Saturday, January 13, 2024

Peggy Noonan: When Your Box Wine Is Pressed From Sour Grapes

In the past three days I have taken over 10,000 cab and Uber rides, traversing every main street, rural route and frontage road that crosses paths with every dusty town, bitter village and federal and state prison in the midwest.  And from this I learned the following, heartbreaking news.

Not a single one of these hardworking ferrymen that transported me across 10,000 tributaries of the River Styx between 10,000 weary WalMarts and 10,000 bustling Big Lots have ever heard of Peggy Noonan.  None had ever had her in their hack.  Yes, they've had their fair share of plowed fares poured into their back seats to be taken home from the local Shenanigan's Lounge, but none fitting her description.  Yes they've hosed out upchuck from countless overserved tipplers, but none of the vomitus had been chunky with fancy nouns like "tropism".  Nor were any of these worthies subscribed to the Wall Street Journal.  Nor did I spot any scraps of the Journal tucked away in any corner of the vehicle

Furthermore, in all my travels, nary a single "Peggy Noonan" lawn sign did I see.  In none of the taverns, diners and rest stops where I found respite from the road did I ever hear anyone say, "Hey, have you read the latest from Peggy Noonan?"  At none of the motels where I laid my weary head was a complimentary copy of the Wall Street Journal slipped under my door.  USA Today? Yes, and sweet Jebus make it stop.  But the WSJ?  No.

So, based on my extensive, first-hand knowledge of the land where I live -- Middle Murrica -- I can state unequivocally that Midwesterners have no idea who Peggy Noonan is, and, conversely, from her corner stool at a tony Georgetown bar, Peggers has gleaned nothing whatsoever about the lives and loves of the inhabitants of the American Midwest. 

Truth be told, I had all but forgotten Peggers.  In my mind, if she existed at all, it in a liminal state of semi-existence.  I know she hadn't dropped dead in her apartment and been partially eaten by her cats because if that had happened, I'm pretty sure I woulda heard about it.  But beyond that, she was Schrodinger's Cat Lady: might be out there, might not, and either way, who cares?

But when Alert Reader "Dexter" sent me a copy of Peggers January 11, 2024 column --

The Voters Finally Get Their Say

Each party seems set to make a big mistake, but a Trump-Biden rematch isn’t yet inevitable.

-- as a 'umble servant of my reader's whims, I felt I had to act.  And so began my one million mile trek though the lands of my birth, just to be firm in my facts, and thence back to the Land of Lincoln, and my ancient HP laptop with the wheezy fan, and the words you are reading right now.  

But let's get something out of the way first.  Since the earliest days of the ARPANET, the mighty Tengrain of Mock Paper Scissors has owned clear title to all matters related to Peggy Noonan.  Respect must be paid.  Period.  Full stop/

Now that that's done, on to the bitter dregs that is all that remains of Ronald Reagan's primary speechwriter, Ms. Peggy Noonan.  Or Peggers.  Or The Magic Dolphin Lady.  Or "She Who Whistled 'Walk On By' Once The Bush Administration's Torture Regime Was Discovered".

Like syphilis, Peggers is known  by name names.  

And from her corner stool at a tony Georgetown drinkery, through slitted, swollen eyelids Peggers has surveyed this vast land and loathes pretty much everything she imagines she see. 

To begin with, Joe Biden is terrible and so is Kamala Harris and everyone knows it! 

[Joe Biden is] no longer up to the job, the vice president never was, and this doesn’t go under the heading National Security Secret Number 379, everybody knows...

He's so boring!

His speeches are boring, he never seems sincere, he seems propped up...

And this one, coming from Ronald Reagan's speechwriter, is priceless.

He doesn’t have a tropism toward intellectual content and likes things airy...

Also too, according to Peggers, working class Scranton Joe, somehow doesn't understand the real world and the lives of real people: 

...his subject matter isn’t life as most people are experiencing it but something many steps removed.

And so obviously Democrats need to abandon this very successful, incumbent president and immediately go candidate shopping.  Maybe Joe Lieberman is still available?  Or Chris Christie?

Democrats on the ground should raise a ruckus, issue a mighty roar. They can do better than this. 

Then we're on to the Republican party and lemme tell ya -- 

Republicans similarly shouldn’t accept the inevitability of Donald Trump.

-- Noonan telling Republicans what they should and should not do is just fucking hilarious.  This isn't old-man-shouting-at-clouds; this is old tosspot wagging her finger at Godzilla.  

On the debate stage Wednesday Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis were the Bickersons, and seemed smaller. 

Because nothing screams "I am in touch with the lived experience of real Murricans so listen to me!" like references to a radio show that came and went during the Truman administration.  

Then there is a short recitation of Donald Trump's most recent roaring threats and heresies against democracy, after which Pegger wonders aloud:

What is behind a Republican voters’ decision to stick with him?

And here is what she figures must be keeping the otherwise, noble Conservative yeomen farmers and shopkeepers (who make up the base Pegger's imaginary Republican party) from giving up their Trumpist follies and throwing their lot in with Nikki Haley, who Peggers hilariously mis-pronouns:

Mr. Haley is a steely, orderly lady...

No, Ms. Haley is a fluttery windsock of the first order who will fall in line once Trump stomps his way to the nomination and everybody knows it.

Where were we?  Oh yes.  Why is the meathead base sticking with their Dear Leader?  Peggers gives six reasons, all carefully packed in cotton batting to make them sound a whole lot more soft and reasonable than they are.  

Hope—he’ll be better than Mr. Biden, he was good until the pandemic and 1/6, but he’s learned.

Pride—you took a lot of guff for past support, you’re not gonna back off now. Identification—he’s a nonelite. Anger—he’s a living rebuke of the system that has produced disorder. Cold calculation—“In a world full of animals, he’s our animal.”

Mischief, sheer humor—his antics make you laugh, and it isn’t a bad feeling to subvert things when you feel what you’re subverting is decadence.

And then she adds

Some other things, I think...

I'll pause until you stop laughing.  Yeah.   Some other things.  Like attributing the (K–Pg) mass extinction event to poor dinosaur work habits, TicTok, the welfare state and Hunter Biden's laptop....and some other things, I think.

What does Peggers omit?

Racism.  Paranoia.  Racism.  +30 years of Conservative media and Republican slash-and-burn politics turning congealing the base into a mob of rage-drunk, reprogrammable meatbags.  Homophobia.  Xenophobia.  Misogyny.  And did I mention racism?

Then, like that obligatory little glop of what was technically "applesauce" that used to come with every Swanson frozen Salisbury steak dinner whether you liked it or Beltway pundit round of opinion-having is ever complete without that obligatory little glop of Both Siderism, which I have highlighted for your convenience:

Americans have long used political debate as a distraction from their real lives. 

But...but...every Very Serious Person on the planet has been telling me since forever that most Murricans pay no attention to politics at all?  Christ Almighty, people, get your bullshit straight!  

Anyway, onward:

Once Mr. Trump is in office again you have a job again. When he’s in power he dominates the stage, the national conversation. Everyone is forced to argue about Trump. Your job the next four years is to defend him. It’s a full-time job so you get to ignore your life and what needs fixing in it. These tend to be the hard parts—lost kids, loneliness, job problems. You can’t fix them, you’re too busy saving the nation! You have to avoid them!

The left does this too, maybe more so. But it all got turbocharged in the Trump era.

Finally, Noonan just plain runs out of go-go juice.  Sure.  Fine.  OK.  Democracy is in danger -- 

It has to be kept healthy and operating, which means at this of all times we have to be careful. We have to navigate in a sound and prudent way, we have to steer clear of the rocks.

-- and something must be done.

And while that last sentence sounds like it came straight out of one of President Biden's recent stirring, speeches, it will not surprise you that the limits of Pegger's cramped and besotted imagination begin and end with which flavor of feculent Republicanism should voters choose:

A practical argument would be that whatever the nature or flavor of your conservatism, you surely want to make progress, urgently, with the next Congress. Ron DeSantis or Nikki Haley would come in with the whoosh of the new...

If you need more Noonan, the honor bar at Mock Paper Scissors is always fully stocked.  Or, if you wish, you are welcome to root around in my archives for something to your liking.  Perhaps this crisp, fall offering from October 23, 2008 in which we find Peggy Noonan playing Tone Cop who is terribly angry at those God damn liberals and those win-at-any-cost Democrats who are silencing debate in this country. 

Plus, they're also being rude about it!

As for me, I'm off to make lunch for my wife and myself.  Blueberry pancakes, if you must know.

I Am The Liberal Media

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Professional Left Podcast Episode #771: Our 14th Podcast Anniversary

“Good judgment comes from experience, and experience comes from bad judgment.” -- Rita Mae Brown



The Professional Left is brought to you by our wholly imaginary "sponsors" and real listeners like you!

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

No Labels and a Series of Headlines Which Would Not Have Existed...

...if Very Serious People (most of whom have been on the board of No Labels at one time or another) had taken the obvious threat that No Labels posed seriously back when I warned them it was a bad idea that they would all come to regret. 

From Politico, December 18, 2023:

No Labels Is Pushing a Lie That Will Elect Trump 
There’s no path to victory for a third-party candidate.

And.  There.  Never.  Has.  Been.

The article continues:

With a rematch between President Joe Biden and Donald Trump almost set in stone, it’s time to put a farce to rest: The notion that a third-party candidate could actually win the presidency in 2024.

The idea that a “unity ticket” featuring a Republican and a Democrat could somehow produce a nominee with “a clear path to victory” is worse than a political fiction. The group behind it, No Labels, is pushing a dangerous lie that would simply serve to put Trump back in the White House.

And now, a new wrinkle!

From NBC News, December 21, 2023:

No Labels floats the possibility of a coalition government or Congress selecting the president in 2024 
The group, which is trying to mount a third-party presidential campaign, could block a major party nominee from winning the Electoral College outright.

No Labels, the organization attempting to assemble a third-party presidential unity ticket, is openly floating the prospect of a “coalition government” forming after the 2024 election if no candidate reaches the 270 Electoral College votes necessary to win the White House.

It's spelled S-P-O-I-L-E-R.

From Maine CBS affiliate, WGME 13:

'No Labels' political party qualifies for ballot access in Maine

But there's a catch.

From Maine NBC affiliate:

No Labels party will not hold Maine primary 
The state's newest political party will select a nominee behind closed doors in hopes of forming a centrist coalition.

Womp, womp!

And then, because there's apparently an endless supply of wealthy trolls out there lining up to be separated from their money... from The New York Times, January 10, 2024:

A Super PAC Forms to Support No Labels

Officials with the group said they had $2 million in initial commitments but expect up to $300 million if there’s a “viable” ticket.

Ryan Clancy, the chief strategist for No Labels, said, “If we offer our line to a unity presidential ticket, it will need a lot of support to rally voters, and it looks like New Leaders 2024 will be well positioned to provide it.

A political group intending to support a presidential candidate run by the group No Labels plans to file paperwork with the Federal Election Commission on Wednesday, with a handful of Republican and Democratic strategists as advisers.

The group, New Leaders ’24 political action committee, expects a No Labels ticket to materialize this year. No Labels has said it would mount a campaign if President Biden and former President Donald J. Trump are their parties’ nominees, in a rematch of the 2020 campaign that is increasingly likely.

The group will be advised by Rob Stutzman, a Republican and former deputy chief of staff to Arnold Schwarzenegger during his governorship as well as an adviser for Mitt Romney’s 2008 presidential campaign. Kathleen Shanahan, a Republican and former chief of staff to Jeb Bush during his governorship, will be the chief executive, and Andrew Fishman, whom the group identified as a Democrat and who has a business background, will serve as treasurer, Mr. Stutzman said.

Officials said they had $2 million in initial commitments, but they expect up to $300 million if there’s a “viable” ticket...

Can't say you weren't warned/

This Here Blog,  December 15, 2010:

Dead Center -- Political Cowardice Now Has Its Own "Movement"!

In case you ever idled away an afternoon screwing around with your old political chemistry set/fantasy football league lineups and wondering what would happen if you took a bunch of Republican primary losers (Charlie Christ)...added in a goonbag of out-of-work and out-of-favor former Republican speechwriters and campaign button-men (David Frum/John Avlon/Mark McKinnon)...the last of the politically arteriosclerotic insider DLC goofs who aren't already drawing paychecks under the Obama Administration's "Former Clinton White House Full Employment Project" (Nancy Jacobson aka. Mrs. Mark Penn)...Republican minor teevee celebrities (Joey Joe Joe Junior Scarborough)...

...and David Fucking Brooks?

And then sprinkled the resulting crime against nature with an assload of money (because there are always, always endless assloads of money available for any horrible idea that reinforces Villager sensibilities)?...

Burn The Lifeboats

Tuesday, January 09, 2024

Professional Left Podcast Episode #770: No Fair Remembering The Beer Summit and All That

“If we can't make memories, we can't heal.” -- Memento



The Professional Left is brought to you by our wholly imaginary "sponsors" and real listeners like you!

Sunday, January 07, 2024

Sunday Morning Comin' Down


I am currently working on an algorithm that will go through 18 years of my posts about Meet The Press and just swap in the name "Kristen Welker" for "Chuck Todd" and "David Gregory" and Iraq War-era "Tim Russert", and the post them as new.

It would save me all kinds of time and energy, and at this point it is so very clear that our political media does not give the tiniest shit about journalism and is completely immune to criticism -- and that Republican politicians know that and therefor feel free to lie with impunity -- that at this point all media criticism is doing is documenting the atrocities (as we used to say back in the day) for the benefit of some theoretical future historians who may be interested in how things in the United State in the here-and-now got so fuck up when everyone involved knew exactly what was broken and why, but those with the megaphones refused to speak that truth out loud.  

Today was also "Give a Lying Republican Sack of Shit Some Airtime" day at CNN as well, so...

Meanwhile, over on PBS on Friday, Mr. David Brooks of The New York Times was rooting for a 9-0 Supreme Court decision throwing out the Colorado 14th amendment case against Donald Trump.  

Mr. Brooks allowed as how he is "not a legal scholar" and therefore has no fucking idea about the merits of the case, but as a man with his finger firmly on the pulse of what the elite coastal .00003% of America who ride in the Acela Corridor quiet car with him whenever he has to commute to and from his wealthy suburban enclave, Mr. Brooks is certain of a few things:  

Brooks:  A lot of Americans have no faith in any of our systems. A lot of Americans have no faith in the other half of the country. And so we're in danger, in my view, of coming apart at the seams, of really entering a terrible era of violence even, political violence.

And so, in my view, if some lawyers took Donald Trump off the ballot, half the country would say, that's it. We're done here. This is a totally rotten system...

Yes, Brooks really is arguing that the traitors and morons of the Republican party -- who already overwhelmingly believe the lie that Joe Biden stole the 2020 election -- are in danger of losing faith in American democracy if the constitution under which American democracy operates were actually enforced.  

And so, as has been true of Brooks' advice for the past 30 years, whenever the sane, Democratic majority is confronted with the deranged demands of a violent, racist Republican minority, the only sensible thing for Democrats to do is...capitulate to the mob and give 'em whatever they want.

Brooks:  So I'm hoping the Supreme Court will not uphold Colorado, but let the voters decide. In my view, we have to let the voters handle this one...

And so how does the Supreme Court handle this? If it becomes a partisan decision, then their part — then their — the legitimacy of the Supreme Court is even more in trouble.

Notice that for Brooks, the only acceptable and legitimate non-partisan solution to this issue would be a unanimous or near-unanimous decision in favor of Donald Trump and the deranged GOP.  Not for, y'know' "legal" or "constitutionally supportable" reasons, but because only by giving the Trump and his mob what they want -- only by appeasing the fascists -- does Brooks believe the court's plummeting legitimacy can be checked. 

Brooks:  So I'm hoping and expecting that John Roberts is going to work super hard to make this 9-0 or 7-2 or something like that, and maybe, if not restore some legitimacy, at least not have a legitimacy freefall, which I think is what we're looking at.

The Alert Reader will note that Brooks never bothers to mention why the court's legitimacy is at an all-time low.  Nowhere is Clarence Thomas' open, two-fisted corruption mentioned.  Or Thomas' wife's chin-deep involvement in Trump's attempted coup.  Or the theft of the Garland seat from Obama.  Or the packing of the count with perjurous Federalist Society hacks by Trump and McConnell.  Or the overturning of Roe.   Or, or, or...

Republicans have been gut-shooting the legitimacy of the Supreme Court and the lower courts for decades, but Brooks couldn't navigate himself to this obvious fact with a team of Siri, a sextant and a dozen Sherpa guides. Instead, hacks like Brooks treat all Republican atrocities like miserable weather: it can't be stopped, no one is to blame, and the best we can do is accommodate ourselves to it.  

But the real daisy here was Jonathan Capehart, from whom I expect very little during these PSB puppet shows, and who always delivers exactly what I expect.  

Having watched the combo of "Brooks and..." off and on for decades now, the PBS in-house rules are clearly "No disagreeable disagreements" and "No calling David Brooks either stupid or a liar or a stupid liar", all of which gives Brooks an enormous amount of room in which to operate.  

And Carpehart, who obviously wants to keep this very respectable PBS gig, never crosses those lines.  And thanks to a bit of awkward stage management, the moderator carefully steered Capehart around the necessity of directly addressing any of the ridiculous bunkum that Brooks had just laid out by instead reading aloud from a statement from a Trump PR flak::

Amna Nawaz:  Well, I want to read to you part of a statement we have just gotten from the Trump campaign and, Jonathan, get your reaction to what David just said and to this.

They say in a statement from Steven Cheung, Mr. Trump's spokesman: "We welcome a fair hearing at the Supreme Court." They argue this is a bad faith election interfering, voter suppressing argument to remove him from the ballot. I'm paraphrasing here.people had said...

And Capehart stuck to that and only that and let Brooks' garbage scow of rationalizations float right past uncommented upon.

Huh.  Well I guess nothing Brooks said could be that objectionable or Carehart would have, y'know, objected, right?

And yet, just hours later at his other gig -- his MSNBC gig -- Capehart and congressman Jamie Raskin had all kinds of spicy stuff to say about the clarity of the plain test of the constitution, the severe credibility problems under which the Supreme Court operated thanks entirely to Republican perfidy, the ridiculousness of the arguments that Trump's attorneys were advancing, and so on.  

And yet, just hours earlier, under the glare of the PBS lights, Capehart could not summon a single syllable of his obviously well-formed opinions to object to Mr. David Brooks' flotilla of bullshit.

And why?

Because it's all just a show.  

Because of the ground rules of the two different puppet shows he appeared on just hours apart.

And because ... money.  Always money.

Burn The Lifeboats

Friday, January 05, 2024

Tool and the Gang

Every now and then it happens that some Republican outlier gets confused and back-sassy about which party they belong to, and what their role in that party actually is.

Such creatures -- always deeply conflicted and voraciously ambitious -- are useful as fig leaves to hide from the general public the festering depravity and racism on which the party is actually built. Such creatures are usually the ones which party's donors, coastal elites and media pundits fawn over and point to and say, "Yes!  Yes!  This is the GOP!"

These are also the creatures which the party rank-and-file quietly loathe.

However, sometimes such creatures' internal wiring glitches and they say or do something which the party rank-and-file (who, y'know, provide the votes on which livelihoods of the party's donors, coastal elites and media pundits depend) can no longer abide.  This is when someone higher up the food chain yanks their leash hard and reminds them which party they belong to.  After which they fall all over themselves rushing to make amends and appease whichever loathsome deity of the wingnut pantheon they had offended.

For example, it happened with St. John McCain, who caused great offense to the dominionist scum who are one of the central pillars of the Republican Party.  From The Washington Post, February 29, 2000:

McCain Attacks Two Leaders of Christian Right

John McCain denounced Pat Robertson in his home town of Virginia Beach yesterday for "political intolerance" as the Arizona senator looked beyond today's Virginia primary and sought to tie rival George W. Bush as tightly as possible to the Christian conservative movement.

The sharply worded speech was the latest in a series of increasingly acrimonious exchanges as McCain seeks to portray himself as a mainstream conservative and the Texas governor as a captive to extremists within the movement. McCain also singled out the Rev. Jerry Falwell, based in Lynchburg, Va., as one of the "agents of intolerance."...

Six years later we find St. John McCain hieing himself on down to Liberty University to very publicly kiss the same ass he had been kicking just six years prior.

McCain Woos the Right, Makes Peace With Falwell

Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., still breaks from GOP orthodoxy on such issues as torture and immigration. But operating below the radar, the potential Republican presidential hopeful is taking steps to win over the conservatives who denied him the GOP's presidential nomination in 2000. 
His efforts have paid off with at least one prominent conservative.

"I think he is genuinely a state's righter -- and so am I," the Rev. Jerry Falwell told ABC News.
When McCain ran for president the last time, he denounced Falwell as one of America's "agents of intolerance." But now that McCain is gearing up to run for president as the GOP's establishment candidate, he has told Falwell that he spoke "in haste" in 2000...

McCain even went so far as to deliver that year's commencement address at Liberty University.    

Because someone reminded St. John that he was running for president as a Republican and that pandering to racist scumbags is how Republicans get elected.

It happened to the ambitious RNC chair Michael Steele, who was perfectly willing to rent out his black skin be used to front for his party of bigots and imbeciles...up to a point.    And then:

Limbaugh's Latest Attacker: RNC's Steele

On the same night he was offering the keynote address to the Conservative Political Action Conference, Rush Limbaugh drew criticism from an unlikely source: Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele.

In a little-noticed interview Saturday night, Steele dismissed Limbaugh as an “entertainer” whose show is “incendiary” and “ugly.”

Steele’s criticism makes him the highest-ranking Republican to pick a fight with the popular and polarizing conservative talk show host...

Less than 12 hours later...

Steele to Rush: I’m sorry

Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele says he has reached out to Rush Limbaugh to tell him he meant no offense when he referred to the popular conservative radio host as an “entertainer” whose show can be “incendiary.”

“My intent was not to go after Rush – I have enormous respect for Rush Limbaugh,” Steele said in a telephone interview. “I was maybe a little bit inarticulate. … There was no attempt on my part to diminish his voice or his leadership.”...

“I went back at that tape and I realized words that I said weren’t what I was thinking,” Steele said. “It was one of those things where I thinking I was saying one thing, and it came out differently. What I was trying to say was a lot of people … want to make Rush the scapegoat, the bogeyman, and he’s not.”

“I’m not going to engage these guys and sit back and provide them the popcorn for a fight between me and Rush Limbaugh,” Steele added. “No such thing is going to happen. … I wasn’t trying to slam him or anything.”...

In the interview with Politico, Steele called Limbaugh “a very valuable conservative voice for our party.”...

Steele got gently reminded by the apex Conservative predator of precisely where in the Republican food chain he was seated. Steele could either make like a Plover bird and feeding off scraps of meat he would henceforth obediently pick out from between Limbaugh's teeth...or he could become one of those scraps of meat between Limbaugh's teeth.

Steele had been reminded that he was the chair of the Republican party, that his job was to raise money from Republican donors and to get Republicans elected, and that pandering to racist scumbags was the bread-and-butter of Republican electoral math.

So I guess I'm surprised that anyone is surprised that Nikki Haley can't give a straight answer to the question of what caused the Civil War, or that she doesn't think leaders should, y'know, lead, but instead just sorta body-surf the mob to wherever that mob wants to go.

Because someone reminded Nikki Haley that she was running for president as a Republican. 

And that pandering to racist scumbags is how Republicans get elected.

Burn The Lifeboats

Phoneywise the Clown

Oh Yes, They Debate. They All Debate Down Here.  

In case you were wondering what former greatest-journalist-on-Earth and current conspiracy-sewer-CHUD, Glenn Greenwald, is up to these days, well, here ya go.

Any former readers who used to tearfully shriek at at your old pal droneglass about what a goddamn fucking hero Spleenwald is and how anyone doubting his righteous integrity in the slightest was an irredeemable, drooling, O-bot servant of fascism is welcome to drop on by and continue explaining to me how wrong!wrong!jackbooted wrong! I am about the guy.

No Half Measures