
Lumibrous-an orientation where your attraction to women and nonbinary people is clear and gay, and your attraction to men and heavily man-aligned people is more murky, but still queer

can be used as lumibrousromantic, lumibroussexual etc, or just lumibrous

for @feralpunkcryptid !

(i edited the definition a little, original under the cut, as well as colour meanings)

Keep reading


Solibrous-: an orientation where your attraction to men and nonbinary people is clear and gay, and your attraction to women and heavily woman-aligned people is more murky, but still queer

can be used as solibrousromantic, solibroussexual etc, or just solibrous

counterpart to lumibrous [link]


⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ Polyamory pride flag! ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆

❀ I’m actually really glad you asked anon, because I’m also polyam, and I think the current flag is utterly disgusting! So here’s a little redo.

❀ I tried to keep blue, black, red, and gold in there, just edited them so they’d fit a bit better. 

❀ I also did both an infinity version and a more traditional pi version. I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed making it!!!!

~🌌 Mod Jupiter 🌌




Rainbow wizard sticker by illuminations, 1980.


Pride Wizards Pride Wizards Pride Wizards

The person who did the earlier edits seems to have vanished, but I loved the idea and wanted to make a few myself :)



Vulpinigender Flags

I made flags for the vulpinigender subsystem, coined by @xeno-aligned! Instead of a dog paw, I used a fox paw. The flag colors are meant to resemble the animal as much as possible, with the vulpinigender flag being a combination of the most common colors in the subfamily.

Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3

Vulpinigender: A gender related to the Vulpini subfamily, or an umbrella term for genders related to the Vulpini subfamily.


Alpusgender: An Arctic fox (V. Lagopus)-like gender, or a gender that is influenced or compared to Arctic foxes in some way.


Blacanagender: A Blanford’s fox (Vuples Cana)-like gender, or a gender that is influenced or compared to Blanford’s foxes in some way.


Camagender: A gender that is cama fox (V. Chama)-like, or a gender that is influenced or compared to cama foxes in some way.


Corsgender: A gender that is corsac fox (V. Corsac)-like, or a gender that is influenced or compared to corsac foxes in some way.


Fennegender: A gender that is fennec fox (Vulpes zerda)-like, or a gender that influenced or compared to fennec foxes in some way.


Fuhzgender: A gender that’s red fox (V. Vulpes)-like, or a gender that’s influenced or compared to red foxes in some way.


Kitisgender: A gender that’s kit fox (V. Macrotis)-like, or a gender that’s influenced or compared to kit foxes in some way.


Otogender: A gender that’s bat-eared fox (otocyon megalotis)-like, or a gender that’s influenced or compared to bat-eared foxes in some way.


Rupligender: A gender that’s Ruppell’s fox (V. Ruppellii)-like, or a gender that’s influenced or compared to Ruppell’s foxes in some way.


(more will be added in reblog)




made a fag(got) pride flag 4 any+all self-identified fags 🖤 identity policers fuck right off, non-fags can rb but dont start shit


totally forgot to put these in the original lol, here. note if ur a fag & u dont feel like u have a connection to femininity and/or masculinity ur cool too this is just how i perceive the identity in general

magenta: liberation, pride, identity

pink: connection to femininity

white: diversity, solidarity

blue: connection to masculinity

indigo: history, reclaimation, community

1nnerch1ld asked:

hello! hope everyone here is well. i was wondering if you could explain how certain people under the nonbinary umbrella don’t claim the transgender label and others do. if someone doesn’t identify as their agab, does that not put them under the transgender identity by default? i’ve been questioning my identity lots and looking stuff up but i still feel rlly confused abt this. i hope this doesn’t come off as inappropriate. thank you so much, take care ! ⭐️



(Image ID: A diagram that reads ‘Transgender (Person)’ in a pink rectangle at the top. To the right, it says ‘Note: (Person) can be replaced by any noun that means person: man, by, woman, girl, postworker, teenager, etc’. Two dotted lines start at the ends of the pink rectangle and vertically cut the diagram in quarters. The very left, not underneath the pink rectangle, has a blue rectangle that reads ‘Binary (Person’ underneath it reads ‘Cis Man’ and ‘Cis Woman’ in two light blue rectangles. To the right of the blue rectangle and under the pink rectangle, it reads ‘Transgender Binary (Person)’ in a purple rectangle. Underneath reads ‘Transgender Man’ and ‘Transgender Woman’ in two light purple rectangles. To the right of the purple rectangle and underneath the pink rectangle, it reads, ‘Transgender Nonbinary (Person)’ in an orange rectangle. Underneath reads ‘Transgender Agender (Person)’, ‘Transgender Genderflux (Person)’, ‘Transgender Genderqueer (Person)’, ‘Transgender Bigender (Person), ‘Transgender Nonbinary (Person)’, ‘Transgender Genderfluid (Person), and ‘Transgender (Any Nonbinary Identity) (Person)’ in seven light orange rectangles. To the right of the orange rectangle, not under the pink rectangle, it reads ‘Nonbinary (Person)’ in a yellow rectangle. Underneath reads ‘Agender (Person)’, ‘Genderflux (Person)’, ‘Genderqueer (Person)’, ‘Bigender (Person), ‘Nonbinary (Person)’, ‘Genderfluid (Person), and ‘(Any Nonbinary Identity) (Person)’ in seven light yellow rectangles. End ID.)

I think people identify as trans or don’t due to their own relationship with their gender. This post talks about navigating being nonbinary and trans.

-Mod Zay


canisgender flag redesign

canisgender-  a gender that feels influenced by, or connected to dogs in some way. 

(original flag)


Caninagender Flags

I made flags for the caninagender subsystem, coined by @xeno-aligned​! All flags are meant to resemble the animals they’re related to as much as possible, with the caninagender flag being a combination of the most common colors in the subfamily.

Part 1 / Part 2

Caninagender: A gender related to the Canina subfamily, or an umbrella term for all genders related to said subfamily.


Anthusgender: An African golden wolf (C. anthus)-like gender, or a gender that’s influenced/compared to African golden wolves in some way.


Chacalgender: A black-backed jackal (C. mesomelas)-like gender,  or a gender that’s influenced/compared to black-backed jackals in some way.


Dholusgender: A dhole (C. alpinus)-like gender, or a gender that is influenced or compared to dholes in some way.


Ethsisgender: An Ethiopian wolf (C. simensis)-like gender, or a gender that is influenced or compared to Ethiopian wolves in some way.


Ghalgender: A side-striped jackal (C. adustus)-like gender, or a gender that is influenced or compared to side-striped jackals in some way.


Latragender: A coyote (C. latrans)-like gender, or a gender that is influenced or compared to coyotes in some way.


Lypicgender: An African wild dog (Lycaon pictus)-like gender, or a gender that is influenced or compared to African wild dogs in some way.


Srgagender: A golden jackal (C. aureus)-like gender, or a gender that is influenced or compared to golden jackals in some way.


Wulfgender: A grey wolf (Canis lupus)-like gender, or a gender that is influenced or compared to grey wolves in some way.
