
[ID: a flag with 7 horizontal stripes, with a white stripe in the middle. the top half is 3 shades of brown, and the bottom half is three shades of orange. end ID]

butch bear flag

for the beary butches! a combination of the bear flag & the sunlight butch flag. this flag is for anyone who is a butch and a bear, regardless of gender or orientation.


Transmasculine Lunarian Pride Flag


Lunarian Transmasc: a fem-aligned transmasculinity; a transmasculine folk aligned with womanhood; a trans-masc individual who shares experiences with women and/or fem people and feels it is an important part of their personhood.

[transcript: 6 stripes of 2 violets, 2 yellows and 2 oranges, respectively. id over.]



definition: identifying with femininity, femme, and girlhood, but also not a girl; nonbinary with a core and foundation of enduring femme

coined by: queerfucker



A gender, way of relation, or expression of gender that relates to the Greek God Dionysus and Dionysian philosophy.

Meaning of Maenadian in this context: Maenad is usually thought of as a term strictly relating to women who followed Dionysus, but in this concept it is an entirely separate gender term that is somewhat related to femininity (but not restricted to feminine genders) but not womanhood.

Disclaimers: you don’t have to be a follower of Dionysus to use this term but you can use it as an extension of your relationship with him if you do. It’s very related to gnc-ness and androgyny but it isn’t restricted to either group. If you are worried about offending Dionysus by using this term for yourself, I am a follower of Dionysus and explicitly asked permission beforehand, He gave me very ecstatic permission. He is very encouraging of expressing your gender however you truly feel!!

Color meanings 

Wine: Feelings of gender associated with madness and/or ecstasy.

Purple: Adoration for Dionysus and Dionysian philosophy.

Blue: Mysterious aspects of your gender, to yourself or intentionally wanting to be mysterious to others.

Off-white: Liberation from all gender restrictions, and celebration of androgyny and gender non-conformity.

Green: Feelings of love and protection towards other “gender outsiders.“ 

Pronouns: of course you can use any pronouns for this, but Maenadian specific suggestions i have are Ny/Nys/Nyself and Mae/Maen/Maedself. Or inventing other related pronouns for yourself if you would like to be more in the spirit of things! Here are examples of how to use them (ny/nys) 

also thank you so much to @of—13 for helping me out so much with the initial concepts, pronouns, and flag design it meant so much to have you collaborate with me on this!  

I would like this gender to be collaborative with everyone who uses it. If you use this gender for yourself PLEASE feel free to share with me alternative flags/symbols/pronouns/gendered terms. Thank you! Praise Dionysus (:


Uhh here’s a new xenogender, Cichlidgender! It’s for when someone has a strong connection to the Cichlid genera!

Blue is for the waters Cichlid’s reside in, Red is for the toughness and resilience and will to fight Cichlid’s have and Green is the natural and beautiful and lush lives these fish live in!

Also the fish sillohoute in the flag is Astronotus Ocellatus or the Common Oscar!


thanks for submitting! the flag is super cute :)


I’ve made smthn, if you’re okay with me sharing here! 👉👈

Plushgender! A gender with a connections to stuffed animals, toys, n other soft stuff like blankets n pillows :)

The colors are pastels because they’re calming, childish colors. The blue and pink are for “tradionally feminine / masculine” colors associated w childhood, and yellow and off white for completely off-spectrum or questioning identities!


thanks for your submission!

[ID: three pride flags, each with four horizontal stripes in progressively lighter shades of sandy brown. the first flag has a black symbol of the sun in the middle, the second flag has a kangaroo, and the third flag has a cactus within a circle. end ID]

Xerosian: A gender related to deserts and arid regions.

Xerocolian: A gender related to xerocoles (desert-adapted fauna).

Xerophytian: A gender relating to xerophytes (desert-adapted plants).

anti-mogai please dni

Anonymous asked:

I coined a term: prefix rigi-. This can be applied to orientations or genders, and it means that you only feel your identity (whether that be the orientation label or gender label) when you are doing something that fits your rigid definition of what someone of that identity would do and disappears whenever you are doing something else. Feel free to make flags if you like it!




A gender based off of the aesthetics and themes from House of Leaves.

Can also be a subset of liminalgender.


Despite there being quite a few psychosis/schizophrenic spectrum neurogenders, there are none that are centred on all schizophrenic symptoms (most focus on psychotic/positive symptoms, except for negagender). So I’m coining one!

Zofrenie / Zofreniegender

A gender influenced by schizophrenic spectrum symptoms of both positive symptoms (such as hallucinations and delusions), negative symptoms (such as depression and alogia), and cognitive symptoms (such as confused thinking and memory issues).

The name comes from the Dutch word for schizophrenia, schizofrenie.