Friday, January 12, 2024

Today -100: January 12, 1924: The King’s Peach

The British Cabinet decides that the King’s Speech can’t be broadcast on radio, since it’s a political speech (written by the party currently in power), and those are banned from the airwaves.

Eleftherios Venizelos gives in, oh so reluctantly, and will form a Greek government after all, after the Liberals prove too divided to form one.

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Thursday, January 11, 2024

Today -100: January 11, 1924: Oops

A British battleship bumps a British submarine, accidentally – or so they’d have us believe – sending all 43 submariners to the bottom of Portland Bill, which is a body of water rather than a hipster coffee shop. Elsewhere in the exercise, two other subs have a fender-bender.

The West Virginia Democrats endorse former ambassador to Britain John W. Davis for president. Let the Johnmentum begin!

A state constitutional amendment is proposed in the NY Assembly to increase the gubernatorial term from two years to four. Another suggestion is to allow women to serve on juries. Not require them to, mind you; that didn’t happen until the mid-70s (which explains “Twelve Angry Men”).

The state of Illinois steps in to stop dry raids in Williamson County conducted by the Ku Klux Klan. They’ve also been beating & robbing Italians, as was the custom.

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Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Today -100: January 10, 1924: Of assassinations and censorship

Franz Josef Heinz, the self-proclaimed president of the “Autonomous Government of the Palatinate,” is assassinated, alongside a couple of bysitters, in the Wittelsbacherhof Hotel restaurant in Speyer by members of the Viking League paramilitary group, who presumably would prefer the Palatinate remain in Germany.

Ohio bans Mabel Normand and Edna Purviance films. Ditto Michigan for Normand.

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Tuesday, January 09, 2024

Today -100: January 9, 1924: Um, sure

Coolidge wants the tax-reduction bill passed before the veterans’ bonus bill. Also, he opposes the Democrats’ alternative tax bill, which he says favors the rich by taxing them the most when they have the power to pass on those taxes to consumers.

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Monday, January 08, 2024

Today -100: January 8, 1924: Go out and get some

Coolidge puts an embargo on arms sales to the Huertaista rebels in Mexico.

Headline of the Day -100:  

This is the sort of authoritarianism you can expect when you put a US Marine general on a leave of absence, one Smedley Darlington Butler, in charge of a city’s cops (and firemen and elevator inspectors). Gen. Butler says “I have a free hand and will not be interfered with by the politicians.” He tells 2,000 cops at the Metropolitan Opera House, “I don’t believe there’s a single bandit notch on a policeman’s gun in this city. Go out and get some.” Spoken like a veteran of many imperial wars treating the mean streets of Philly like the Philippines.

Elsewhere in law enforcement, Birmingham, Alabama police have gotten 5 black men to confess to 8 axe murders through the use of “‘truth serum,’” the NYT’s quote marks presumably indicating they were falsely told they had been injected with truth serum.

The New York State Moving Picture Commission declines to ban the films of Mabel Normand or Edna Purviance as many other locales are doing because the infatuated chauffeur of the former shot a guy in the presence of the latter.

Michigan Agricultural College (Go Aggies!) is planning to broadcast a sort of running account of a basketball game on the radio. This will be a first.

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Sunday, January 07, 2024

Today -100: January 7, 1924: Of peace plans, bombs, and munitions

Edward Bok, former editor of the Ladies’ Home Journal, sponsored a $100,000 prize for the “best practicable plan for U.S. cooperation in world peace.” Of the 22,165 submissions, he chose:  join the World Court, cooperate with the League of Nations, which has to change the provisions of its Covenant (“substitute moral force and public opinion for military and economic force...”)... I’m gonna stop there, since this is just the Republican position from when they were torpedoing Wilson’s attempt to join the League. This is... nothing... justifying my ignoring all the stories about this contest until now.

Someone throws bombs at the Japanese Imperial Palace. The police leap into action and suppress a newspaper that reports the incident, which seems to have been more in the nature of a demonstration than an actual attack intended to hurt anyone. A Korean is arrested, as was the custom.

The State Dept warns against US arms dealers selling to the Mexican rebels, but it’s not a formal ban, at least not yet.

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Saturday, January 06, 2024

Today -100: January 6, 1924: Hail King Harry!

Eleftherios Venizelos, returning to Greece from exile, is elected president of the National Assembly almost unanimously and celebrates by having a heart attack. Before this, Venizelos said he intended to remain in office only until the possibility of a civil war passes.

Mexican rebel general Adolfo de la Huerta orders rifles & machine guns & ammo for both in New Orleans to test the US government’s claim when it sold arms to the Mexican government that there is no embargo on arms sales to Mexico.

The NYT says the British public is “resigned” to the possibility of a Labour government and thinks it might not even be a calamity. The possibilities of a fusion Tory-Liberal cabinet, or the king simply putting Asquith in office, are fading. Those “resigned” Britishers are reassuring themselves that Labour can’t do anything especially radical with a minority in Parliament and zero members in the House of Lords.

Albania keeps offering its crown to foreign princes & dukes, and keeps being turned down. Now they’re trying American oil guy Harry Sinclair, who just a few days ago testified very much against his will at the Senate Teapot Dome hearings. His connection with Albania is that he breeds horses there.

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Friday, January 05, 2024

Today -100: January 5, 1924: Of arms sales and censorship

The US sells 5,000 rifles, 5 million rounds of ammunition, and 8 aeroplanes to Mexico to use in crushing the rebellion. Coolidge is ignoring Congress to make the sale, like a common Joe Biden.

As New Hampshire bans Mabel Normand’s movies, and Ohio and Kansas look to follow, Mabel appeals to Americans’ sense of fair play. Good luck with that.

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Thursday, January 04, 2024

Today -100: January 4, 1924: Chin out

40 or so people die in a starch explosion at the Corn Products Company in Pekin, Illinois.

There have been disturbances at the vault in Marion where Warren G. Harding’s body is entombed, possibly aimed more at the guards than Harding, possibly by children: bugles blown, stones thrown at the guard houses, etc. So Lt. Harriman, in command of the guard, sends for riot guards and says he’ll shoot at future people causing disturbances.

Rep. William Upshaw (D-KKKGeorgia) demands that Pres. Coolidge “begin a righteous crusade by breaking every jug and bottle in official Washington and by using the Executive guillotine on the neck of every drinking official including army, navy and Cabinet officers.” In other words, that Cal fire every government official who engages in “drinking devilment.” Upshaw also wants to deport aliens who break Prohibition (we’ve been hearing that idea frequently of late). And a lot more ideas along those lines.

Mabel Normand has an appendectomy in the same hospital in which Courtland Dines is staying after being shot by Normand’s chauffeur. Memphis censors say her films will be banned in the city forever. They haven’t decided about Edna Purviance yet. Kansas Attorney General Charles Griffith will ask the censor board to ban films featuring both women. Will Hays is rushing to California to look into the affair, “and I have my chin out,” whatever that means.

John D. Rockefeller, 84, likes to play golf, and to be praised for how he plays golf. He keeps dimes in his pocket to hand out to anyone who applauds one of his shots.

For weeks before he was exiled, King George of Greece wouldn’t have his hair cut because he was afraid Greek barbers would do a Sweeney Todd on him, I guess. The first thing he did when he arrived in Bucharest was to get a haircut.

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