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Wall Street returned to record heights and capped a punishing, two-year round trip dogged by high inflation and worries about a possible recession.
Special prosecutors brought the case before a grand jury in Santa Fe this week, months after receiving a new analysis of the gun that was used.
Devin Thompson, 21, is dealing with life-threatening damage from the shooting and intends to seek $50 million, his attorneys say.
In this week's Culture Catchall, we're recapping the Emmys, wrapping our minds around J.Lo's upcoming film, and more.
What Republicans can’t do through the courts they can do through the presidency and Congress — if they have that power. And they seem inclined to use it.
The letter is the latest sign of growing discomfort among Democrats on U.S. support for Israel.
The closely watched gauge of consumer sentiment has posted its biggest two-month increase since 1991, potentially easing a political headache for Joe Biden.
The attorney general said it concerns him that a huge number of Republican voters think the cases are politically motivated.
The legacy magazine has long been the gold standard of sports journalism.
The Kansas City Chiefs star seemingly had little time to enjoy the Detroit rapper's 2002 album, "The Eminem Show."
Relatives of the late drug lord accused both the actor and Netflix of using the family's image and likeness without permission.
The Kentucky Republican allegedly offered "cherry-picked, out of context and totally misleading descriptions" of what Kevin Morris said in a closed deposition.