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Our Priority Goal:

Win reforms that put 11 million undocumented Americans on a path to full citizenship.






Jan 19, 2021

Biden-Harris Roadmap on Immigration Reflects How the Tectonic Plates Have Shifted

The following is by Frank Sharry, Executive Director of America’s Voice. Why is the incoming Biden-Harris administration leaning in on immigration? Because the tectonic plates have shifted, creating a bigger opening than ever for pro-immigrant policy.  The key factors in this shift: 1) Trump’s nativism backfired with the majority...

Immigration Reform News January 19, 2021 / Qué Pasa En Inmigración

English Politico Democrats ready immigration push for Biden’s early days By Laura Barron-Lopez and Sabrina Rodriguez January 15, 2021 NBC News ‘Accountability for lies and lawbreaking’: Biden’s bipartisanship will be tested By Alex Seitz-Wald January 17, 2021 HuffPost Democrats Call For Fast-Tracking Citizenship For Undocumented Essential Workers By Sarah...

Jan 15, 2021

Incoming California Senator Alex Padilla and Texas Congressman Joaquin Castro Call on Legalization for Undocumented Essential Workers

A recording of the call is available here.   Earlier today, immigrant advocates joined incoming California Senator Alex Padilla and Texas Congressman Joaquin Castro to discuss the unique impacts that Covid-19 has had on immigrant communities and to call for immigrants to be included in relief legislation and undocumented...

Essential Immigrant Workers:

18.3% of essential workers are immigrant-born. 17.5% of the labor force nationwide are immigrants.

US Health Care:

16% of essentialhealth care workers are immigrants.


131,300 TPS holders and 202,500 DACA recipientsare working on the front lines.

Broad Support:

61% support free COVID-19 treatment forall regardless of status.