Boy, talk about projection: Here's Glenn Beck yesterday on his Fox show: Beck: This administration is into character assassination without due
July 21, 2010

Boy, talk about projection: Here's Glenn Beck yesterday on his Fox show:

Beck: This administration is into character assassination without due process. This is what we talked about yesterday. It's how the administration does almost everything.

Well, it's certainly true that the Obama White House earned yet another white feather for its shameful firing of Shirley Sherrod. But it was because of Beck's partner in smearing ACORN, Andrew Breitbart, and his own role in promoting the story that the White House did so!

Even more remarkably, only a few moments later, Beck himself indulged in yet another of his serial "character assassinations without due process" by again smearing Obama's dead mother:

Beck: You know, it's weird that no member of the media found it noteworthy that Obama's mom wasn't just a regular girl from Kansas. She was actually a little red girl -- a communist who left her son to go study Marxism.

As we've previously pointed out, this is just an outrageous, utterly false smear. Obama's mother was never a communist. The "little red church" she attended was simply a liberal Unitarian Church that was regularly accused of harboring communists by the then-rampant McCarthyite Red hunters who lived nearby. And never, ever, did she "leave her son" or abandon him for any reason -- and certainly never to "go study Marxism"!

So much for that "rule" about leaving families alone, eh?

Of course, the real irony is this: Fox News operates on the core principle of "character assassination without due process." Without that, it wouldn't be Fox News.

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