Saturday, January 13, 2024

Saturday Night

Rock on.

Saturday Evening

There are 13 books in the O'Reilly "killing" series.

A Little Levity


The 13,000 reporters (87% of people still working in journalism) sent to cover the Iowa caucuses aren't going to have much fun!


Again I recommend taking a break from yelling at the deluded TikTok teens of the imagination and start yelling at the demented serial killer freaks in power.
“It misses the point,” one U.S. official said of the plan. Another said that McGurk has laid out his vision in a top-secret document shared in some circles of the Washington national security establishment — a plan that envisions Biden traveling to the region in the coming months on “a victory tour” to claim credit for an Israel-Saudi deal as an answer to Gaza’s pain. The document references a preliminary deal called “the Jerusalem-Jeddah Pact,” the official told HuffPost.



Friday, January 12, 2024

Friday Night

Slacker Saturday commences soon!

Happy Hour

Happy time.

Less Popular Than Syphillis

Not among people who matter!

I'm really not joking about the syphillis.
The least popular governor in New Jersey history says he doesn’t care what people think of him because he’s not running for office.

Gov. Chris Christie, whose approval rating landed at a record-low of 15 percent in a recent Quinnipiac University Poll, said such polls meant nothing to him when he was at record highs and they mean even less to him now as he heads into his final six months in office.

How refreshing! A politician who doesn't care what the voters think!   Christie left office with those poll numbers, and was promptly given a job at ABC News, because of his popularity.

What About All The Good Things Biden Is Doing

It isn't annoying lefties ensuring other things dominate news coverage at the moment.

If you want Biden to beat the bad orange man, then I would suggest yelling at Biden's people is the best course of action at the moment. They are the ones currently compounding disasters.  Complete psychos running foreign policy!

Kick That RINO To The Curb

Why not
Speaker Mike Johnson says spending deal with Schumer remains in place despite pressure from hardliners to walk away


Shop while you eat! (Ad, I get a commission).

Am I An Expert?

No, but I'm pretty sure choosing "don't bomb" is right about 90% of the time, while the supposed experts choose it 100% of the time.  Being a dumbass is useful, sometimes.

Of course I'm not eyeing a bunch of barely show jobs on defense contractor boards, or advocating for Human Rights from the perch of a Think Tank funded by the worst regimes/interests in the world.

Remember Libya?

A funny forgotten war in which we destroyed a country most likely (whether we knew it or not) to cover up Sarkozy's crimes.  No one can offer up a better explanation, anyway, other than the usual liberal humanitarian intervention nonsense which explodes as ridiculous as soon as you look at what actually happened.

We aren't good at this stuff (because war is bad, that is why).  There are very few examples of any of these things going right, but in the moment each one is as correct and urgent as the last.

The Thing We're Doing Will Achieve The Opposite Of Its Goals

He just tweeted it out!

If you said this, but add, "and that's bad," people would shriek at you for being wrong. Like this every time.
De-escalalation should always be the goal, but that's pussy traitor naive liberal hippie shit. Maximum belligerence is the only patriotic option, citizen!



Thursday, January 11, 2024

Thursday Night

Tomorrow is Friday!

Happy Hour

Get happy

Bigger and Bigger

British journos are a-flutter with a likely expanded mission against the Houthis. There's nothing British politicians and journos love more than playing a very important (lol) role in some conflict as the US's mini-me.

What are we doing here?

Could Send Him To Jail

Would be very routine, except he's special.
Donald Trump spoke from the defense table for roughly five minutes as closing arguments concluded, before Judge Arthur Engoron cut him off.
He told him not to do such a digression, and he did, and then nothing...