Broken resolutions? Here are five money goals you can actually stick to this year

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Broken resolutions? Here are five money goals you can actually stick to this year

It’s 2024, and we’ve probably all said something similar to “this year I need to ... ” Whether that’s about your career, personal life, finances or fitness, it’s a relatable comment that by February often falls by the wayside. It’s not just me saying this, it’s actually been proven.

In 2002, Charles R. Snyder, a pioneer in positive psychology, pointed out that our commitment to these resolutions tends to wane quickly, with 80 per cent of us cancelling on ourselves before February even rolls around.

Taking these steps in 2024 can make your year much more financially relaxing.

Taking these steps in 2024 can make your year much more financially relaxing.Credit: Dionne Gain

Snyder’s research highlights two key obstacles to achieving our goals: the lack of belief in our ability to succeed and the failure to identify the pathways to achieve those goals. And here we are, year after year, grappling with the same challenges.

In 2024, as we navigate the financial landscape, it’s crucial to apply these lessons to our money resolutions. Personally, I love setting and achieving goals – but it’s not something we can all do without the right structure and support, and there’s nothing worse than getting to the end of the year and realising everything you set out to achieve got sidelined.

But this year, we’re going to do it. This year, we’ll set some money goals that are not only achievable, but will also enable you to have your best year yet.

Before delving into the resolutions themselves, it’s essential to acknowledge the economic challenges we have faced, and continue to face. The inflation crisis of years past still looms over us as we enter the new year. The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) anticipates not hitting the mid-point of its inflation target until 2026.

It’s not about making grand gestures; it’s about consistent, intentional steps that will lead you to financial well-being.

With this in mind, let’s break down the five money resolutions that can pave the way for your financial success in 2024 and put you in the position to have your best year yet.

1. Take pressure off yourself


It’s so easy to internalise financial struggles and blame ourselves for not meeting certain expectations. However, in the midst of a cost-of-living crisis, it’s crucial to reframe your thoughts.

Understand that you’re not alone; many are grappling with similar challenges. Shift your mindset from self-blame to proactive problem-solving. Seek support, educate yourself on financial literacy, and make informed decisions.

By acknowledging external factors, you can ease the burden and approach your financial journey with a healthier perspective. You are not bad at money, no matter what your history looks like.

2. Spend less

In a world filled with enticing advertisements and pressure to keep up with the latest trends, reining in your spending is a fundamental resolution. Understand that every dollar saved today contributes to being more financially secure tomorrow.

Consider creating a budget, differentiating between needs and wants, and finding ways to cut unnecessary expenses. Be mindful of your financial goals, and let them guide your spending choices – and be aware of how other peoples financial goals might be impacting yours.

3. Save more and boost your emergency funds

In uncertain times, a robust emergency fund is your financial safety net, and it’s more important now that ever.

Ensure you have an adequate cushion to handle unexpected expenses or job loss. This year, capitalise on higher interest rates by exploring savings accounts that offer better returns – while higher interest rates have been savage on mortgages, they’ve been very kind to our savings accounts.

I’ve seen high-interest savings accounts sitting between 4 and 5.70 per cent this year. Make your money work harder for you by optimising your current savings strategy. Consider automating your savings to ensure consistency and discipline in building your financial safety net.


4. Get your personal insurances in order

With a no doubt challenging year ahead, securing your income is one of the most important things you can do. It blows my mind that people pay for insurance on their cars, but not their income – knowing full well we need an income to replace a broken car.

Life and personal insurance can offer protection in case of job loss, life-changing illness, or unfortunate accidents. These policies provide a financial buffer for your family, offering peace of mind during turbulent times. Prioritise this resolution to safeguard your financial well-being and that of your loved ones – I know you’ll sleep better at night.

5. Schedule a monthly check in

Consistent monitoring and adjustment are key to financial success. Put a monthly date in your calendar to check in on your financial progress. Whether solo or with your partner, this regular assessment allows you to track your achievements, identify areas for improvement, and stay accountable to your goals.

Lack of planning has been a stumbling block for many in the past; a dedicated monthly review ensures you stay on course and make necessary adjustments along the way. Having a consistent check in means you’re able to stop, reflect and redirect if a goal isn’t tracking the way you anticipated it to.

This is the year for you to revolutionise your financial habits, and by adopting these five money resolutions, you’ll not only navigate the challenges of the current economic landscape but also build a foundation for a secure and successful future – regardless of where you’re starting from.

Remember, it’s not about making grand gestures; it’s about consistent, intentional steps that will lead you to financial well-being. Here’s to your best financial year yet!

Victoria Devine is an award-winning retired financial adviser, best-selling author, and host of Australia’s number one finance podcast, She’s on the Money. Victoria is also the founder and co-director of Zella Money.

  • Advice given in this article is general in nature and is not intended to influence readers’ decisions about investing or financial products. They should always seek their own professional advice that takes into account their own personal circumstances before making any financial decisions.

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