"The Nazi Transmission Belt"



Friends of Democracy believes members of the America First Committee should re-examine the policies of the organization in light of the fact that it is being used as the Nazi transmission belt. We believe they should consider the implications of these facts:

1) A large part of the audiences of many America First meetings are members of pro-Nazi organizations.

2) Nazi propaganda is distributed at many of these meetings.

3) Nazi organizations not only distribute the literature of the America First Committee but recruit members and raise money for the committee.

4) The Nazi press in the United States has stamped the program of America First with its approval.

5) The propaganda ministries of the democracy-hating Nazi and Fascist governments endorse the policies of the committee.

In the view of these facts, we believe the America First Committee should reorganize on a basis which does not lend itself to misuse as a Nazi transmission.


L.M. Birkhead, National Directory



- Brochure cover, Friends of Democracy, Inc.




Walter Johnson. The Battle Against Isolation, 1944. p. 185.