February 5, 2009

The ongoing train wreck that is Glenn Beck continued to pile up some impressive rubble yesterday when Beck kicked off his show with a segue directly from Barack Obama's signing the SCHIP legislation to a rant about socialism and communism:

Beck: Hey, has anybody noticed this crazy thing that we're on the road to socialism? I'm just sayin' -- wow, we got that SCHIPs thing goin' for us -- that's great, there's the change that we were all hoping for, seriously.

Hey, I got an idea, if we're gonna go down the road to socialism, I mean, why not really go for it, hah?

[Graphic shows road from "Capitalism" to "Socialism" to "Communism"]

Comrades! Good news from the Western Front! Our glorious revolution is starting to take hold. Oh, the revolution of Change. Our fearless leader has just signed in SCHIPs, and earlier today, he spoke out against capitalism. Listen up:

[Plays clip of Obama announcing cap on executive salaries for banks receiving bailout funds.]

Evidently, on Planet Beck, limiting the amount that corporate bailout recipients can take from taxpayers for their personal enrichment is "speaking out against capitalism."

I suppose this was supposed to be funny, but it seems like humor out of the Free Republic or the John Birch Society magazine. Which, considering that Beck at one time on his old CNN show endorsed the Birch Society, is probably about right.

Coming soon: Barack Obama and the New World Order. Is he planning concentration camps for conservatives? Will the black helicopters come take Glenn Beck away?

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