

@xeno-aligned / xeno-aligned.tumblr.com

an archive/help blog for neolabels ★ i no longer do pronoun validations ★ check out my pinned post please

edit: farewell!

this blog (and all sibling blogs) is officially(TM) archived, for good. i may check back in now and again to clear out the inbox (which i will be closing).

i won't rule out the possibility of coming back to mogai spaces, but it's goodbye for now. thank you for all your love and support and the great community that's been created here!

(original post remains under the cut...)


[Image description: The first image is a flag with three vertical stripes, slanted diagonally. The first and third stripes are dark green (or "dark greyish harlequin"), the middle stripe is purple (or "moderate violet"), and dividing each stripe is a thin pale gold (or "very light amber") stripe. In the middle of the flag is an o with a horizontal line on the top right side. Inside the circle are two wavy lines, similar to an almost equal sign (≈) or the Aquarius (♒︎) symbol. The second image is the salmacian symbol by itself, in black. End ID]

Green represents aspiration towards having mixed genitals, and the normalization of genital non-conformity; yellow represents euphoria from having mixed genitals, and raising awareness of salmacians’ existence; purple represents the fusion of different sexes, and individualistic personal autonomy. The flag’s central emblem, the “Sign of Salmacis”, consists of a lowercase sigma for “salmacian”, with waves to represent the sex-transforming Salmacis Spring of mythology.

Erikatharsis has written a long guide to salmacian identity and flags on xer wordpress linked here.


Xenicritters Project by @bun-gender


Pupgender is a super playful and excitable Xenicritter who loves digging holes and chasing squirrels! Pupgender is a xenogender that is puppy-like, connected to puppies, and/or described as small, lively, cute and any other quality associated with puppies.

→ Full art below the cut !


im sure there's a word for this but i cant find it - anyone know of a term for when you have an affinity for [x] because of a headmates kintype? like for ex. headmate A is a cat therian so headmate B is cat-hearted because of their headmates therianthropy

Anonymous asked:

Hello, I'm still learning about Xenogender and I see a lot of gender under the umbrella terms of Xenogender, and for now none of them seems to suit me. I wonder if I can just be Xenogender without picking any of the specific genders under them? Sorry, I also still learning about umbrella terms since all of this is new to me

yes of course! xenogender is an umbrella term, but it is still a gender in its own right

Anonymous asked:

Hi 👋 I was asking a question about mercurian can you be mercurian AND enby or is it just mercurian is a branch of non-binary and you cannot classify as both?

of course you can be both! there are no limits on gender

[ID: a flag with six horizontal stripes, in black, red, yellow, white, green and blue. end ID]


Walkern means rainbow in the Noongar language. It's used by the Walkern Katatdjin project as a term for queer Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders (ATSI). This flag is used by them as a queer ATSI flag.

Please only use this flag for yourself if you are Aboriginal and/or a Torres Strait Islander! Anyone can reblog and use in pride edits, etc.


i'm no longer answering asks about neopronouns

there are a lot of neopronoun resources out there (and quite a lot on this blog), so please utilise those instead! i'll only be focusing on gender and orientations from now on.


[ID: a flag with 7 horizontal stripes, with a white stripe in the middle. the top half is 3 shades of brown, and the bottom half is three shades of orange. end ID]

butch bear flag

for the beary butches! a combination of the bear flag & the sunlight butch flag. this flag is for anyone who is a butch and a bear, regardless of gender or orientation.

shout out to lesbians who are men in some way! demiboy lesbians, masculenby lesbians, genderfluid lesbians, bigender lesbians, nonbinary men lesbians, agender man lesbians, transmasc lesbians, trans men lesbians, lesbians who are on the edge between or are both butch and trans men, lesboys, lesbians who are also gay men, and any other variety of lesbians who fall under this!

your complex gender and orientation identity is something to be celebrated, and youre a shining example of what being queer is all about- proudly being uniquely yourself and breaking out of the bounds of societal norms! were queer and were not here to be easily digestable to others or water ourselves down, were here to unabashedly be ourselves and make others get used to it, were not going anywhere!


I love female fags, male dykes, trans mtftms and ftmtfs. I adore genderqueer genderfreaks who fuck gender and hug eachother. A kiss to every bi lesbian, every asexual lesbian, every mspec gay guy married to his beard who he's in love with. A smile and a nod to all the incomprehensible degenerates who are holding hands when they get pelted with rocks on the street for being visible and a menace to society. I pour one out for all the faggot dykes, femme butches, agender aromatic asexuals, high femmes and stone butches. This one goes out to the freaks of nature who queer queerness and are left to martyrdom by those who should love them, you are loved by me.


in the fast moving world of mogai tumblr, a lot happens in 9 months. a lot of bloggers i followed are gone or inactive, can anyone recommend me some mogai blogs to follow? some new terms to reblog?

Anonymous asked:

not sure if asks are open, but do you know if there are any genders relating to lumas from super mario galaxy?

asks are always open!

i don't know of any, sorry


so everyone is making a lesbian flag redesign due to the creator being a piece of shit (racist, ableist, biphobic, and even lesbophobic against butches), so i made mine for fun and I ended up really liking it!

(TIP FOR PEOPLE WHO WANT TO MAKE FLAGS: as a graphic designer student please ask yourself: will it be printable? will it show up good on screens or on printed stuff? Neon colors won’t end up neon at all on a flag or on paper! you have to make sure that your flag looks good on CMYK)

i used a Pantones CMYK Coated palette i made

here are the meanings i put into it!

1. gender nonconformity, dreams, fighting for rights and future

2. violet flowers! a symbolic gift that would represent love, i also thought it could be for lesbians who dont fit into the “butch or femme” categories

3. for trans and nonbinary lesbians!

4. femme lesbians, feminity and romance

5. butch lesbians, passion and strenght

i hope yall like it