September 1, 2021

FROM A FRIEND: “Jen Psaki’s heightened vocal fry tells us she’s finally embarrassed by her own lies.”

PEOPLE HAVE BEEN PAYING ATTENTION: Biden Polls Crater: Most Want Him to Resign, Shocking Number Is on Impeachment.

CANCELED: China erases billionaire actress Zhao Wei from history: One of China’s most famous and richest actresses has been completely erased and the Chinese government is thought to be behind it.

Zhao Wei shot to fame in the late 1990s in China’s most successful television series ever, My Fair Princess. Since then, she’s progressed from being an A-list actress to director, pop singer and businesswoman.

Such success under Chairman Deng Xiaoping’s policy of “opening up” China and embracing the incentives of private enterprise made Zhao very wealthy.

But her business empire struck trouble under Xi Jinping. Zhao was accused of being unpatriotic for hiring a Taiwanese actor to play a leading actor in a 2016 film. Beijing had that choice overturned.

Shortly after, Zhao’s business acquisitions began to attract close regulatory and taxation scrutiny. Last month a public relations agency she owns became embroiled in a nationalistic scandal after one of its clients – actor Zhang Zhehan – took a selfie while visiting Japan’s Yasukuni war dead shrine.

On Saturday, reports emerged on Chinese news sites that Zhao had fled the country on a private jet and was spotted at Bordeaux airport in France, where she and her husband Huang Youlong own a vineyard.

Now Zhao appears to have become the highest-profile victim of a Chinese Communist Party crackdown on celebrities and billionaires.

Commies hate alternative power centers, be they uncontrolled businesses, churches, or celebrities. Or, on university campuses, things like fraternities.

OPEN THREAD: Can’t trust my TV set, it’s screaming things I’d rather forget.

THE NEW SPACE RACE: NASA has no plans to exchange lunar samples with China.

DAVID BARON, CALL YOUR OFFICE! Heroic mom fights off mountain lion attacking her 5-year-old son.

SCIENCE, UNSETTLED: Man Can Change His Pupil Size on Demand, Something Scientists Thought Was Impossible.

PRESIDENT BIDEN AND THE REPUBLIC’S CABARET MOMENT. “The US President, supported by his chorus of back up singer dancers, has in the most direct and theatrical way imaginable, performed one of the most revealing some and dance numbers that exposes the thinking, outlooks, conceits, ambitions, and objectives of the institutions through through which the population of this Republic are led by those human beings that populate its machinery of state . . . The life of this Republic, it seems, ‘is a Cabaret, old chum’ (part of the lyrics of the finale of this musical) but sadly without the choreography of Bob Fosse to add just the right among of physical and performative subtext. Compare the lyrics of Cabaret’s ‘Mein Liebe Herr’ to those just performed by the core of leadership of the United States.”

PEOPLE WHO LIVE IN GREENER NEIGHBORHOODS PROBABLY TAKE BETTER CARE OF THEMSELVES: Study: Heart attacks are less common in greener neighborhoods.


CONSERVING CONSERVATISM MOST CONSERVATIVELY: The Bulwark’s Jim Swift is just so disappointed and disgusted about ‘what happened to the Babylon Bee.’

HE PRETTY MUCH IS: ‘The smartest person in any room anywhere’: in defence of Elon Musk.

CHRISTIAN TOTO: Carolla, Dr. Drew Shred Comey, Media on ‘Insurrection’ Lies. “Neither podcaster is a de facto conservative. They just happen to share a common sense mien that overlaps with conservative thought. It’s why they didn’t buy the media’s ‘insurrection’ narrative regarding the Jan. 6 riots in the nation’s capitol.”


President Biden pressured Afghanistan President Ashraf Ghani to create the “perception” that the Taliban weren’t winning, “whether it’s true or not,” in a phone call just three weeks before the insurgents seized control of the country, a bombshell leaked transcript shows.

Biden and Ghani spoke for roughly 14 minutes on July 23 in what would be their final call before the Taliban overran the government and Afghanistan descended into bloody chaos amid the botched US withdrawal, according to a transcript and audio obtained by Reuters.

A phone call to a foreign leader, eh? Trump impeachment inquiry: Dissecting the phone call behind it.

YOUR TAX DOLLARS AT WORK: Ever hear of “Disability Rights South Carolina” and “Able South Carolina?” No? Well, your federal tax dollars are the primary source of revenue for these two groups, according to the Capital Research Center (CRC). And they are fronting an ACLU lawsuit against South Carolina seeking to bar schools from giving students a choice about wearing masks.

If reading that fact upsets you, just always remember that it’s for your own good that your tax dollars are being spent, thanks to federal bureaucrats, on litigation to force you and other citizens to do what our betters instruct us and our kids to do, particularly when public health is involved.

JUST WHEN YOU THOUGHT IT WAS SAFE TO GO BACK TO THE WATER: Microsoft will release Windows 11 on October 5th.

But will there be launch parties?

REFRESHER: AR-15 Basics.

LONG MARCH THROUGH THE INSTITUTIONS: UNC course says WWII was ‘Japan’s attempt to roll back Euro-American colonialism.’ “Campus Reform obtained the fall 2021 syllabus, covers the concept of race since the 19th century, but also contains what appears to be revisionist narratives of American history, specifically World War II.”

SEGREGATION NOW, SEGREGATION TOMORROW, SEGREGATION FOREVER! University of Wisconsin-Madison Hosts ‘Welcome BBQ’ ‘Intended’ For ‘People Of Color.’

DEMOCRACY DIES IN DARKNESS OR WHATEVER: Congressman Markwayne Mullin Has Gone Missing… Or Has He?

TRUNALIMUNUMAPRZURE! The Cynical, Despicable ‘Stuttering’ Con Unravels. Biden’s handlers are losing control.

VERY LIKELY, YES. NEXT QUESTION? Has Biden forgotten he was vice president for eight years?

THIS WOULD HAVE BEEN A FIVE-ALARM MEDIA FIRE LAST YEAR: In a major blow to vaccine efforts, senior FDA leaders stepping down. “Two of the FDA’s most senior vaccine leaders are exiting from their positions, raising fresh questions about the Biden administration and the way that it’s sidelined the FDA.”

Just think of the media as Democratic Party operatives with bylines, and their likely radio silence makes perfect sense.


EVERYTHING IS GOING SWIMMINGLY: In secret texts, U.S. military officials lamented leaving Americans behind in Kabul.

President Biden declared to a puzzled country on Tuesday that the U.S. evacuation from Afghanistan was an “extraordinary success,” while his Pentagon portrayed a prosaic, workaday process to repatriate Americans still stranded in the war-torn country.

But text messages between U.S. military commanders and private citizens mounting last-minute rescues tell a far different story, one in which pleading American citizens were frantically left behind at the Kabul airport gate this past weekend to face an uncertain fate under Taliban rule while U.S. officials sought to spread the blame between high-ranking generals and the State Department

“We are f*cking abandoning American citizens,” an Army colonel assigned to the 82nd Airborne Division wrote Sunday in frustration in a series of encrypted messages that detailed the failed effort to extricate a group of American citizens, hours before the last U.S. soldiers departed Afghanistan.

Read the whole thing.

YES, BUT WHAT ABOUT THE MURDER HORNETS?! The fully vaccinated are more likely to die from bee stings than COVID-19.

Still though, Fauci’s gonna Fauci: Fauci Hints at Another Lockdown this Fall.

THE LOCKDOWNS MAY KILL MORE PEOPLE THAN THE DISEASE DID: Study: U.S. kids gained weight faster during pandemic, more are overweight, obese.

JIM TREACHER: 8/31 Is the New 9/10.

In the weeks and months after the September 11 terror attacks, there was a lot of talk about “9/10 thinking” and “a 9/10 mentality.” Americans had been too complacent, we realized. We ignored all the warning signs that the attack was imminent. We were so blind. We dropped our guard. In retrospect, we had been foolish, but it wouldn’t happen again. A hard, painful lesson learned.

Or not.

Listening to that angry old man yelling at me yesterday, as if somehow it was my fault he completely botched the Afghanistan withdrawal, it sure felt like a return to 9/10.

There’s a Democrat in the White House, so of course it is: Right on Cue, the President’s Mistakes Are Our Fault Again.

LONG MARCH THROUGH THE INSTITUTIONS: Antifa AP Government Teacher Brags About Indoctrinating Kids, Turning Them Into ‘Revolutionaries.’

You can see the video here.

BOOK RECOMMENDATION: The Dark Secrets of SHTF Survival: The Brutal Truth About Violence, Death, & Mayhem You Must Know to Survive. I read this when it first came out, it was definitely worth reading.

HEINLEIN’S CRAZY YEARS: Even a 42-Ton Boulder Isn’t Safe From Woke Cancel Culture.

If you’re being oppressed by a boulder, you aren’t being oppressed.

BIDEN VOTERS POSTING THEIR L’S ONLINE: Meghan McCain: I don’t recognize this Joe Biden. “One has to wonder now whether the scales have fallen from the eyes of all of the McCains. Biden nominated Meghan’s mother Cindy to be an ambassador to the UN’s Agencies for Food and Agriculture. This disgrace in Afghanistan should have a number of honorable people seeking an exit from Biden’s administration. Will Mrs. McCain continue to seek confirmation? Will Biden pull the nomination after Meghan’s public criticism? Stay tuned.”

BIDEN’S BUNGLED BUGOUT: Three-Year-Old American Boy Trapped in Afghanistan.

NO ILLUSIONS ON KABUL BELOW THE MILLEY RANKS: Just the News (JTN) has copies of damning — for Biden — text messages from U.S. military commanders on the scene at the Kabul Airport and private parties trying to evacuate Americans.

“‘We are f*cking abandoning American citizens,’ an Army colonel assigned to the 82nd Airborne Division wrote Sunday in frustration in a series of encrypted messages that detailed the failed effort to extricate a group of American citizens, hours before the last U.S. soldiers departed Afghanistan,” JTN reports.

AXIOS: Republicans Seize! “Biden’s poll numbers have fallen as the Afghanistan exit was engulfed by chaos and tragedy. Now, Republicans are seizing the moment in hopes of making it a defining issue ahead of the midterms.”

As Jim Treacher likes to say:

DON’T GET COCKY: Joe Biden causes political heartburn for vulnerable Democrats with rocky Afghanistan withdrawal. “They and other Democrats from swing districts, as well as those who have used their national security credentials to appeal to Republicans and independents, are trying to strike a difficult political balance. They must make clear their dissatisfaction with Biden’s much-criticized handling of the Afghanistan exit, speaking to the dissatisfaction felt by so many of their Republican and independent constituents. At the same time, it cannot alienate a liberal base that might reject Democrats too critical of the president in 2022.”

IT’S SO NICE HAVING THE GROWNUPS BACK IN CHARGE: Left Behind in Afghanistan by Biden’s ‘Mucked Up’ State Department. “Hundreds left behind in Afghanistan by Presidentish Joe Biden’s hasty and ill-planned bugout could have been gotten out, if not for State Department turf wars over the Trump-era Contingency and Crisis Response bureau.”

REDISTRICTING: ‘Independent’ Michigan Redistricting Commissioner Actually a Bernie Bro. “Medical student Anthony Eid applied to serve on the Michigan Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission as an independent in May 2020, stating that he does not ‘affiliate with either the Republican or Democratic Party.’ A Washington Free Beacon review of his social media presence, however, shows that Eid has long supported members of the Democratic Party’s liberal wing.”

SEGREGATION NOW, SEGREGATION TOMORROW, SEGREGATION FOREVER! UW-Madison to quietly host ‘Welcome BBQ’ intended only for students of color.

SPOILER: THEY WON’T. Retired Top Brass Calls on Milley, Austin to Step Down Following Afghanistan Debacle.

HIGHER EDUCATION BUBBLE UPDATE: Worried about liberal bias? Applicants may want to consider these schools.

JONATHAN TOBIN: The Ashli Babbitt Standard: “The point here isn’t so much the hypocrisy of those applauding Babbitt’s death. It’s that, by deeming the shooting justified despite the facts of the case and the law, the federal government sets a standard that appears to rest on the victim’s politics and race rather than an objective judgment about a legal question.”

There are different rules for the Establishment than for others, and different rules still for those who oppose the Establishment.

IT’S OFFICIAL! In California, College Students Are Now Officially Considered an Environmental Menace. “That’s the conclusion of California Superior Court Judge Brad Seligman, who on Aug. 23 ordered the University of California–Berkeley to temporarily freeze the number of students it admits every year under the California Environmental Quality Act, putting crowded classrooms in the same category as heavy infrastructure like highways and airports. ‘Further increases in student enrollment above the current enrollment level at UC–Berkeley could result in an adverse change or alteration of the physical environment,’ the judge wrote.”

SO MUCH NASTINESS FROM THE MEDIA: Liberal Media Scream: MSNBC’s joyless Reid says Republicans ‘love…savor’ cruelty.

KRUISER’S MORNING BRIEF: Corrupt, Biden-Loving MSM Is Over Its Brief Flirtation With Journalism. “If you’re like me, you probably feel that things aren’t going well here in the United States these days. The dangerous and toxic cocktail of incompetence and rabid totalitarian ideology being served up by Joe Biden and his puppet masters is leaving a bad taste in the mouths of reality-based folk everywhere.”

TO BE FAIR, THAT’S THE BEST HE CAN DO: Family of Fallen Marine Says Meeting With Biden Was ‘Scripted and Shallow.’

Still #1 in Security How-to & Home Improvement: When the Grid Goes Down: Disaster Preparations and Survival Gear For Making Your Home Self-Reliant

GRATITUDE: An Afghan interpreter who helped rescue President Biden during a 2008 snowstorm was left behind in Afghanistan. “Mohammed, whose full name was not shared in the report due to fear of reprisal by the Taliban, helped rescue Biden and two then-Sens. John Kerry and Chuck Hagel, after a snowstorm forced the two Black Hawk helicopters transporting the senators to land in a remote valley in 2008.”

HEH: Prank finds its way into Henrico School Board meeting.

YES. NEXT QUESTION? Is Biden Fudging the Numbers on Americans Left Behind in Afghanistan?

YOU SPELLED “CHEATING CURBS” WRONG: Analysis: U.S. liberals see dwindling legal options to challenge voting curbs.

August 31, 2021


THIS SORRY ADMINISTRATION IN A NUTSHELL: An angry Biden blames Trump for Afghan pullout — then takes credit for it.


I THINK THAT’S THE PLAN, ACTUALLY: ‘Consequences’ of US withdrawal from Afghanistan ‘will reverberate for decades,’ retired military brass warn.

SALENA ZITO: The Negligence of Joe Biden.

MISSION ACCOMPLISHED, BIDEN STYLE! Biden Declares Victory in Defiant Speech on Chaotic Afghanistan Withdrawal: ‘We Were Ready.’


(Updated and bumped.)


Plus, the Nike ad you’ll never see, because, well, Nike:

OPEN THREAD: I’m not gone for good. But if I’m ever in a power trio, I want it anchored by a hot blonde who can play slide.

More here. And you’re a fool if you don’t listen.

Plus, this. Quoth my brother: “She’s the real deal.” Like Stevie Ray Vaughn and John Fogerty, mixed up.

Related: My life in five riffs.

She plays a lot like my brother Jonathan.

ROGER SIMON: Elder Versus Newsom: A Battle for the Soul of America.

The article was from the California Globe, a publication I had never heard of, and was dated Aug. 17, ages ago in the whirlwind pace of today’s politics, but it caught my eye because it quoted extensively from Gavin Newsom’s stump speech, which ran in part:

“Though we defeated Trump, we didn’t defeat Trumpism. Trumpism is still alive and well, even here in the state of California. If you don’t believe me, just consider the likely person to enter an oath of office, to enter in the governor’s office in just a matter of weeks if we don’t reject this recall.”

“Don’t think for a second that this recall is not about all of you. It’s about each and every one of us and the values we hold dear.”

I immediately thought of an editor at the Los Angeles Times who, during a Zoom interview with Elder, accused the talk show host of much the same thing, being out of synch with the values of the state.

But just what are those California values everyone is supposed to hold so dear Newsom was speaking about? And are they in the process of changing or going back to something from years ago that was lost?

In a sense, the current governor and the editor of the state’s most prominent paper are correct, this recall election is about values.

But are they the values of a rich class that has, for years and years, sent their kids to private schools while they—at the insistence of all-powerful teachers’ unions—deny poor minority children “school choice” and force them into schools like the one Larry Elder attended years back in South Central, Crenshaw High, from which, just recently, but two percent of students passed a basic math proficiency test?

It would be interesting to know what Crenshaw was like when Elder attended compared to today.

And now these same supposed progressives want to teach Crenshaw students Critical Race Theory and the concurrent anti-racism, an approach to education likely to bring that two percent to zero.

There’s nothing like reverse racism to enlighten the young mind and develop responsible adults, according to Democrat (and Newsom) “values.” Don’t worry about fathers in the home. That’s so 1950s.

From their vocal, enthusiastic responses to Elder’s speech, it was clear CRT and the Afghanistan debacle were the two issues most on the minds of the fundraiser crowd Sunday night.

Here’s a headline I didn’t expect to see in 2021: Dems sweat Latino turnout in California recall.

Earlier: Stanford Study: More Businesses Have Already Fled California This Year Than in All of 2020.


We tried hard. And yet:

But now that so many Biden supporters are realizing the magnitude of their mistake, what will they do to make things right?

I WOULD ENROLL IN THE TENNESSEE SPACE GUARD: Lamborn and Crow propose establishment of Space Force National Guard.

HOW NATIONAL REVIEW sold its soul to Google. “Conservatives must finally recognize something that’s very depressing and very important: the conservative intellectual movement in America didn’t just fail. It aided and abetted the Left for money. The Left bought off the Right’s leading conservative intellectuals. And its think tanks. And its ‘flagship’ magazines. This is not hyperbole or conjecture. I’ve got the receipts.”

OLD AND BUSTED: ‘Only hot people get the Pfizer’ Vaccine rivalries descend on TikTok.

–NBC News, April 8th.

The New Hotness? Wait. So now Moderna is twice as good as Pfizer?

–Jazz Shaw, Hot Air, today.

HEROES: Alone in the Sky, Christian Pilot and Fiancée Save 17 from Tennessee Flood.

The weather was terrible and Boyers had to contend with hills and high-voltage power lines on the way to Waverly, a small city about 60 miles west of Nashville. Just before reaching the town, he set down in a field to get his bearings and realized the internet was down, making it impossible to pinpoint the house he was looking for. He flew on anyway. . . .

To perform the rescues, Boyers had to maneuver around power lines, balance his skids on sloped rooftops, and hover over floodwaters. It took all the skills learned over 16 years flying, including for a television news station, for documentaries and for country music stars.

“I don’t want to lie,” he said. “It was almost a little fun for me.”

It was also a powerful experience to go through with his fiancée, Melody Among, who acted as his co-pilot, spotting power lines, giving him sips of water and even taking the controls at times. “Her and I will be bonded to those people for life,” he said.

At one point, he spotted four people on the ledge of a roof of a farm supply store where he was able to set down one skid, making three different trips to pick them all up. One was a woman who said she had watched her husband get swept away and had become separated from her daughter, who was on the roof of a nearby gas station. Boyers touched down and rescued the daughter too.

Americans are better than their leaders. And the pilot friend who sent this to me adds: “You can tell he’s a hell of a pilot too, because he said he was enjoying it.”

HIGHER EDUCATION BUBBLE UPDATE: They Offered Early Retirement To Faculty. Here’s Why I Took It At 51.

IT’S NOT ABOUT THE NAIL: Why Don’t We Tell Women What’s Making Them Miserable? “Over the last five decades, feminism has made a long march through American culture, culminating in the first female vice president of the United States. But it isn’t clear that feminism’s fruits are helping everyone. Happiness metrics confirm that women are struggling: Suicides, depression, substance abuse, and sexually transmitted infections have all increased dramatically over the last five decades. Women aren’t becoming happier, just more medicated. A 2020 Pew Report showed that over 50 percent of liberal white women under 30 have some sort of mental-health issue. That statistic alone is stunning enough to indicate that something is going very wrong for the modern woman, despite the steady uptick of feminist advances.”

DEMOCRATS KNOW WHO THEIR FRIENDS AND THEIR ENEMIES ARE: Joe Biden Arms the Taliban While Banning Ammunition for Americans.

FASHION ANALYSIS: Hillary Clinton’s Flattering Yet Sensible Hamptons Lewk Is a ‘Hot Girl Summer’ Triumph. Failed presidential candidate turns heads in secular beach burqa. “Hillary is the first woman in American history to lose a presidential election after being nominated by a major party, and the only politician to ever lose an election to Donald Trump.”

Yes it’s satire — or is it?

WATCH: Biden’s Addresses the Nation on Afghanistan Debacle.

FOR NOW: California Vaccine Verification Bill Dies for Now. “If passed, the bill would have required all employers, public or private, to have their employees show proof of vaccination or submit to a weekly COVID-19 test.”

OUR COUNTRY IS RUN BY GARBAGE PEOPLE: Afghan Interpreter Who Helped Rescue Biden in 2008 Left Behind After U.S. Exit: Mohammed, stranded in Afghanistan and hiding from the Taliban, makes a White House appeal: ‘Don’t forget me here.’

Thirteen years ago, Afghan interpreter Mohammed helped rescue then-Sen. Joe Biden and two other senators stranded in a remote Afghanistan valley after their helicopter was forced to land in a snowstorm. Now, Mohammed is asking President Biden to save him.

“Hello Mr. President: Save me and my family,” Mohammed, who asked not to use his full name while in hiding, told The Wall Street Journal as the last Americans flew out of Kabul on Monday. “Don’t forget me here.”

Mohammed, his wife, and their four children are hiding from the Taliban after his yearslong attempt to get out of Afghanistan got tangled in the bureaucracy. They are among countless Afghan allies who were left behind when the U.S. ended its 20-year military campaign in Afghanistan on Monday.

Mohammed was a 36-year-old interpreter for the U.S. Army in 2008 when two U.S. Army Black Hawk helicopters made an emergency landing in Afghanistan during a blinding snowstorm, according to Army veterans who worked with him at the time. On board were three U.S. senators: Mr. Biden, the Delaware Democrat, John Kerry, (D., Mass.) and Chuck Hagel, (R., Neb.).

This just gets more shambolic. And remember, some people want to put the government in charge of your health care.

BIDEN’S BUNGLED BUGOUT: American Interpreter Biden Left Behind In Afghanistan: ‘I Don’t Believe In Anybody Anymore.’ “On Monday night, an American citizen who worked as an interpreter for the American military in Afghanistan but was left behind by President Biden told CNN, ‘I don’t believe in anybody anymore.’ She added, ‘I just can’t believe no one told me that this is the last flight.'”


● Shot: Michael Moore After Afghanistan Evacuation: Time to Defend America ‘Against Our Own Domestic Taliban.’

With regards to the so-called “domestic Taliban” Moore was referring to, the filmmaker did not elaborate and wasn’t nearly as blunt as he was earlier this month when he compared Christian conservatives to the Taliban. Moore likened oppressive Islamic law to “how a lot of Southern Baptists want it to be” in America and classifying both Christians and the members of the jihadist organization as “religious nuts.” yesterday.

● Chaser: “The Iraqis who have risen up against the occupation are not ‘insurgents’ or ‘terrorists’ or ‘The Enemy.’ They are the REVOLUTION, the Minutemen, and their numbers will grow — and they will win….I oppose the U.N. or anyone else risking the lives of their citizens to extract us from our debacle…the majority of Americans supported this war once it began and, sadly, that majority must now sacrifice their children until enough blood has been let that maybe — just maybe — God and the Iraqi people will forgive us in the end.”

—Michael Moore, April 14, 2004.

HARD EVIDENCE THAT “CANCEL CULTURE” IN ACADEMIA IS, IN FACT, AS BAD AS YOU THINK. FIRE’s new report found that an alarming 74 percent(!) of the 426 campaigns found that targeted college faculty for their expression resulted in punishment.

Also, in extremely related news, FIRE has launched a Faculty Legal Defense Fund to provide lawyers, at no cost, to public college faculty members targeted for their expression. Know someone like that? Send them our way!

AGGRAVATING THE BABY BUST: Study: Birth rates decline in U.S., western Europe during pandemic. “These declines, related at least partly to the COVID-19 pandemic, are as much as 50% higher than those reported during the ‘Great Recession’ of 2008-09 and comparable to the drops during the 1918-19 flu pandemic, according to the researchers.”

Well, Covid’s much milder than the 1918 flu, but the reaction has been much more extreme.

I’M OLD ENOUGH TO REMEMBER WHEN GRIEVING MOMS WERE THE ULTIMATE MORAL AUTHORITY: ‘America Hates You’: Mom of Marine Killed in Kabul Writes Scathing Message to Joe Biden — and Is Silenced by His Big Tech Buddies.

NEWS I HOPE YOU DON’T NEED TO USE: Mouth-to-mouth bystander CPR is the preferable method for pediatric cardiac arrest, study says.

THEY GOT WOKE: Vice Media Lays Off Writers. “Vice had done some interesting work early on, but had gradually morphed into a hard-left Gawker-lite. Indeed, having either on your resume should be as toxic to future employment prospects as having Gawker itself on there.”

MICHAEL ANTON: Importing Enemies. The demand to resettle Afghan refugees brings the war home.

Related: Biden Admin Told Refugee Organizations To Prepare For Arrival Of Up To 50,000 Afghans Without Visas.

ANGEL EDUARDO: Stop Calling Me ‘White’ For Having the Wrong Opinions.

‘AMERICA HATES YOU:’ Mom of Marine Killed in Kabul Writes Scathing Message to Joe Biden—and Is Silenced by His Big Tech Buddies.

Chappell described a very dismissive President Biden, who, as he does so often, tried to make the exchange with the grieving mother about him instead of Chappell’s son. She explained that the president didn’t much like what she had to say. And by the looks of it, the White House, which works very closely with Facebook, didn’t much like what she had to say, either.

Silicon Valley’s Big Tech oligarchs stepped in to save their friend from Chappell’s harsh words.

Chappell’s Facebook page was suspended and it looks as if Biden trolls reported several of her Instagram posts, earning her “warnings” from the anti-free speech scolds on several posts that were months old. The Instagram page was reportedly shut down for a period of time “in error.

The guild protects its own, and thus Chappell won’t be canonized the way by the DNC-MSM that Cindy Sheehan was.

(Until she wasn’t. Flashback: Barack Obama to Cindy Sheehan: Get Lost.)

DISPATCHES FROM WEIMAR AMERICA: Sohrab Ahmari on America’s Woke Bacha Bazi. We looked the other way when our allies in Afghanistan molested boys. Pay attention as the sexual revolution seeks to enlist your children here in America.

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