Nick Bryant | The Age

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Nick Bryant is a former BBC correspondent and the author of The Rise and Fall of Australia: How a Great Nation Lost Its Way.

American democracy’s at Defcon1. A Trump win may seal its fate

American democracy’s at Defcon1. A Trump win may seal its fate

I still want to believe that America harbours a sensible majority alert to the risks that Trump poses to democracy. But my faith is fraying.

  • by Nick Bryant


January’s heat can catch you out – and careless leaders often get burnt

January’s heat can catch you out – and careless leaders often get burnt

While December is seen as Canberra’s killing season, it is often in January when the real political carnage can occur.

  • by Nick Bryant
The world seems to be spinning in reverse. Have we reached the end of progress?

The world seems to be spinning in reverse. Have we reached the end of progress?

It’s been another regressive year for the planet. Pessimism abounds – yet there are occasional shards of light.

  • by Nick Bryant
It used to be enough that Albanese wasn’t Scott Morrison, but now?

It used to be enough that Albanese wasn’t Scott Morrison, but now?

Last year Anthony Albanese was on top of the world. This year he was mugged by reality. What will happen in 2024?

  • by Nick Bryant
Less Roaring Twenties than wretched times: 2023 in review

Less Roaring Twenties than wretched times: 2023 in review

War, strongmen consolidating power, endless weather extremes: 2023 was not a great year for the globe (but go the Matildas!).

  • by Nick Bryant
The first Madam President? The woman Biden may fear more than Trump

The first Madam President? The woman Biden may fear more than Trump

Donald Trump remains way ahead as the presumed Republican presidential candidate, but winning the election is a much bigger popularity contest – and that is Nikki Haley’s pitch.

  • by Nick Bryant
There is too much fiction in historical drama. And that’s a fact

There is too much fiction in historical drama. And that’s a fact

High-end dramas are embellishing the past but low-end politicians are also keen to write their own history, even as it happens.

  • by Nick Bryant
The Kennedys still personify the thrill and chill of America

The Kennedys still personify the thrill and chill of America

Sixty years after the assassination of JFK, the Kennedys continue to embody the flip sides of American exceptionalism.

  • by Nick Bryant
Yes, minister, UK politics is hilarious. Just don’t laugh too loud, Australia

Yes, minister, UK politics is hilarious. Just don’t laugh too loud, Australia

Might Australia succumb to the perpetual turmoil of British and US politics? A year ago, I was less worried.

  • by Nick Bryant
Albanese’s not the mayor of Marrickville, so jibes like ‘Airbus Albo’ belittle Australia

Albanese’s not the mayor of Marrickville, so jibes like ‘Airbus Albo’ belittle Australia

To moan about excessive travel by the prime minister is to deny Australia’s consequentiality and speaks of a municipal, self-belittling streak.

  • by Nick Bryant
Why America is reduced to a wretched choice: dodderer Biden or diddler Trump

Why America is reduced to a wretched choice: dodderer Biden or diddler Trump

The US political system is riddled with inbuilt flaws that sideline worthy presidential candidates while the aged refuse to relinquish power.

  • by Nick Bryant