request: Del The Funky Homosapien by ultimatewaste20in IAmA

[–]TheJeffAnema 4 points5 points ago

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Oodles and oodles of oh's and oh's. (Not del I know)

Just an old Ferrari. by no_more_piein pics

[–]TheJeffAnema -3 points-2 points ago

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It's not. I have no respect for the circlejerk of /r/atheism. I've tried to have dialogue there, multiple times, and I get shit talked and downvoted right on out of there. So I took it off my subreddits and I still see the snooty and arrogant atheist assholes circlejerking away on the rest of reddit so I have to deal. I don't respect it and I will continue to call it how I see it and get downvoted accordingly and I still think you guys suck cawkes and are way more annoying and offensive than evangelicals.

touche bible, touche by ewokonfirein

[–]TheJeffAnema 10 points11 points ago

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After Thecla converted to Christianity, she summoned lightning and flames to kill the ill-tempered seals that she was thrown to by the Romans. At first I was like no way, but then I was like... Yahweh!

touche bible, touche by ewokonfirein

[–]TheJeffAnema 0 points1 point ago

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I linked to this website for a presentation at my Christian University senior year. I had to discuss a law section from Deuteronomy and I showed a couple of the ones from The Law. Classic shit, nobody laughed except me.

Just an old Ferrari. by no_more_piein pics

[–]TheJeffAnema -6 points-5 points ago

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Typical /r/atheism response there. The other two comments thus far have been respectable, then there's you, proving my point.

My best friend for the past 15 years by ansterthemonsterin pics

[–]TheJeffAnema 5 points6 points ago

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My best friend for the past 15 years by ansterthemonsterin pics

[–]TheJeffAnema 0 points1 point ago

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and auto oscar. I love The Fighter.

My best friend for the past 15 years by ansterthemonsterin pics

[–]TheJeffAnema 1 point2 points ago

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I also appreciated it. And unlike Peanut up there, I was with you all the way up to the hot sticky lamination part. I feel like we should seal the deal with a high five

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