
Uhh here’s a new xenogender, Cichlidgender! It’s for when someone has a strong connection to the Cichlid genera!

Blue is for the waters Cichlid’s reside in, Red is for the toughness and resilience and will to fight Cichlid’s have and Green is the natural and beautiful and lush lives these fish live in!

Also the fish sillohoute in the flag is Astronotus Ocellatus or the Common Oscar!


thanks for submitting! the flag is super cute :)

[ID: three pride flags, each with four horizontal stripes in progressively lighter shades of sandy brown. the first flag has a black symbol of the sun in the middle, the second flag has a kangaroo, and the third flag has a cactus within a circle. end ID]

Xerosian: A gender related to deserts and arid regions.

Xerocolian: A gender related to xerocoles (desert-adapted fauna).

Xerophytian: A gender relating to xerophytes (desert-adapted plants).

anti-mogai please dni



Puppyboygender: a gender relating to puppy boys, or relating to being a puppy boy.


Puppygirlgender: a gender relating to puppy girls, or relating to being a puppy girl.


Puppynbygender: a gender relating to puppy nbys, or relating to being a puppy nby.




Genderpelecanus: a gender somehow connected to seabirds (pelicans, seagulls, etc.)
Etymology: Latin, “pelecanus” meaning “pelican”


Some genders I coined with a friend, -wolfin!

Wolfin genders are genders influenced by moon cycles, eclipses, and a fundamental feeling of being (literally or figuratively) a werewolf! In order of the images:

  • Virwolfin: a masculine wolfin gender.
  • Weywolfin: a neutral wolfin gender
  • Wifwolfin: a feminine wolfin gender
  • Wixwolfin: a blank wolfin gender

These weren’t coined with anyone in particular in mind, so they’re open to use by anyone!

Canisgender subgenders pt. 6: Urocygenders

(pt 1; 2; 3; 4; 5)

  • Cinreogender: A grey fox (Urocyon cinereoargenteus)-like gender, or a gender influenced or compared to grey foxes in some way.
  • Lialisgender: An island fox (Urocyon littoralis)-like gender, or a gender influenced or compared to island foxes in some way.
Canisgender subgenders pt. 5: Vulpinigenders

(pt. 1; 2; 3; 4; 6)

  • Otogender: A bat-eared fox (Otocyon megalotis)-like gender, or a gender that is influenced or compared to bat-eared foxes in some way.
  • Fennegender: A fennec fox (Vulpes zerda)-like gender, or a gender that is influenced or compared to fennec foxes in some way.
  • Blacanagender: A Blandford’s fox (Vulpes cana)-like gender, or a gender that is influenced or compared to Blandford foxes in some way.
  • Tanugender: A tanuki (Nyctereutes procyonoides)-like gender, or a gender that is influenced or compared to tanukis in some way.
  • Camagender: A cama fox (V. chama)-like gender, or a gender that is influenced or compared to cama foxes in some way.
  • Fuhzgender: A red fox (V. vulpes)-like gender, or a gender that is influenced or compared to red foxes in some way. Name comes from the Proto-Germanic word for fox, *fuhsaz.
  • Rupligender: A Rüppell’s fox (V. ruppellii)-like gender, or a gender that is influenced or compared to Rüppell’s foxes in some way.
  • Corsgender: A corsac fox (V. corsac)-like gender, or a gender that is influenced or compared to corsac foxes in some way.
  • Tisagender: A Tibetan sand fox (V. ferrilata)-like gender, or a gender that is influenced or compared to Tibetan sand foxes in some way.
  • Kitisgender: A kit fox (V. macrotis)-like gender, or a gender that is influenced or compared to kit foxes in some way.
  • Alpusgender: An Arctic fox (V. lagopus)-like gender, or a gender that is influenced or compared to Arctic foxes in some way.
Canisgender subgenders pt. 4: Cerdogenders

(pt. 1; 2; 3; 5; 6)

  • Cachorgender: A bush dog (Speothos venaticus)-like gender, or a gender that is influenced or compared to bush dogs in some way. Name comes from a Spanish name for bush dogs, cachorro-do-mato.
  • Maikogender: A maikong (Cerdocyan thous)-like gender, or a gender that is influenced or compared to maikongs in some way.
  • Crysogender: A maned wolf (Crysocyon brachyurus)-like gender, or a gender that is influenced or compared to maned wolves in some way.
  • Warragender: A warrah (Dusicyon australis)-like gender, or a gender that is influenced or compared to warrahs in some way.
  • Elocyngender: A short-eared dog (Atelocynus microtis)-like gender, or a gender that is influenced or compared to short-eared dogs in some way.
  • Lopexgender: A South American fox family (Lycalopex)-like gender, or a gender that is influenced or compared to the South American fox family in some way.
Canisgender subgenders pt. 3: Caninagenders

(pt. 1; 2; 4; 5; 6)

  • Wulfgender: A grey wolf (Canis lupus)-like gender, or a gender that is influenced or compared to grey wolves in some way. Name comes from the Proto-Germanic word for wolf, *wulfaz.
  • Anthusgender: An African golden wolf (C. anthus)-like gender, or a gender that is influenced or compared to African golden wolves in some way.
  • Ethsisgender: An Ethiopian wolf (C. simensis)-like gender, or a gender that is influenced or compared to Ethiopian wolves in some way.
  • Dholusgender: A dhole (C. alpinus)-like gender, or a gender that is influenced or compared to dholes in some way.
  • Srgagender: A golden jackal (C. aureus)-like gender, or a gender that is influenced or compared to golden jackals in some way. Name comes from the Sanskrit word for jackal, śṛgāla (शृगाल).
  • Ghalgender: A side-striped jackal (C. adustus)-like gender, or a gender that is influenced or compared to side-striped jackals in some way. Name comes from the Persian word for jackal, shoghāl (شغال).
  • Chacalgender: A black-backed jackal (C. mesomelas)-like gender, or a gender that is influenced or compared to black-backed jackals in some way. Name comes from the French word for jackal, chacal.
  • Latragender: A coyote (C. latrans)-like gender, or a gender that is influenced or compared to coyotes in some way. (See also coytan).
  • Lypicgender: An African wild dog (Lycaon pictus)-like gender, or a gender that is influenced or compared to African wild dogs in some way.
Canisgender subgenders pt.2

(pt.1 here (domestic dogs))

Caninagender: A Canina subfamily-like gender, or a gender influenced or compared to the Canina subfamily in some way.

Canina includes the grey wolf, the African golden wolf, the Ethiopian wolf, the dhole, the golden jackal, the side-striped jackal, the black-backed jackal, the coyote, the African wild dog, and domestic dogs.

Cerdogender: A Cerdocyonina subfamily-like gender, or a gender influenced or compared to the Cerdocyonina subfamily in some way.

Cerdocyonina includes the bush dog, the maikong, the maned wolf, the warrah, the short-eared dog, and the South American foxes.

Vulpinigender: A Vulpini subfamily-like gender, or a gender influenced or compared to the Vulpini subfamily in some way.

Vulpini includes the bat-eared fox, the fennec fox, the Blandford’s fox, the tanuki, the cama fox, the red fox, the Rüppell’s fox, the corsac fox, the tibetan sand fox, the kit fox, and the Arctic fox.

Urocygender: A Urocyon subfamily-like gender, or a gender influenced or compared to the Urocyon subfamily in some way.

Urocyon includes the island fox and the grey fox.

Borogender: A Borophaginae subfamily-like gender, or a gender influenced or compared to the Borophaginae subfamily in some way.

Borophaginae is an extinct subfamily which lived roughly 40-2.5 million years ago, during the Oligocene to the Pliocene

Hesperogender: A Hesperocyoninae subfamily-like gender, or a gender influenced or compared to the Hesperocyoninae subfamily in some way.

Hesperocyoninae is an extinct subfamily which lived roughly 20-10 million years ago, during the Late Eocene to the Middle Miocene.


[transcription: “this blog supports: trans women & transfeminine people; nondysphoric trans & nonbinary people; pronoun non-conforming lesbians & gays; nonbinary lesbians & gays; non-wlw & non-mlm butches, femmes, twinks & bears; the right to reclaim queer & other historic slurs; intersex people & their right to be LGBTIAQ+; aspec people & their right to be LGBTIAQ+; microidentities/mogai; systems of all types”. end transcription]