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[–]Saturday_Waffles 736 points737 points  (137 children)

Welp....there goes Melania's divorce settlement money....

[–]LookerNoWitt 343 points344 points  (119 children)

Wish this was talked about more

Dude lost so badly in court, there's no way his wife doesn't feel secondhand shame and disgust from being married to this man (aside from the usual amount)

Like, who wants to be married to a guy that lost millions because he raped another woman (twice)

[–]johnnybiggles [score hidden]  (13 children)

Like who wants to be married to a guy that lost millions because he raped another woman?

Maybe the same woman who stood by his side after he slept with a porn star he paid off after their kid was just born?

[–]LookerNoWitt [score hidden]  (6 children)

Don't forget the pee tape

[–]BadLt58 [score hidden]  (0 children)

Correction: the porn star he raw dogged.

[–]MyFeetLookLikeHands 124 points125 points  (16 children)

i mean, she pretty obviously can’t stand him

[–]MediumRareGuts [score hidden]  (5 children)

She thought she was marrying into a life on easy street. Dug for gold and ended up rupturing a septic tank.

[–]DAS_BEE [score hidden]  (6 children)

"I really don't care, do you?"

Melania is a full piece of shit herself

[–]Odd-Cod4474 [score hidden]  (5 children)

She has to be thinking, a rape pays out $84M, what does staying married to this POS pay? Has to be more, much more.

[–]Tilly828282 [score hidden]  (1 child)

You mean she is in that relationship for the money??

[–]WiRTit [score hidden]  (6 children)

I doubt she has the capacity to feel shame over his behavior, but she probably feels the sting in him losing money. If he goes bankrupt, how will she get her cut of whatever payout she's sticking around for?

[–]csantiago1986 [score hidden]  (9 children)

And the fact that he could even be remotely considered to be our president again is fucking disturbing

[–]Procrastanaseum [score hidden]  (3 children)

Apparently she's a genius so I guess she must know what she's doing.

[–]space_for_username [score hidden]  (0 children)

Yeah, she got one of those HO-4U 'Epstein' visas... or something.

[–]Endorkend [score hidden]  (3 children)

She won't even let him ride in the same car as her.

She's already shamed and pissed.

[–]Zippier92 [score hidden]  (0 children)

Because he smells like shit perhaps?

[–]Remi708 1823 points1824 points  (311 children)

I am just astonished that he still hasn't learned that 99.9% of his problems are caused by the fact that he just can't shut up.

[–]GrizzKarizz 831 points832 points  (148 children)

He could have taken the presidential loss and lived a life of luxury, knowing that he was only one of 45 out of many billion of people to be able to claim that he was the world's most powerful person.

But nope. Had to be a sore loser. What a fucking moron.

[–]haidere36 522 points523 points  (38 children)

He was a sore winner, one of the most pathetic things a person can be. After winning in 2016 he couldn't handle the fact that the other candidate won the popular vote, so he immediately started lying that there were millions of illegal votes, and that without voter fraud he would've totally been more popular. He even created a voter fraud commission for the sole purpose of proving his petty lie right, and even his own commission showed that he was wrong.

Of course he's a sore loser, even when he wins he's fucking miserable. It astonishes me that millions of people want to be like this sad sack of shit.

[–]log_asm 105 points106 points  (24 children)

I did hear he redirected a hurricane with a sharpie tho. Guy might be on to something.

[–]BHOmber 104 points105 points  (21 children)

He also wanted to put light inside the body and disinfect your bloodstream with bleach.

I wonder why my immunocompromised, (newly) anti-vaccine, Qanon mother treats every allergy/cold/flu/covid symptom with peroxide nebulizers and colloidal silver...

My grandmother caught covid for the first time a month ago. My mom apparently gave her a handful of "vitamins" that I know were probably the ivermectin/hydroxychloroquine scripts I've seen laying around my parents house.

My grandma ended up in the hospital with an AFIB attack after she recovered from covid. The off-label prescription meds (felony) may or may not have been related, but I threatened legal action if it ever happens again. Feels like shit to do that as a son, but I needed to put my foot down.

My parents are surprisingly not white trash. They're finishing up a home renovation that cost close to a million dollars. They aren't "dumb". They just don't understand how conservative media warped their reality over the last 20 years.

My mom was a progressive, empathetic person before Trump. My grandfather died right before covid and my mom went down the rabbit hole instead of grieving like a normal person.

Trump's bullshit ruined my family. I don't think this ever would have happened if the McCain/Romney Republicans were still in control of their party.

[–]Ok-Enthusiasm4685 35 points36 points  (5 children)

I’m so sorry. Really devastating to have an impotent imbecile ruin your mom.

[–]Papplenoose [score hidden]  (2 children)

Man, normally sentences about somebody ruining someone else's mom make me giggle... but that one made me really sad. Trump has ruined millions of families with his bullshit :/

[–]hemorrhagicfever [score hidden]  (1 child)

I think it's important to recognize, trump isn't smart enough to ruin anything. The sickness was in our society and it had been building for decades.

Intelligent movers and shakers have been breaking down parts of our society to make the average person more susceptible to their designs and control. It's part of why education isn't funded and the right classes aren't taught. Intelligent populations are harder to control. And a population versed in rhetoric and independent thought is hard to manipulate.

People had been moving our society to get and keep control over it for decades, trump was just there to exploit the sickness.

[–]Luke90210 12 points13 points  (1 child)

I don't think this ever would have happened if the McCain/Romney Republicans were still in control of their party.

A Pres McCain administration always faced due to his age and health issues the constant possibility of a Pres Sarah Palin administration.

[–]j-merc23 [score hidden]  (0 children)

Compared to Trump, Sarah Palin would have been vastly more competent.

[–]DICKSDISKSDICKSDISKS 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Peroxide nebulizers? That can't be good

[–]WardrobeForHouses 20 points21 points  (3 children)

We really gotta get rid of the electoral college. 1 person = 1 vote.

Hope that interstate compact that circumvents it gets enough states to join soon

[–]hemorrhagicfever [score hidden]  (1 child)

Ranked choice is the only path for our system to escape a 2 party system, also.

But the electoral college wont go away, and only democratic states will sign onto the compact. The republicans are the minority and they will cling to any path for minority rule they can find.

[–]Defiant_Increase_289 20 points21 points  (1 child)

Serious micro penis vibes. The guy can’t stop for one moment and realize he became president and is literally a fucking moron. I wonder what it’s like to shoot from the hip and pull everything from my ass and then actually get mad if people were to tell me I’m half assing life and under qualified.

[–]LA-Matt [score hidden]  (0 children)

When you’re rich and a narcissist, they just let you do it.

[–]Photodan24 148 points149 points  (32 children)

He could have made $750,000 a pop on the talking circuit. Egos as large as his are rarely affordable.

[–]Leading_Experts 121 points122 points  (20 children)

He's trying to get back in to pardon himself and exact revenge on anyone who didn't bend the knee. That's it. He can't retire, because he'll go to prison.

[–]V4refugee 52 points53 points  (6 children)

Yeah, wouldn’t need to do that if he had just fucked off instead of trying to get even more money and power.

[–]Vagine-Luver 22 points23 points  (1 child)

His ego couldn't take losing.

He a bitch.

[–]DeviatedFromTheMean 24 points25 points  (7 children)

Even if he is re-elected and pardons himself, he will commit more crimes and get charged again…. If he lives that long

[–]MillhouseJManastorm 18 points19 points  (3 children)

Not sure we will have anyone left to charge him. He will slash and burn non loyalists out of all positions of power

[–]aramis34143 11 points12 points  (0 children)

His lawyer argued that a president should be able to have his political rivals murdered and, unless that president was subsequently impeached, they should be immune from prosecution for the act.

An impeachment, mind you, that would have to somehow be carried out by de facto political rivals.

There is no "just charge him with the additional crimes" option.

[–]Spare-Echo9130 29 points30 points  (5 children)

Imagine paying money to hear that buffoon ramble incoherently about everything and nothing at all.

[–]CON5CRYPT 7 points8 points  (3 children)

Imagine sitting front row and also having to smell him

[–]Yasuru 41 points42 points  (16 children)

Even taking all the classified docs. Had he just given them back, when asked, we would have likely never known about it.

[–]Haydaddict 48 points49 points  (8 children)

THIS. NARA, the body that oversees like the "serial numbers" on classified docs, knew what was missing from their side, and started setting up meetings with Trump team on Jan 21, 2021 right after he left office.

FBI Raided him of August 2022. 1.5 YEARS OF THEM ASKING! He also tried to get his attorneys at one point to lie to them and say that Trump had "returned everything".

NARA knew EXACTLY what was missing and how sensitive, that's why they barely waited a fortnight. FBI found EMPTY folder sleeves some of which were TOP SECRET and what is believed to be nuclear in nature some kind of way.

Little note: remember that Russian Spy Maria Butina infiltrated the NRA and Trump PARDONED HER BOYFRIEND characterizing his conviction as “based off the Russian collusion hoax” .

[–]signalfire 51 points52 points  (6 children)

I guarantee you that sooner or later we'll find out he sold national security information to the highest bidder, or someone he owed money to. He's going to go down in history as the biggest spy/traitor this country has ever seen. The true vastness of his crimes is so much more than we know now.

[–]log_asm 4 points5 points  (1 child)

Oh he absolutely did. Gotta grift a little harder. He doesn’t care. Meanwhile he looked at the eclipse with no kind of eyewear. Dude is not that bright but he understands how to make a buck.

[–]MillhouseJManastorm 8 points9 points  (1 child)

History is written by the winners. I’m worried if he is elected again we will have history books praising everything he does

[–]SirBerthur 33 points34 points  (7 children)

I don't think the first half of that list were the world's most powerful people at the time.

[–]GrizzKarizz 31 points32 points  (5 children)

That's probably true. Which perhaps gives him an even bigger boast. In the modern world at least. All to fuck it up because he's a sore loser.

[–]Ipecactus 29 points30 points  (4 children)

He's not only a sore loser, he's a sore winner too. He lives to make others miserable. It makes him happy, for a few seconds anyway.

[–]signalfire 9 points10 points  (2 children)

"I love getting revenge" - Donald J. Trump

Not exactly Christ-like.

[–]Defiant_Increase_289 4 points5 points  (0 children)

If he were a likable guy who worked hard for his achievements, he wouldn’t have to seek revenge. He’s a straight up douchebag and can’t handle it. It’s like a fat person hating on food… wtf.

[–]weatheruphereraining 21 points22 points  (5 children)

I have seen articles stating he owed a big balloon payment to the Chinese, and grifting presidential race contributions was his solution to his lack of liquidity.

[–]Anonymo 7 points8 points  (2 children)

He should have gotten Alf to place a bet with his bookie.

[–]Some_MD_Guy 8 points9 points  (1 child)

He's got the Walter White disease....ego.

[–]-FeistyRabbitSauce- 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Unfortunately for him, he lacks the Walter White intelligence.

[–]informativebitching 9 points10 points  (3 children)

Too deep in debt not to keep it going. Became reliant on the grift and corruption

[–]signalfire 3 points4 points  (1 child)

After Rudy and James Comey (seriously) got rid of the Italian NYC mafia, the vacuum brought in the Russian mafia, and builders inevitably end up doing business with the mafia - steel, concrete, all that stuff is controlled. Trouble is, the Russian mafia don't play nice when you owe them money. I guarantee you Putin has some pretty snazzy kompromat on Donnie and friends.

[–]informativebitching 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Dude the Russian mafia is not talked about nearly enough. I think journalists are afraid. Chicago was full of them. Every strip club in America full of Russian girls (one of the big weapons against repugs). Missing stripper in your town? High chance a rooskie is involved. Recent Middle East infiltration is also tied to them. And they don’t all have Russian accents…they prop up American cons with nowhere else to turn. It’s a dangerous dangerous world at all levels and essentially has control of this country now.

[–]pvtbobble 5 points6 points  (0 children)

He's a walking, talking Ponzi scheme

[–]Queasy_Reputation164 38 points39 points  (0 children)

Narcissists have never and will never see fault in their own actions. Ever. He will blow up on his shitty Twitter knockoff shortly, these children have their tantrums constantly

[–]thunderGunXprezz 131 points132 points  (43 children)

A lot of the problems we all have right noe are a direct result of his inability to shut the fuck up.

Imagine being as "rich" as he's supposed to be and not just being content to stay in your lane and ride the gravy train into the grave.

All this because the Black President made fun of him.

[–]Scronklee 48 points49 points  (1 child)

Well, trump strikes me as a clinical narcissist surrounded by enablers, so honestly, I think he literally cannot help himself

[–]__Snafu__ 36 points37 points  (17 children)

All this because the Black President made fun of him.

i mean, The Black President did burn him pretty good.

[–]thunderGunXprezz 26 points27 points  (4 children)

He certainly did, and it was well deserved. I'd just like to think that if I were him (vomit in my mouth) I'd be comfortable enough in all my wealthy white glory to just fuck off and play golf.

Instead he led a campaign to trick redneck morons to vote for him.

[–]Ignash3D 16 points17 points  (12 children)

When you're rich, money are not important, you then want power

[–]Antique-Yellow2829 24 points25 points  (4 children)

That’s the reason I won’t vote for him. If you know how to push his buttons you can lead him around by the nose. And you bet Putin and Xi have teams of people figuring out how to provoke the US president.

[–]thunderGunXprezz 34 points35 points  (0 children)

That's accurate. It's also like 1 out of 1000 reasons not to vote for him.

[–]No-Respect5903 10 points11 points  (2 children)

I don't think they want to provoke him.. they probably want to bribe him lol (and maybe already did)

[–]ssort 19 points20 points  (1 child)


I would bet my left testicle that they already both bribed him, and I mean that, that is how positive I am of that.

I mean he practically fellated both of them on speeches during his presidency.

[–]log_asm 4 points5 points  (0 children)

They have the piss tapes. Gotta be.

[–]valeyard89 10 points11 points  (1 child)

Dark Brandon: 'Will you shut up, man'

[–]Photodan24 8 points9 points  (0 children)

That and the belief that rules and laws don't apply to him, no matter how he behaves.

[–]Bugwhacker 7 points8 points  (2 children)

But also like 99.9% of his successes are caused by that same fact. His base loves his refusal to shut up. Were he to stop, it’s conceivable he’d lose the outsized, crazed portion of the demo who is ride or die for him.

[–]SpaceCaboose 26 points27 points  (19 children)

I’m fairly confident he would have won the 2020 election had he just stayed off twitter and shut his mouth. Not saying him winning would have been a good thing…

[–]Dr_C_Diver 26 points27 points  (2 children)

It seems like his first 4 years in office really woke up the millennial voters that didn't vote in 2016.

[–]Faiakishi 12 points13 points  (0 children)

And Gen Z was reaching adulthood.

Plus Trump literally killed a lot of his voter base by telling them not to wear masks and get infected with COVID.

[–]BHOmber 3 points4 points  (0 children)

And the crazies continue to blame that "fuck you" voter turnout on bLatAnT cRimEs aT tHe bALLoT bOx!!1

[–]mcs_987654321 13 points14 points  (1 child)

Also: if he had given that first speech on COVID, then handed things off to the CDC and the NIAID…but there was just too much attention on offer, and he couldn’t stand to see anyone else have even the tiniest bit of the spotlight.

[–]Luke90210 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Trump gave a recorded interview with respected reporter Carl Bernstein in February 2020, just before the COVID shutdown. He openly acknowledged how bad COVID was going to be, but didn't want to hurt his reputation. He later tried to block that interview, too stupid to realize freedom of the press allows a reporter to report what the POTUS told him to the public. Carl Bernstein didn't need Trump's permission and released audio online to confirm what was in his bestselling book.

[–]aimlessly-astray 5 points6 points  (0 children)

It's because he's unbelievably egotistical. He'd shut up if he didn't think he was the center of the universe.

[–]gregor-sans 1323 points1324 points  (83 children)

Soon to be renamed “E. Jean Carroll Tower”?

[–]Black_Moons 256 points257 points  (14 children)

"Man, Can you just shut up?" tower.

[–]Vic_Sinclair 163 points164 points  (8 children)

Narrator: He could, in fact, not shut up.

[–]Black_Moons 42 points43 points  (5 children)

Narrator: Surgeons doing his autopsy would later find that part, and many other parts of his brain completely missing.

[–]_JudgeDoom_ 46 points47 points  (1 child)

“Fck around and find out tower”

[–]skilriki 44 points45 points  (10 children)

Trump uses the property to launder Russian money. Basically wealthy Oligarchs that purchase living spaces that they don't use.

He's not going to let it go easy.

[–]feral_tran 59 points60 points  (0 children)

I can't like this enough. Haha

[–]Intelligent-Sell494 518 points519 points  (90 children)

To the editor: Trump's attempt to reassure wary voters that he won't "have time for retribution" echoes his 2016 declaration that he wouldn't have time for golf if he were president.

Not only did he have tons of time to wander his own golf courses, his companies also billed the American taxpayers for these outings.

The man lies. About everything. He cheats. He threatens. He defames. He destroys.

We cannot allow him anywhere near the White House ever again.

Marcy Miroff Rothenberg, Porter Ranch

[–]woodpony 23 points24 points  (2 children)

Conservatives: He embodies true Christian values.

[–]Essence-of-why 169 points170 points  (35 children)

You forgot rapes.  He rapes.

[–]tazebot 18 points19 points  (1 child)

The man lies. About everything.

not everything. When he promised the christian fundies he would appoint judges who would overturn Roe v Wade, he did.

If he promises to do something objectively bad, he's not lying. When he promises to be a dictator, he's not lying. When he promises to use the justice department to throw his political opponents in jail, he's not lying. When he promises to ban muslims, he's not lying. When he promises to deport everyone not white, he's not lying.

It's pretty straightforward. If he promises to act with integrity and honesty in the good of the nation, he's lying. When he promises he'll use the office of the presidency to execute revenge and promote racism, he's telling the truth.

[–]Prickly_ninja 6 points7 points  (1 child)

But… but… he donated his salary to the taxpayers. 🙄

[–]Mammoth-Mud-9609 488 points489 points  (29 children)

That might hurt him the most, he really hates to be called a loser.

[–]cheesyenchilady 28 points29 points  (0 children)

I really don’t think he cares so long as everyone keeps talking about him. Peak narcissism

[–]Vagabond21 115 points116 points  (11 children)

Wait til next week with the fraud case

[–]capital_bj 40 points41 points  (4 children)

How much popcorn should I stock for 91 felonies

[–]dnkyhunter31 55 points56 points  (4 children)

This was simply the appetizer before the main course. And then the DC Circuit court getting ready to decide his absolute immunity defense could be the dessert.

[–]Worldly_Ad_6483 12 points13 points  (1 child)

Don’t discount the 14th amendment case with the SC… stranger things have happened…

[–]Photodan24 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Oh please! I hope he loses everything.

[–]nahbruh27 33 points34 points  (8 children)

He walked out of court today after being called a loser, such a sensitive little cheeto

[–]artificialavocado 12 points13 points  (3 children)

He’s beyond Cheeto color and has moved up to hot dog skin.

[–]MegaLowDawn123 10 points11 points  (0 children)

Don’t you dare insult hulk hogan like that, brother

[–]FuriousFreddie 86 points87 points  (15 children)

It's actually $88.3 million if you include the $5million from the initial judgement. Fortunately, 3 easily becomes 8 but honestly, it is fine as it is too.

[–]No-Marsupial36 23 points24 points  (1 child)

I’m taking bets on how long till she has another case on him for defamation

[–]mchalla3 181 points182 points  (30 children)

I love how much NYC hates Trump LMAO

[–]Vaping_A-Hole 37 points38 points  (14 children)

NYC has hated him forever. He’s such a scumbag. Thirty years ago, I remember going out of my way to shit in the bathroom at his tower. Why? No one I knew would be there, and because “fuck that guy.”

[–]RealPho [score hidden]  (0 children)

I also took a nasty dump in his tower in the 90s. There was lewd graffiti about him scrawled on the wall.

[–]sagenumen 22 points23 points  (10 children)

Plenty of reasons to

[–]mchalla3 17 points18 points  (9 children)

isn’t he also the only president to be so hated by his hometown/home state?

[–]damnitcortnie 278 points279 points  (34 children)

Bet there’s ketchup on the walls of trumps dinning room tonight!

[–]Ritaredditonce 127 points128 points  (28 children)

And as per usual, no Melania.

[–]PinocchiosNose1212 86 points87 points  (24 children)

She's bailed. She has a boyfriend who is head of security in Trump Tower and she knows there is no future with the Orange Menace.

[–]The_Werodile 45 points46 points  (10 children)

She's a WINO

[–]pj7140 45 points46 points  (8 children)

Wife In Name Only?

[–]A_plural_singularity 15 points16 points  (0 children)

She did renegotiate the prenup when she found out he won the presidency so...

[–]MolecularConcepts 30 points31 points  (0 children)

[–]Fun_Bar5327 70 points71 points  (15 children)

The way the MAGA folks are reacting, it’s as if they personally had an $83.3 million judgement against them. People are fucking weird.

[–]cvc4455 24 points25 points  (1 child)

Where do you think he gets his money from now a days? Plus the bill in Florida that Republicans recently introduced and want to pass only gives Trump 5 million of taxpayers dollars to cover his legal fees so he'll need the 83.3 million from his supporters. Maybe he can come out with some more NTF collector Trump super hero cards to sell to them again?

[–]barrel_of_ale 32 points33 points  (0 children)

They know they're on the hook for any bills

[–]Photodan24 4 points5 points  (0 children)

It's because many of them are treating maga like a religion. They are taking everything he says on faith alone. That's why it's so hard to reach these people using logic and reason. It's easier to convince a Christian that Jesus never walked on water.

[–]hennycabbagehead 12 points13 points  (0 children)

Biggest loser there ever was! Huge!!

[–]Thee_Astronaut 215 points216 points  (61 children)

After paying $0 in government taxes, y’all think he’s gonna pay this?

[–]Sauerteig 173 points174 points  (17 children)

Nonsense. He paid $750 dollars in 2017. I know this because I remember the news.. and that I, working part time at a nursery garden center that year and paid $754.00. Not kidding. My poor butt paid more than him.

[–]purplefishturd 57 points58 points  (11 children)

Stop being poor /s

[–]fenrslfr 22 points23 points  (4 children)

Is the secret to not paying taxes to be rich? Shit I have been doing it wrong this whole time.

[–]Movedonnerlikeabitch 3 points4 points  (4 children)

Pull yourself up by your bootstraps man

[–]PerpWalkTrump 7 points8 points  (0 children)

“It's all right to tell a man to lift himself by his own bootstraps, but it is cruel jest to say to a bootless man that he ought to lift himself by his own bootstraps,”

[–]Electric-Wallaby 15 points16 points  (2 children)

I think you mean in US government tax, he paid plenty of tax to other countries. Like China.

[–]Charli3q 26 points27 points  (14 children)

She won't get it until he croaks and his estate has to pay for it.

[–]raziel686 34 points35 points  (6 children)

If he fails to pay she can get the court to start putting liens on his properties. She seems determined so I'm sure she'll get it done. It can vary a bit between states but she could also go for wage garnishment (probably useless for Trump), imposing a bank levy, and even liens against vehicles and other assets.

[–]xkegsx 9 points10 points  (2 children)

Are the properties owned by him personally or by a separate, protected business entity? Also, a lot of stuff with Trump's name on it isn't owned by Trump or any Trump organization.

[–]raziel686 5 points6 points  (0 children)

I couldn't say. It's difficult because all his businesses are private so financial reporting isn't as detailed. Considering the Trump Organization has already been found guilty of Fraud, I can't imagine the damages trial is going to go any better than the defamation trial. Not only will he have an even larger penalty to pay (over $370 million), but there is a very real chance NYS will ban him from doing business in the state. Trump will no doubt attend the trial and make everything worse for himself like he did in the defamation case because he literally cannot control himself.

This doesn't even get into the criminal Georgia election case, or the hush money case, or the documents case, or the 2020 election case, or whatever the hell else case he is due in court for.

[–]Chelseafc5505 9 points10 points  (1 child)

Yeah I'd guess that trump has very few assets in his personal name. They'll all be under various businesses, shell companies, trusts, etc.

[–]Butch1212 8 points9 points  (8 children)

I understand that the court has the direct authority to take the money, itself. But that probably wouldn’t come until any appeals by Trump are settled.

[–]maltamur 51 points52 points  (6 children)

In New York you have to pay the judgment in full as bond (meaning pay it to the court who holds it) to appeal

[–]Butch1212 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Good. Thank you for the clarification.

[–]astonv 43 points44 points  (1 child)

Taxes and a defamation lawsuit ruling are not even remotely the same

[–]Hopinan 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Well at least the compensatory damages are taxable - to E Jean and therefore deductible to him, if a legitimate business expense is involved, hard to believe shoving his fingers in women’s vaginas was his “business” but a point could be made….. The 70 mil punitive damages are neither taxable to him nor deductible in any way shape or form! Oh, so fun!!

[–]OldAd4526 36 points37 points  (22 children)

Do you realize that if he didn't totally bungle the coronavirus response, he would have destroyed anybody during his reelection campaign.

His stupidity and weird miscalculation saved us from a second term.

[–]hrminer92 [score hidden]  (0 children)

That was essentially the assessment that former Australian PM John Howard made as well.


“He was headed towards a victory until the pandemic hit. It was his mishandling of that because, in the end, the public, when threatened, want their leaders to defend them against the threat.”

[–]NiceDecnalsBubs 40 points41 points  (6 children)

I know it's to many "HA"s but I still read this in Nelson's voice.

[–]twoworldsin1 9 points10 points  (0 children)

looks like something the Joker would leave in an alternate timeline where Bruce Wayne became an entitled delusional rapey douche instead of Batman

[–]Homo-Boglimus 10 points11 points  (0 children)

Trump is the real life equivalent of Sideshow Bob stepping on rakes.

[–]Epicritical 74 points75 points  (3 children)

Grab em by the wallet

[–]Unhappy_Trade7988 21 points22 points  (0 children)

He looks tired and worn out from all the winning.

[–]Kat62649 8 points9 points  (0 children)

The problem is his father treated him poorly, gave him money made him think he was something which he was trying to prove to his dad that he could do this, but he can’t do it without the Koch brothers or Putin them applauding him the Republican party, and his Maga group egging him on he’s eating it up Feed Me Seymour. None of it will ever be enough.

[–]No-Revolution1421 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Love this!

[–]Creative_Beginning13 14 points15 points  (0 children)

He was a narcissist before becoming POTUS (I just threw up in my mouth), he just became more arrogant with millions of morons giving him unrestricted support

Too big for his britches with too much power

[–]IRecognizeElephants 23 points24 points  (0 children)

Get fucked, Trump

[–]alunidaje2 5 points6 points  (0 children)

can someone with a projector shoot "A rapist owns this building. for now."

[–]MediumRareGuts [score hidden]  (1 child)

Does Donald Trump even have $83 million?

I know he talks shit about how rich he is all the time but that's what broke people do.

[–]fizicks 17 points18 points  (0 children)

All I can think of is that arrested development scene:

"Go on, call me something. I'm redoing my kitchen"

[–]davechri 17 points18 points  (15 children)

republicans think he has a chance of winning the election? It’s going to be worse than 2020.

[–]JustEstablishment594 35 points36 points  (8 children)

Don't underestimate the lack of voter turnout compared to amount of turnout of people that will vote Trump no matter what.

[–]davechri 8 points9 points  (0 children)

Since Roe was overturned Democrats have been turning out. And reproductive rights are on a lot of state ballots.

[–]LooseWetCheeks 9 points10 points  (2 children)

His base is fervent but most importantly smaller.

[–]JustEstablishment594 11 points12 points  (1 child)

Still enough to win if not enough people opposing Trump turn up.

Also, Electoral College can always say no lol

[–]jodyhighrola 8 points9 points  (3 children)

Look at r/conservative. His base, and some of the independent-right folks, would die for him. They are living in their own reality. Biden should handle him easily, but all it takes is some dem fuck up close to the election and were in the twilight zone. I have no clue how that sub is allowed to exist at this point. It’s r/thedonald 2.0

[–]davechri 3 points4 points  (1 child)

In 2020 I was concerned.

In 2024, not at all concerned. Absolutely there are people who are going to vote for trump. There are states where Democrats have literally not chance - Oklahoma, Wyoming, West Virginia, ... But that "trump base" only goes so far.

The electoral vote in 2024 is going to be just like 2020 but with an even wider popular vote margin.

[–]Ph0enixRuss3ll 21 points22 points  (0 children)

The sandpaper dildo of justice. Let's hope it's precedence for guilty in every other trial. People are sick of this justice for sale worship the rich culture.

[–]hopbyte 3 points4 points  (0 children)

$83.3 million so far!

[–]Roosterfish202 5 points6 points  (0 children)

His lips move, but his actual voice comes out of his ass.

[–]alkonium 4 points5 points  (0 children)

In the words of Stacy Hogan, if he ever shuts his mouth, better check him for a pulse.

[–]awkwardlondon 3 points4 points  (3 children)

Can someone enlighten this random euro person here WHY he’s allowed to run for a president again even after impeachment and stuff?!

[–]fargmania [score hidden]  (0 children)

In America, laws end up existing because some dumbass fucked everything up for everyone else. We've literally never had a bigger dumbass get elected President than Trump, so he did all the things that all through our history common sense prevented our previous Presidents from doing. We literally can't write laws fast enough to fill in the hole left by 200+ years of sense and decency. And that's why he can still run for president now.

[–]FlemPlays 4 points5 points  (0 children)

At this rate, all of Trump’s money that would’ve gone to Melania and the kids upon his passing is going to end up in E. Jean Carroll’s pocket. Haha

[–]DickySchmidt33 5 points6 points  (0 children)

He's such a piece of shit.

[–]MrSh0w 3 points4 points  (0 children)

I peed on the hotel last time i was there, february 2020

not at the hotel. On the hotel. i declare an hearty Fuck You to authoritarian dipshit billionaires who beg for donations

[–]answwrs 11 points12 points  (2 children)

I had the misfortune of staying here once long time ago and it was total shit

[–]Poullafouca 10 points11 points  (0 children)

Me too, my client paid for it. She owned an apartment in the residential part of the building. There was water in the fridge with a photo of tRump on it - nauseating.

[–]Jazzlike-Ad113 4 points5 points  (1 child)

Surprised that the sign hasn’t been destroyed or at least defaced.

[–]lovetheoceanfl 3 points4 points  (3 children)

Cannot count how many times I’ve given the finger to that sign when I lived in NYC.

[–]Born-Relief8229 3 points4 points  (1 child)

Grab her by the pussy! 83m … was it worth it ?

[–]Hopsticks[🍰] 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Where can I donate so someone does it in a more permanent paint?

[–]fresh_like_Oprah 3 points4 points  (0 children)

I hawk a luge on that sign everytime I walk past it

[–]getsome2024 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Damn nice handwriting.

[–]ixieson 3 points4 points  (0 children)

He is a loser. not more, not less. I bet just calling him loser is ticking him.

[–]db2516 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Cartoonists: please make a great one of magats in full regalia handing money to Jean 👌 or better yet pulling out their credit cards and Jean with a credit card swiped 😂😂😂

[–]Alexandratta 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Soon to be renamed the Carrole Hotel if Trump doesn't stfu