
[ID: a flag with 7 horizontal stripes, with a white stripe in the middle. the top half is 3 shades of brown, and the bottom half is three shades of orange. end ID]

butch bear flag

for the beary butches! a combination of the bear flag & the sunlight butch flag. this flag is for anyone who is a butch and a bear, regardless of gender or orientation.


Transmasculine Lunarian Pride Flag


Lunarian Transmasc: a fem-aligned transmasculinity; a transmasculine folk aligned with womanhood; a trans-masc individual who shares experiences with women and/or fem people and feels it is an important part of their personhood.

[transcript: 6 stripes of 2 violets, 2 yellows and 2 oranges, respectively. id over.]



definition: identifying with femininity, femme, and girlhood, but also not a girl; nonbinary with a core and foundation of enduring femme

coined by: queerfucker


I decided to make new flags for apothisexual and apothiromantic!

Any ace/aro-spec person who is sex/romance repulsed can use these.

(stripe meanings and term meanings under the cut)

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Post-Rubor adjustment & simplified flag

Post Rubor means after blush in Latin.

Someone who is a post-rubor aromantic can quickly get crushes on others and have romantic feelings for someone but once the excitement of a new romance/flirtation is gone, the romantic feelings disappear and they feel like any other aromantic person: not developing romantic love. The romantic feelings can last as little as a couple days or as much as a month.

Many of these feelings are based on the feelings of others. For example if you are an empath, you can often feel when someone has romantic feelings for you, but begin to block them out quickly, hence the fast dissipation of your own romantic feelings.

The original flag is linked in the header. I edited the colors to be less harsh on the eyes, and reorganized them to flow better. I also made a simplified version for easier recreation.

[Image ID] First image is a flag with eight stripes. From top to bottom, the stripes are burgundy, dark red, orange, pale yellow, sky blue, dark blue, dark grey, and black. The second image is a simplified four-stripe flag. From top to bottom, the stripes are dark fuschia, pale orange, medium blue, and very dark grey. [End ID]


Uhh here’s a new xenogender, Cichlidgender! It’s for when someone has a strong connection to the Cichlid genera!

Blue is for the waters Cichlid’s reside in, Red is for the toughness and resilience and will to fight Cichlid’s have and Green is the natural and beautiful and lush lives these fish live in!

Also the fish sillohoute in the flag is Astronotus Ocellatus or the Common Oscar!


thanks for submitting! the flag is super cute :)


I’ve made smthn, if you’re okay with me sharing here! 👉👈

Plushgender! A gender with a connections to stuffed animals, toys, n other soft stuff like blankets n pillows :)

The colors are pastels because they’re calming, childish colors. The blue and pink are for “tradionally feminine / masculine” colors associated w childhood, and yellow and off white for completely off-spectrum or questioning identities!


thanks for your submission!

[ID: three pride flags, each with four horizontal stripes in progressively lighter shades of sandy brown. the first flag has a black symbol of the sun in the middle, the second flag has a kangaroo, and the third flag has a cactus within a circle. end ID]

Xerosian: A gender related to deserts and arid regions.

Xerocolian: A gender related to xerocoles (desert-adapted fauna).

Xerophytian: A gender relating to xerophytes (desert-adapted plants).

anti-mogai please dni


Lumibrous-an orientation where your attraction to women and nonbinary people is clear and gay, and your attraction to men and heavily man-aligned people is more murky, but still queer

can be used as lumibrousromantic, lumibroussexual etc, or just lumibrous

for @feralpunkcryptid !

(i edited the definition a little, original under the cut, as well as colour meanings)

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