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Kill The Pigs! Ted Nugent Tells Neil Cavuto

March 26, 2010 FOX News Musician Ted Nugent tells FOX News’s Neil Cavuto, “I’m the expert on the health care bill because I kill pigs.” And i

March 26, 2010 FOX News

Musician Ted Nugent tells FOX News’s Neil Cavuto, “I’m the expert on the health care bill because I kill pigs.” And it’s the “communist, Mao, Che agenda of the communist, Mao, Che fans in the White House. They’re pigs, Neil! We gotta kill the pig.” Nugent claims the health care law is about the redistribution of wealth.

h/t Alan Colmes for the partial transcript.

Dave N.: Of course, this is all just a big joke, gathering from Cavuto's reaction.

Ha. Ha. Ha. We're not laughing.

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