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Guji Guji

by Chih-Yuan Chen

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5047143,057 (4.09)4
Crocodile Guji Guji was raised by a family of ducks. One day he met 3 crocodiles who told him that he was not a duck. They ask Guji Guji to help them trap ducks. Guji Guji then tricked the crocodiles and saved duck family.

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English (70)  French (1)  All languages (71)
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A sweet story about a crocodile born into a family of ducks. Despite being different, he is loved my mother duck just the same as her chicks. One day the young crocodile meets a family of other crocodiles. The crocodiles try to convince Guji Guji to turn on his family and join them. When he is faced with a difficult decision, he learns here he truly belongs. I like the message that you do not have to look the same to be family. Family is about who you choose to love. The illustrations were adorable. I think this could be a good book to discuss the topic of adoption. ( )
  slserpas | May 8, 2020 |
An egg rolled all the way down the hill. All the eggs were all okay, but after hatching they noticed one wasn't a duck. Mother duck didn't pay attention to the difference. Guji Guji was a crocodile. Eventually the crocodiles come back for Guji, but he doesn't want to go with the crocodiles. He has to think of a way to save his duck family. He thinks of a great plan and it works! The theme of the book was great. It doesnt matter who you are, you can be anything you set your mind to no matter who says something. ( )
  CameronYoung | Apr 27, 2020 |
This is definitely a book about acceptance and individuality. A baby crocodile, named Guji Guji, believes he is a duck because he is raised by a duck family and when he sees his reflection and shadow he looks like a duck. Throughout the book Guji learns the definition of family and he learns that you do not have to look like your family to be apart of it. This book could be relatable to many students whether they were adopted or have half siblings, or even if they feel as if they do not fit in. ( )
  leahspurgeon | Apr 22, 2020 |
I like this book because the plot was suspenseful and engaging. Guji Guji is a baby crocodile, but he does not look like his duck family. Guji Guji believes he is a duck in the story because his reflection in the puddle of water is a duck, not a crocodile. Even the shadow underneath the moonlight is duck-like. The crocodiles try to eat the ducks, but Guji Guji thrown rocks into their mouths. I was amazed by the ending because Guji Guji was a hero of the day, so they celebrated and danced. I like the term "crocoduck." I believe the theme is identity because Guji Guji was identified as a duck, not a crocodile. I know the kids would enjoy this cute story. ( )
  EveYoung | Apr 18, 2020 |
Guji Guji, a crocodile, is adopted by a family of ducks when he is first born. Guji Guji learns that you don’t have to look like your family in order to be a family. I think this book sends an important message to students who may have been adopted or come from blended families. This book has playful illustrations and the characters have creative names. ( )
  Carly.Alexander | Apr 10, 2020 |
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Crocodile Guji Guji was raised by a family of ducks. One day he met 3 crocodiles who told him that he was not a duck. They ask Guji Guji to help them trap ducks. Guji Guji then tricked the crocodiles and saved duck family.

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Kane Miller Books

An edition of this book was published by Kane Miller Books.

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