
Please ask Bustemante to renounce MEChA and its Gay bashing stance.Burning homosexuals alive is not a Democratic value.

Support Gray Davis's recent change of mind on Gay Marriage.

Yes on Davis, No on Bustemante!!!

The answer is an easy one -- zero.

The same answer also applies to the typical content of individual republican's morality and the morality of the party as a whole.

what does bustamante have to do with la voz de aztlan, a group which has condemned him as a zionist tool?

I remember when Dinesh D'Souza was a regular spankee in Spy Magazine.

GravatarHere's what I REALLY don't get:

Why and how does Maria Shriver put up with Arnold's shit?

Is it just a Kennedy thing? Everytime I ask people about it they ALWAYS tell me something close to "well all the Kennedy men cheat on their wives and the Kennedy women just put up with it. It's the Kennedy way."

I'm honestly shocked at statements like that (and yes I'm a proud Dem/Lib.)

Pardon me but WTF?

GravatarYou left out William Schneider of CNN. He works for the American Enterprise Institute.

GravatarI can't imagine that the MEChA bashing is going to do anything but help Bustamante. Republicans -- calling a large Latino student organization racist. Pete Wilson -- Arnold's chief advisor. Motivating forces. GOTV.

GravatarWell, I don't recall reading on your site very many -in fact, absolutely no - criticisms of the current and still believing Stalinists and/or Communists that were the mainstays of the early anti-war protests, largely organized and funded by ANSWER. Many of the leaders of the protests supported North Korean dictator Kim Jong II, have defended war criminal Slobodan Milosevic, just to cite two extreme examples. Hypocrisy on this site knows no bounds.

GravatarAndrew - apparently stupidity knows no bounds either. As illustrated by your post.

As to the question posed by Atrios - they don't denounce these people because they agree with them.

GravatarA quarter of a million socialists in New York? 100,000 socialists in DC? Are you serious? The anti-war tent was very large, unlike, for example, the white-supremicists, neo-confederates, and christian identity folks making up the majority of the pro-state religion protestors in Alabama.

And did you take even three minutes to see what Atrios and other have said about ANSWER during the run-up to the the war? You have to work a little to be able to make your kind of insinuation with some authority. Try harder next time. I won't say, "Smarter monkeys, please" because I think Atrios deserves that pleasure.

GravatarWhat I don't get is why we constantly badger our partisan enemies to come down against various organizations that normally neither of us would ever care about.

Okay, sure, it's immediate and free negative press, but it's also stupid.

Although, I must say, this is a chance for Bustamante to have the uber-Sister-Souljah moment...

GravatarWhile true that some on the Left, very few in number, criticized ANSWER and "regretted" their organizing role in the anti-war movement, this site and MOST others, did not. And I feel certain that "John Iwaniszek" is not half as smart as most monkeys...although I'm sure he drags his knuckles when he walks upright.

GravatarYou left out William Schneider of CNN. He works for the American Enterprise Institute.


And there I was, wondering just why this guy would say the following:

">"Weapons of mass destruction simply was never, never as central to the case for war in the United States as it was here in Britain."

Thanks for clearing that up for me!

GravatarThe Repugnant Party is now irrevocably welded to the neocretin philosophy. Any independent thoughts expressed by what were once identified as "conservative voices" will be immediately squashed.

Complete subjugation is demanded. All scientific theories, no matter how reasonable, must be discounted if they do not comply with the neonuts' agenda.

And what is this agenda? It's really hard to pinpoint. Certainly, the neonuts do not buy into the Fundacrat vision of the world. One suspects that they're exploiting the gullibility of the wingnuts in order to secure their votes. To what purpose remains, at least to me, unclear.

GravatarAmerican Enterprise Institute is the key think tank in the Neocon movement. It is the organization where Cheney, Rumsfeld, et al. routinely genuflect when they have a policy speech. It is appropriate that we call them to task for supporting ideas and ideologues who so obviously threaten our democracy.

GravatarBustamante is not associated with La Voz de Aztlan.

La Voz de Aztlan is not MEChA

GravatarArnold's economic strategy is to turn California into one big Hooverville...

GravatarWhen are liberals going to learn to tie the Right to it's creepiest friends with a sound bite?

GravatarHey, "Andrew". You aren't helping your cause. ANSWER caught plenty of heat from the Right and the Left. You are ignoring several important points: A majority of Americans opposed the war in it run-up, and a the over-whelming majority of people who marched against the war were ordinary people from all walks of life. Unlike the ugly thugs who called us "traitors", "communists", and "Objectively pr-Saddam".

The anti-war movement had many valid reasons to oppose the war - all of which were easily shown to be true before the war and are easily shown to be true now.

Atrios' post is intended to torque the people who occupy the power elite, and their fellow travelers, in this country, and who find common cause with racists and the anitdemocratic elements of our society who represent the worst of human impulses. It appears to have worked

That you have not found any mention of criticsm of ANSWER reflects poorly on your ability to use a search engine, not on any weblogger's lack of attention to the matter.

GravatarFeed a troll, he's a troll for a day.
Teach a troll, he stops being a troll.
It could happen.
Yeah, right, in my dreams. Ok, Ok,...(sigh)..take him to the Duck Pit with the others.
What a senseless waste of human life.

The ducks are looking pretty well fed though.

GravatarAndrew is clueless if he thinks that the anti-war crowd was a bunch of Workers of the World types...

He probably buys into the idea that the 20,000 folks at the Wellstone memorial were "bussed in by the AFL-CIO" (thanks to AF)


Personally I would love to see John Lott and Charles Murray work on few projects together. Maybe they could research a hypothesis such as: "Standardized test scores and race can predict your likely choice to use a firearm defensively versus actually shooting a white man."

Mass intellectual dishonesty is no longer a coincidence.

GravatarThose Fed bastards aren't going to touch me. Ha Ha !

GravatarI would like to see the AEI people work on some projects. "Busting rocks in the hot sun" for example.


Learn to use Google. It's not that difficult: 2003_01_26_atrios_archive.html#90236221

Gravatar-He probably buys into the idea that the 20,000 folks at the Wellstone memorial were "bussed in by the AFL-CIO-

Since the "memorial" attendees threw that election to the GOP, it's a fair guess Republicans wouldn't mind at all if the unions did bus in the doofs!

Gravatar"Why have they not denounced this man"

Uhhhhh, cause maybe they silently support his views but can deny it as long as Fox news is in charge?


GravatarTownDrunk wonders:

"And what is this [neocon] agenda? It's really hard to pinpoint."

I disagree. In my considered opinion, it was pinpointed by Eric A. Blair, over half a century ago, better than it had ever been before or (with one exception) ever would be again: a boot stamping on a face forever.

(The one exception is the speech Grant Morrison puts in the mouth of one Colonel Friday, in "The Invisibles" v.2 #4, "Black Science: Safe" [you can find it in the "Bloody Hell in America" collection, if you can find that collection]. Relevant highlights include: "We will replace contact with isolation and joy with shame. Hope will cease to exist as a concept. [...] We will cover the Earth with steel and with concrete. This planet will be a factory farm producing morons to fuel and maintain the factory machines and feed our masters.")

GravatarLa Voz de Aztlan is not MEChA

But you know, to conservatives they all look alike.

GravatarHere's an important piece that substantiates everything Atrios says about AEI, and more:

Into the Mainstream: An array of right-wing foundations and think tanks support efforts to make bigoted and discredited ideas respectable

American Enterprise Institute

Founded in 1943, the Washington, D.C.-based American Enterprise Institute (AEI) is one of the most influential conservative think tanks in America. While its roots are in pro-business values, AEI in recent years has sponsored scholars whose views are seen by many as bigoted or even racist. For example, Dinesh D'Souza, the author of The End of Racism, holds an Olin Foundation (see below) research fellowship at AEI. D'Souza has suggested that civil rights activists actually help perpetuate racial tensions and division in the United States, and has even called for the repeal of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. After his book was published, black conservatives Robert Woodson and Glenn Loury denounced it - Woodson released a statement saying it “fans the flames of racial animosity” - and broke their own ties with AEI. Another AEI-sponsored scholar, Charles Murray, is more controversial. Murray, who has a Bradley Foundation (see below) research fellowship at AEI, is the co-author of The Bell Curve, a book that argues that blacks and Latinos are genetically inferior to whites and that most social welfare and affirmative action programs are doomed to failure as a result. The book, described as a reheated “stale stew of racial eugenics” by historian Godfrey Hodgson, cites the work of some 16 researchers financed by the racist Pioneer Fund* (see below).

GravatarBut do D'Souza and Murray really believe the tripe they're advocating? Or are they doing it to establish their creds with the wingnutians? Is this an admixture of credulousness and manipulation, with the intent to produce the frightening results described above by "Tuxedo Slack"?

GravatarSince the "memorial" attendees threw that election to the GOP,

I couldn't believe it either, I mean, all these people going on about how wonderful Wellstone was and how important his work as the lone progressive voice was and how his supporters needed to rally around his memory. I was so upset, I doubt I could ever vote for another Democrat ever again.

Any self-respecting "memorial" should have stuck to his years as a wrestling coach and the cute way he made sure he only put one lump of sugar, not two, into his coffee or the way he always mowed his lawn diagonally instead of square. I still to this day don't know what people were thinking, talking about the man's politics as if he was a voice for some kind of movement. Shameless self-serving bastards, unlike those Republicans whose civic duty it was to make sure everyone, everyone, understands that the "memorial" didn't live up to their level of "acceptable grieving procedures."

Or, in other words, the Democrats knew Republicans hung out near there, they should have known better than to go there. Ergo, they deserved what happened to them. It's their fault Republicans were so offended.

Classic Blame the Victim.

GravatarANSWER didn't organize the protests - they just happened to be first in line for the permits. Everybody except the dimmest of conservo-trolls knows this.

The anti-war coalition was a true coalition of ordinary Americans. Which is another thing liberals have over the Whistle Ass administration - we are actually capable of forming a coalition, instead of buying off governments and proclaiming them 'partners.'

GravatarAtrios' post is a response to the ridiculousness of wingers like Tacitus who are trying to play their usual McCarthy games with Bustamante. I admire Atrios for trying. But no amount of pointing it out is ever gonna stop Tacitus and the other thought police from pulling this trick. It's what they have, when they're losing on the issues, which is usually the case wherever there are issues.

GravatarBut I think we should bring the question back to the wingers: "Andrew", Egg - why haven't you denounced the racists in the AEI, the Hoover institute, the current administration and the Republican party?

GravatarDavid N. - your link got slaughtered by Haloscan...Try copy-paste of : index.html

though I think it's a frame page, so ya might have to scroll down to click on "Into the Mainstream".

Gravatararrgh. stupid frames...OK--paste in index.html

THEN click on "Intelligence Report"

THEN Click on "Into the Mainstream".

GravatarHere in SoCal at least, that MeCHA balderdash isn't playing at all, (except maybe among the extreme right).

MeCHA has been an integral part of student life for decades; many, if not most, of my Chicano friends and acquaintances were involved with it; it was then and probably is now an advocacy organization which worked to bring Chicanos (now Latinos) into the educational institutions, to feed and clothe underprivileged children in the community, including those of the migrant farmworkers, was involved with Caesar Chavez in advocating for better working conditions for the migrant workers, and provided tutoring, mentoring, and fellowship for students, as do many other student organizations.

Many of the political and community leaders in SoCal were members of MeCHA, which in part is where they learned leadership skills.

To call that organization anything but a community grass-roots organization, and to imply that advocacy for the Latino community is racist, is disingenuous. Those right-wing liars must be desperate.

Gravatar"What can we conclude about Lynne Cheney, David Frum, and Michael Ledeen? All current or former Fellows of the AEI, where the racist Charles Murray is supported and coddled? Why have they not denounced this man?"

Um, why haven't they denounced the Republican party for the party's homophobia? As illustrated by its 2000 party platform.

Oh, yeah, they're all Republicans. Hence....

GravatarAndrew, what the fuck makes you think there was a single Stalinist in ANSWER? You fucking imbeciles on the right buy this nonsense hook, line and sinker from your K Street masters. Do you salivate every time Grover Norquist rings a bell or do you have some actual control over your tongue? If you do, explaining why you put it where you do would be instructive to those of us who are more concerned with sanitary practices than you obviously are. You know, Rush Limbaugh got out of Vietnam because of anal cysts - you might catch a nasty infection if you keep the colon licking up.

Stalinists in ANSWER - I can't wait to see the copious links on this one.

GravatarYes Stranger, anyone who was at a march knows that it wasn't a communist conspiracy.

At the march in SF there were old ladies, suburban families with their kids, a guy wearing a pink unitard with a cape on a unicycle...

ANSWER seemed like the organization most qualified to coordinate one of these events. They flyered and stickered the city way in advance, all the permits were done on time, they had an awesome stage and suond system in the civic center.

GravatarAndrew, if you're still listening, my wife and I opposed the war, not because we liked Saddam, but because we couldn't see what the hell we were going to do once Saddam was gone. This week's headlines make us look prescient. We're not, we just pay attention.

We also have too many family members in the military, so this wasn't academic to us, but flesh and blood personal. We're not commies, not socialists, not supporters of Kim Jong Il. In fact, my wife and I are very conservative, but we read, and we read widely. And when we did, something in the runup to the war didn't smell right, and it wasn't the French. Again, we weren't prescient, just paying attention. So before you tar an entire group with one sorry brush, I suggest you stop and consider that those same people you're calling unAmerican are probably your neighbors. And I'll stack my record of service to this country up against yours any day of the week.

GravatarHere is a thought.
If Clinton had not taken the Democrats so far to the right, adopting Republican agenda's so on, then Bush would never been seen as a viable candidate.
Yes, if Clinton had gone to the left, with the economy and so on, NO ONE on the RIGHT could have been viable.
So, the Democratic party and Bill Clinton are, in one sense, to blame for a Bush candidacy. Only a true centrist would have been acceptable to a voting populace benefitting from a Liberal Left government.

GravatarAny bets that Robert Byrd has an answer to your prayers.

As for Bustamante, he is losing in the polls now.

GravatarOh, I'm sorry. Are my little operatives trying to change the subject to Bill Clinton again?

Kids, let the adults talk. Stop playing around and go do your homework. Shoo!

GravatarBustamante could take a lesson from Florida's shiny new religiofascist: 'Hey, I'm just friendly.'

DCF lawyer says he's not an extremist


James H.K. Bruner, recently hired as a high-ranking lawyer for the Department of Children & Families, was a featured speaker -- along with subway gunman Bernhard Goetz -- at a New York rally that decried the ''tyranny'' of the United Nations and used a U.N. flag as a floor mat.

And a website maintained by a group called the Patriot Saints for the Kingdom of God on Earth, which says governments should not provide human services to the needy, lists Bruner, 45, as a member of the chapter in his former home city of Albany, N.Y.

Bruner vehemently denies being a member of the Patriot Saints, though he acknowledges receiving information from the group as executive director of the New York Family Policy Council -- a job he left to join DCF. He will be paid about $82,000 as a ''special assistant to the general counsel'' of DCF.

''When you are running a not-for-profit, you have to have relationships open with various groups, which does not mean you are submitting to their ideals,'' Bruner told The Herald on Friday. 'As executive director, I was a coalition-builder and friend-maker. That does not mean I subscribed to these groups' policies.''

etc etc etc

Link from Buzzflash

GravatarThe L.A. Times has a reasonably sane article on MEChA:

Critics have pounced on Bustamante's participation in the group, calling MEChA a racist organization that promotes the return of the southwestern United States to Mexico. State Sen. Tom McClintock (R-Thousand Oaks), a candidate in the recall election, equated the group with the Ku Klux Klan.

Ralph De Unamuno, a UCLA graduate student who served as an advisor to the university's chapter, called those charges "extremely slanderous."

"It makes everyone feel pretty bad because, if you talk to most people in MEChA, most of their time is spent mentoring high school students or doing cultural events on campus," he said.

In case Haloscan bobbles the link: recall

GravatarI like the "Robert Byrd" red herring. RB made abject apologies for his early association with the Klan and his more recent slur. Meanwhile, he has fought tooth and nail for labor, race relations, agains the war, and in liberal and progressive causes in general. What do we get from racist wingers? "I am sorry if you took offense." When a Republican does half of what Robert Byrd has done for poor people and progressive causes, then I will say the scales are on their way to balancing.

So far all our trolls have done is attempt to deflect from the root question and smear good people without cause.

GravatarSo far all our trolls have done is attempt to deflect from the root question and smear good people without cause.

What did you expect from them? Logic and clear thinking?

You should know better by now.

GravatarSince the "memorial" attendees threw that election to the GOP, it's a fair guess Republicans wouldn't mind at all if the unions did bus in the doofs!

Fuck you and every other asshole who drew such conclusions from a 30 second sound bite and flat out lies from the pundits. (Rush, Peggy, Sean, Tucker, Bill, Savage, Glen, Mickey, George, etc...)

I don't know which memorial you and the other winger assholes saw, but with the exception of a few minutes of rah, rah-ing by Rick Kahn, there was nothing but eulogies by friends and family members of ALL the victims.

So again, fuck you and I hope that your memorial service is interupted by a gang of tranvestites singing songs from the Rocky Horror Picture Show.

GravatarAs requested by "Lorelynn," following is a link to a long article by David Corn of The Nation magazine that addresses some of the interesting individuals behind ANSWER and the anti-war rallies.

I never suggested that all rally participants were sympathizers with the aims of ANSWER, and some of its infamous leaders. I was merely observing that a great many on the Left overlooked some of the well known problems with the rally organizers. corn.php

GravatarI was merely observing that a great many on the Left overlooked some of the well known problems with the rally organizers.

Rally oraganizers are not the same as leading thinkers of the preeminent conservative think tank where many members of the current adminstration spend there time and energy in the off season. The work of assholes like Murray, Lott, D'sousa and a whole host of other geniuses are held up by the right as scientific proof of the many deeply flawed assumptions that make wingnuts tick.

Your logic sucks.

Gravatar> I don't recall

Can't blame you for a faulty memory,
eh, Mr. Nixon?

> funded by ANSWER.

There is this:

No kidding...

GravatarOh, Andrew - there you are. I have a question about your statement at the top of this thread:

"Many of the leaders of the protests supported North Korean dictator Kim Jong II, have defended war criminal Slobodan Milosevic, just to cite two extreme examples."

Do you pronounce that Kim Jong Ill or Kim Jong the second?


Gravatar"Many of the leaders of the protests supported North Korean dictator Kim Jong II, have defended war criminal Slobodan Milosevic, just to cite two extreme examples."

No, what you did is mention two examples, without providing much of anything to back them up.

Even assuming it's true (and why should we?) you continue to ignore the diverse population that turned up to the protests, most of whom have nothing else in common with groups like ANSWER.

Gravatar-Shameless self-serving bastards, unlike those Republicans whose civic duty it was to make sure everyone, everyone, understands that the "memorial" didn't live up to their level of "acceptable grieving procedures."-

Actually Republicans were delighted the Democrats had no idea how to behave at a funeral and that they displayed their cluelessness on national TV.

My guess is that had the GOP known how the folks were going to conduct themselves, the GOP would've supplied the balloons for a big balloon drop finale!

Although the GOP - along with the rest of America - shook their heads at the shameless event, they just couldn't ask for a better outcome. The Democrats handed the GOP the House and Senate on a silver platter. Voters who had planned on voting for Democrats did a complete 180 after the funeral-rally according to all the polls, including ones by former Pres Clinton's own pollster. campaign2002..._315140823.html

A new poll shows the impact of the Wellstone memorial service on the last election apparently was felt far and wide. The nation watched Minnesota mourn Senator Wellstone, and the memorial may have turned too political for American voters everywhere.

A new poll taken by a "Time Magazine" reporter found:

--The service made 49-percent of voters across the country less likely to vote for a Democrat.

--That number hopped to 67-percent among Independents.

Time story - "Fallout From A Memorial" ...,388903,00.html

GravatarAlthough the GOP - along with the rest of America - shook their heads at the shameless event, they just couldn't ask for a better outcome

The event itself had almost nothing to do with the public perception of it. Unfortunately a couple of 10 second soundbites from Rick Kahn's speech were siezed upon by the assholes that make up the Mighty Wurlitzer and they snowed the American Public (you included, egg). The American public DID NOT watch the event. It was several hours long and ran only on C-span. What they heard was a bunch of lying hypocrites who completely distorted the event. Of the 49% who say that it affected them, how many actually watched more than a soundbite, if any at all?

Your reality is based on a lie. Take the time to watch the memorial on the CSPAN archives. You might learn something.

Otherwise... go to hell...

GravatarOK, so this is a far-left site, but do you guys EVER debate or argue, or do you figure insult and invective suffices? Anyone who arrives at conclusions with which you disagree is a racist? I checked out some of the links on Murray to see what the critics said about his work, and, on not a few of the sites, every other word was "fascist", or they concentrate on his source of funding, not the merits (or the lack thereof) of his conclusions.

Funny, though. Some of the critics, who aver that one cannot define "race" -- that same is a political construct, and, hence, that attempts to measure IQ by group are doomed to failure -- have no difficulty at all defining it for purposes of group-think affirmative action programs.

Gravatarsmarter monkeys, please.

GravatarMen who use women's names? Tsk tsk.

GravatarThere's a pretty big difference between Murray's thesis and something like affirmative action or the United Negro College Fund, isn't there? I mean, the former actually says that blacks and latinos have lower IQ scores than whites and are therefore genetically inferior. The latter two may be debatable, but they certainly don't make such a ridiculous assumption.

GravatarAlthough the GOP - along with the rest of America - shook their heads at the shameless event, they just couldn't ask for a better outcome. The Democrats handed the GOP the House and Senate on a silver platter. Voters who had planned on voting for Democrats did a complete 180 after the funeral-rally according to all the polls, including ones by former Pres Clinton's own pollster.

The GOP did a lot more than just shake their heads, they shook every media contact they had, which was extensive, and literally manufactured a controversy (this study illustrates very nicely how easily large portions of the public can be lead around by the nose - so you can shove your post-hijacking polls up your ass). The worst part about it is that real Democrats were still too shell shocked over the death to be in a position to quickly defend themselves against a well coordinated, GOP-driven media onslaught. The Democrats didn't hand the GOP the House and Senate on a silver platter, the GOP panicked at the outpouring of spontaneous energy at the memorial, immediately hijacked the post-memorial buzz for their own partisan purposes and beat the unsuspecting mourners over the head with it while blaming the Democrats for it. Typical GOP politics.

Had some prominent Dems retorted with the more appropriate "FUCK YOU!!" [i.e. fought back] instead of, "Gee, um, we're so sorry. Please don't hit us . . ." I'm certain that instead of people claiming the memorial drove them to voting Republican you would have people claiming the GOP memorial hijacking drove them to vote Democrat.

Bottom line, it wasn't the memorial, it was the hijacked buzz that was endlessly, breathlessly promulgated by our sycophantic/GOP-operative press that made the difference.

The death of a popular Dem Senator. Yup. The GOP couldn't ask for a better outcome. They couldn't have pulled it off otherwise.

Gravatar...they certainly don't make such a ridiculous assumption.

No, Ed(OH), they definitely don't.

These trolls are pathetic. No, pathetic is the wrong word. I have no pity for them of any kind.

GravatarI hate to tell you this, eggy-wegg, but it was not a funeral.

It was a memorial service, and the tone was set by the family of Paul Wellstone.

If it offends you that the attendees of the service were honoring the family in their chosen way of remembering the Senator, kindly shove it sideways.

GravatarThe death of a popular Dem Senator. Yup. The GOP couldn't ask for a better outcome. They couldn't have pulled it off otherwise.

And ol' Jesse fed the fire, didn't he.


GravatarThe Wellstone memorial was amazing. It made me proud to be an American. I can only hope that my son grows up to be half as articulate and brave as Wellstone's boy. Every time I think of that handsome young man giving his father that eloquent eulogy, I get a lump in my throat.

GravatarAnd ol' Jesse fed the fire, didn't he.

After Jesse's sad little outburst I sent him back the Jesse doll someone bought me for Xmas a couple years earlier with a little note explaining my disgust.

So much potential. Such a waste.

Loser indeed.

GravatarTwo cents . . . there's no doubt the Rethuglicans went into full-froth mode after the Wellstone memorial, but it only worked because *the truth* of the matter was that Minnesotans were mostly offended. My dear MN Mother, who has never voted for anybody but DFLers, was watching the memorial live--like a good chunk of Minnesotans--and "had to turn it off." (Her words.) She said it embarrassed her in a way that she had never experienced as a Democrat.

The politicization of tragic events is simply gruesome to most people. It's not so surprising the Right made a big deal about it; it's more surprising that there are posters on this site that continue to believe the Wellstone thing wasn't inappropriate.

And before you get all huffy, the sum total of the story is that MONDALE LOST. If you truly believe that the spin Republicans puked out on the memorial put Coleman in the Senate, then the Mighty Werlitzer is indeed a magical, unbeatable machine.

Try thinking. It's the anti-Koolaid.

Gravatarit's more surprising that there are posters on this site that continue to believe the Wellstone thing wasn't inappropriate.

I watched it too. Aside from the speech of Rick Kahn, it was perfectly "Minnesota-nice". Obviously your mother thought the eulogies of the driver and pilots were too political also?

Yep, Coleman won and Mondale lost. But the vast majority of Minnesotans who voted for Coleman din't bother to watch at all. They bought into the bullshit that KSTP spun out for them.

Maybe there was some sincere outrage, but very little of came from folks who actually saw the WHOLE event. Most of them just heard the screamers saying "They booed Trent Lott". (Which there was very little of. Watch the tape)

One of the best quotes I've read on the subject came from one of Wellstones campaign managers who said something to the effect of 'it was perceived as a political event because we did NOT treat it like a poltical event' (it was NOT scripted, hence the partisan leanings of some came through)

And the Mighty Wurlitzer is not magic, but it sure is effective at spinning out talking points and keeping everyone on message.

GravatarYO CATALEXIS (1:36 PM) I GOT A SONG 4 U:



GravatarHow does Al Franken describe the truth about the Wellstone Memorial? I know he has a chapter about it, but I've not gotten there yet.

GravatarI've preserved this post and all of the comments in the related thread. This should prove very helpful in next year's election in that it shows without a doubt the kind of total scum that stands in opposition to most Americans.

GravatarThe politicization of tragic events is simply gruesome to most people. It's not so surprising the Right made a big deal about it; it's more surprising that there are posters on this site that continue to believe the Wellstone thing wasn't inappropriate.

The politicization of other people's tragic events is simply gruesome to most people. It's not so surprising the Right negatively politicized the tragic event through their multi-layered press connections; it's more surprising that there are posters on this site that continue to believe the focus on the few Wellstone Memorial crashers and bashers, as opposed to those thousands actually grieving and appreciative of the event, wasn't inappropriate.

GravatarI'm sure none of the moronic brownshirt fucks will be outraged when the blatant politicization of Drooling Uncle Ronnie's funeral is condemned by Democrats everywhere.

They might be upset when I piss on his grave, but I won't give a shit - I'll have fulfilled my lifelong dream (plus, it'll be an homage to Groucho)!

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