im sure there’s a word for this but i cant find it - anyone know of a term for when you have an affinity for [x] because of a headmates kintype? like for ex. headmate A is a cat therian so headmate B is cat-hearted because of their headmates therianthropy

so i guess this blog and its sister blog @neurogender are officially on an indefinite hiatus. im not active in the mogai community like our previous host was, and ive moved accounts and such so i dont even remember this blog exists most days. rest assured this blog will never be deleted, and while i wont make any promises it may be active again one day! my apologies to the people whos asks i never answered!

see you around,

- will


Uhh here’s a new xenogender, Cichlidgender! It’s for when someone has a strong connection to the Cichlid genera!

Blue is for the waters Cichlid’s reside in, Red is for the toughness and resilience and will to fight Cichlid’s have and Green is the natural and beautiful and lush lives these fish live in!

Also the fish sillohoute in the flag is Astronotus Ocellatus or the Common Oscar!


thanks for submitting! the flag is super cute :)

mod/blog update

as you may know, i’m part of a system, and we’d planned for a host change at the end of 2020. that happened… sort of. you might also know that i’m a median subsystem. my subsystem works on a cycle, where every few years a “new” facet becomes host of the subsystem, and the “old” facet “dies”. as of 2021, Morgan is no longer host, and I, Will, am. (this is complicated because I’m still Morgan, just… also not?)

anyway, point being - I’m not as interested or invested in MOGAI tumblr as Morgan was. I’d still like to run this blog (and @.neurogender), but since I’m not as interested (and I’m about to start school & work again) it’s going to be a lot less active. Less asks being answered, less posts being made and reblogged, and less terms being coined. But, I’m still here, my inbox is always open, and I’m still active over on discord (our tag is #7153), and you can always reach out to me for advice, coining/term/pronoun help, and anything else related to queer identities!

(don’t know what a system is? see here)

edit: you can also reach me on our new main account, @.sockdogs. since we’ve made a brand new account instead of only changing the url, i cant see or answer dms on this blog or on neurogender


I’ve made smthn, if you’re okay with me sharing here! 👉👈

Plushgender! A gender with a connections to stuffed animals, toys, n other soft stuff like blankets n pillows :)

The colors are pastels because they’re calming, childish colors. The blue and pink are for “tradionally feminine / masculine” colors associated w childhood, and yellow and off white for completely off-spectrum or questioning identities!


thanks for your submission!

[ID: three pride flags, each with four horizontal stripes in progressively lighter shades of sandy brown. the first flag has a black symbol of the sun in the middle, the second flag has a kangaroo, and the third flag has a cactus within a circle. end ID]

Xerosian: A gender related to deserts and arid regions.

Xerocolian: A gender related to xerocoles (desert-adapted fauna).

Xerophytian: A gender relating to xerophytes (desert-adapted plants).

anti-mogai please dni

ive deleted a bunch of discourse-y posts and from now on im not gonna respond to discourse cuz i want this to be a nice place 💙

[id: a flag with three downward-facing chevrons across the middle. the top of the flag is light grey. the first chevron is dark lavender, the second is white, and the third is lavender. the bottom of the flag is grey. end id]

queerhet flag design

queerhet is a label that includes, but is not limited to: when a hetero- person is in a queer relationship; an alternate term for heteroflexible/heterofluid; a person with a fluid orientation whose orientation includes hetero-; someone who is “straight now but not forever” or “straight but with exceptions”; someone who has both hetero- orientations and queer orientations (e.g. a heterosexual aromantic person); a hetero- trans/nonbinary person; a hetero- person in a polyam relationship; and any other variation of a hetero- person who is queer.

the flag is a combination of the queer chevron flag’s style and colours, with the straight flag’s monochrome colour scheme. the different shades represent the vast spectrum of experiences queerhet covers.


[id: black text against a pastel trans flag. in the corner is a cat sleeping under a gay flag. the text reads: “this blog supports: trans women, systems of all types, nondysphoric trans & nonbinary people, microidentities/mogai, non-sapphic/wlw butches & femmes; intersex people; fat people; aspec people. if you feel the need to argue: don’t!” end id]


last post on this, im just clarifying:

i think acespec and arospec are included under aspec, and that aspec stands for asexual spectrum, and in this case “asexual spectrum” means a-oriented spectrum, which of course includes aromantic.

ok goodnight!

one more time, to make it perfectly clear:

aspec - includes acespec & arospec

aspec - a- oriented spectrum, also called, as an umbrella/broad term, the asexual spectrum, in which case ‘asexual’ means ‘a- orientation’, which includes aromantic

which does not mean aromantics are asexual! it simply means aromantic is included under the aspec label!