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We are the University Of San Francisco Dons. This is a community for family members, staff, faculty, alum, students, and more.

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We are the University Of San Francisco Dons. This is a community for family members, staff, faculty, alum, students, and more.

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Any ents at USF?

I had a friend who hooked up with the gardener. No lie. She left him, eventually.

I was given the position after I obtained my Ad Altare Dei (Catholic) emblem, which more or less contributed to my then-budding atheism. I mostly did nothing as the Troop Chaplain took care of the prayers. However, around the same time, I was also heavy into reading my brother's philosophy textbooks and uncle's theology books that I probably knew more about Christianity than the Chaplain. It was awkward the whole time.

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Welcome to r/atheism, the web's largest atheist forum. All topics related to atheism, agnosticism and secular living are welcome. If you wish to learn more about atheism, please begin by reading the [FAQ]( If you are a theist, please be aware that proselytizing in any form is strictly prohibited. * Feel free to join our [Discord](

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Welcome to r/atheism, the web's largest atheist forum. All topics related to atheism, agnosticism and secular living are welcome. If you wish to learn more about atheism, please begin by reading the [FAQ]( If you are a theist, please be aware that proselytizing in any form is strictly prohibited. * Feel free to join our [Discord](

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Registering my 9yr and 6yr for Cub Scouts when I came across this. Nope...


I became an atheist while I was in the Boy Scouts, especially after obtaining my Ad Altari Dei religious emblem. Of course, I wasn't brave enough to declare my atheism and I seriously enjoyed everything else too much to quit but it was weird when they made me the Chaplain Aide.

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This community is a place to share and discuss new scientific research. Read about the latest advances in astronomy, biology, medicine, physics, social science, and more. Find and submit new publications and popular science coverage of current research.

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This community is a place to share and discuss new scientific research. Read about the latest advances in astronomy, biology, medicine, physics, social science, and more. Find and submit new publications and popular science coverage of current research.

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Alien life more likely on 'Dune' planets


We Fremen have a saying: God created Arrakis to train the Faithful.

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/r/philosophy: the portal for public philosophy

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/r/philosophy: the portal for public philosophy

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Why is it necessary to call someone a 'philosopher'?


Wow, it's been a long time coming to see thepassingofdays be transparent with his (or her) views. I've seen your observations, which I have at times both agreed and disagreed with, since I first discovered reddit.

Ultimately, though, my disagreement lies in the idea that philosophy is distinct from biology, physics, sociology, and so on. I've seen academic philosophy, too, and that is distinct but that isn't the full breadth of philosophy. As I undertand, philosophy is the ground of all formal thought. All of those things either begin in philosophy or begin in something that began in philosophy. In this way, those that transcend such a "branch" dip into philosophy. However, there is also a space afforded that is not merely between disciplines but philosophical for its own sake. This, I think, you construe for the entirety of philosophy when, really, its just a very strong discipline in a field that includes all disciplines.

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A place for photographs, pictures, and other images.

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The saddest thing I've ever seen on PostSecret.


About a year ago, I put my cat (whom I had since when I found him as kitten in 1997). I kept my hand on him when the vet gave him the general anaesthetic. I kept my hand on him when the vet gave him the shot to stop his heart. Feeling him stop breathing was hard but necessary.

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How I feel after I write a song


When I finish writing a song, I feel alleviated. An unfinished song just keeps demanding that I work on it whenever I have a guitar in my reach and it's really rare to satisfyingly finish any for me.

And I don't even really think about whether it's good to other people or even myself if I could imagine listening to the song without playing it. What's most important is that I don't have to write it anymore. On to the next one.

Here's one such finished piece.

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/r/philosophy: the portal for public philosophy

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/r/philosophy: the portal for public philosophy

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What would you have someone starting out read?


If I could limit myself to just one book for someone to start with, it would be Five Dialogues by Plato translated by G. M. A. Grube.

It's a rather short book, very easy to read, and the topics are rather timeless (such as "What is justice?"). It's very intuitive for someone beginning philosophy.

This, more than anything else, will show you how to philosophize rather than merely present you with a summary of the history of philosophy, which is almost always selective and biased.

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/r/philosophy: the portal for public philosophy

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I have a pretty diverse mixture of grade levels that I teach so it hasn't become a habit of mine but a friend of mine who recently left had it in spades. She'd even over-enunciate each syllable with rising intonation if you caught her in between classes.

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/r/philosophy: the portal for public philosophy

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Actually, I do, but there's a world of difference between teaching conversational English for six hours a day and playing a sarcastic grammar nazi on the internet.

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/r/philosophy: the portal for public philosophy

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Unfortunately, such mistakes become more and more frequent the less and less often that I speak to fluent English speakers. If you are disappointed, I suggest you try it for a year and see how articulate you remain.

Also, I invite anyone to look over my comment history to assess my strength in English.

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/r/philosophy: the portal for public philosophy

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/r/philosophy: the portal for public philosophy

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What is your favourite area of philosophy?


This is really hard to say. I've gone through many phases of obsession in almost every period I am aware of, each equally pleasurable in their own ways. However, I suppose my most recent and consistent interest is in meta-ethical theory. Bernard Williams is an inspiration, Simon Blackburn's quasi-realism is interesting...

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