Toxic white substance found at Congressman Grijalva's office - Tucson News Now

Suspected toxic white substance found at Congressman Grijalva's office

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By Teresa Jun - email

TUCSON, AZ (KOLD) - Congressman Raul Grijalva's Tucson district office closed down Thursday, after a staff member discovered a suspicious envelope in the mail.

Just after noon, a staffer found an envelope with a swastika on the outside, and an unknown white powder on the inside.

According to Grijalva's office, authorities told them the substance was some sort of toxin, but they will have to wait until lab test results to confirm exactly what the powder is.

Tucson police, firefighters, Haz-mat crews, and FBI agents responded to the scene on 22nd Street, near Tyndall Avenue. Authorities locked down the office, in order to quarantine anyone who may have been exposed to any harm. After crews determined it was safe to release the staffers, they evacuated the building to investigate further.

A spokesman for Representative Grijalva says it's unclear when the district office will reopen for business.

This is not the first time the office has been the target of intimidation. In April, the Congressman closed down the Tucson office after receiving personal threats against his life. In July, someone fired gunshots through the front of his Yuma office. Rep. Grijalva calls it an indication of how emotionally charged this political year has been, in light of his stance on Arizona's illegal immigration law.

"This is not the way we have a civil debate," said Rep. Grijalva. "This is not the way we make decisions in this country. I think the tone has been ugly."

Grijalva's Republican opponent in the race for Arizona's Congressional District 7 seat issued a written statement late Thursday evening. Ruth McClung wrote: "There is no room for hatred or terror in this race. Mr. Grijalva and I have different opinions on a wide range of issues. However, our differences on policy and governance are legitimate and reasonable, and should be allowed to play out within the established boundaries of political discourse."

The FBI continues to investigate.

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