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Friday, Jun 10, 2011 10:11 PM UTC2011-06-10T22:11:00Zl, M j, Y g:i A T

Au revoir, Table Talk

After nearly 16 years, we say goodbye to Salon's very special community

Au revoir, Table Talk

One of the most fulfilling, enduring relationships of my life was with a few hundred people, most of whom I never met.

It started, as all great loves do, unremarkably. It was in the days when the Web was brand-new and my family was describing my career as “something to do with computers.” I was already ancient in online community years, an instant addict from the moment in 1992 I first heard the word “modem.” (Kids, look it up.) I cruised around Usenet, but my real home was the WELL, an online outpost that attracted disaffected Gen-X Bay Area denizens like me. Back in the mid-’90s, the nexus of fledgling community geeks and fledgling journalists was a tiny, tiny place, and all 10 of us knew each other. One sunny afternoon at a barbeque, I spied Scott Rosenberg and Andrew Leonard talking to each other. Soon after, Laura Miller suddenly clammed up when I asked her what she was working on lately. Right under my nose, was being born.

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Mary Elizabeth Williams

Mary Elizabeth Williams is a staff writer for Salon and the author of "Gimme Shelter: My Three Years Searching for the American Dream." Follow her on Twitter: @embeedubMore Mary Elizabeth Williams

Monday, Oct 3, 2011 9:37 PM UTC2011-10-03T21:37:00Zl, M j, Y g:i A T

Our bold new future

Salon’s not just moving faster -- we’re moving smarter, too. Inside our ambitious editorial changes

Our bold new future


The Salon you’re reading today is a bolder, faster machine. We’ve liberated 15 years of accumulated pixels from our earthbound servers and released them into the Web cloud. We’re experiencing some expected technical hiccups along the way, but we’re heading in an exciting direction

Salon doesn’t just feel different. It is different. Along with this speedy new publishing platform, we’re taking a bolder editorial direction. We’re doing more of the deep, provocative reporting that you, our readers, have asked us for – the kind that is pursued less and less in the media. Salon is making a stronger commitment to do what we’ve always done best: speak the uncomfortable truths, and uncover the stories that those in power want to keep hidden.

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Kerry Lauerman

Kerry Lauerman is Salon's Editor in Chief. Follow him on Twitter: @kerrylauermanMore Kerry Lauerman

Monday, Oct 3, 2011 3:01 AM UTC2011-10-03T03:01:00Zl, M j, Y g:i A T

Big changes to Salon: Comments, navigation, more

We've reengineered the site for maximum efficiency and speed. Here's what's new

Salon's new login screen

Salon's new login screen


You’ll notice a lot of fundamental changes to Salon today, and not just the launch of our new Core membership program. We’ve changed the platform Salon runs on so that we can do a lot more — and you can do a lot more, and do it faster (for the geeks out there, we’ve moved Salon from proprietary software to WordPress).

We hope this will mean a big enhancement for Salon readers. Here’s a list of a few critical changes:

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Tuesday, Sep 27, 2011 7:28 PM UTC2011-09-27T19:28:00Zl, M j, Y g:i A T

America needs its own “Spring”

Join us -- make a difference

David Talbot

David Talbot

I founded Salon 16 years ago because I thought the country needed a strong, independent news operation. The Web gave my collaborators and me a platform for free and spirited journalism, and we took full advantage of it. For the first time in my life as a journalist, we — editors, reporters, critics and designers — were in sole control of our work, not managers and corporate sponsors. As a result, Salon became known for its fearless independence, breaking stories on the Clinton impeachment machine, the dark side of the Bush-Cheney war juggernaut, and the continued abuses of our freedoms under the Obama administration.

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David Talbot

David Talbot is the founder of Salon and the author, most recently, of "Devil Dog: The Amazing True Story of the Man Who Saved America" (Simon & Schuster) and "Brothers: The Hidden History of the Kennedy Years." Follow him on Twitter: @davidtalbotMore David Talbot

Friday, Aug 26, 2011 7:27 PM UTC2011-08-26T19:27:00Zl, M j, Y g:i A T

Fox News: Salon is dying!

Using its tried-and-tired formula, the Ailes network takes some potshots at us. I wonder why?

Fox News: Salon is dying!

In a perversely exciting turn this week, the tireless water-carriers of Fox News turned their sights on Salon, placing us on a short list of “once popular sites” that are “dead or dying.” It’s an odd list that lumps user platforms (Bebo, MySpace, Blogger), communities (Digg, Slashdot), Chatroulette, and two content sites: Salon and Gawker. Hey, it’s the Internet: Everything is a “site,” I suppose.

The story’s art clumsily, hilariously, seems to include Fox News in its loser lineup (I like to imagine it as the subversive handiwork of a pissed-off graphic designer):

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Kerry Lauerman

Kerry Lauerman is Salon's Editor in Chief. Follow him on Twitter: @kerrylauermanMore Kerry Lauerman

Tuesday, Jun 7, 2011 11:15 PM UTC2011-06-07T23:15:00Zl, M j, Y g:i A T

Note to Salon readers

Attention Apple users: An advertisement might have pushed malicious software your way


Salon received complaints about an advertisement that appeared on our site. The ad included concealed code causing some people using Apple computers to be redirected to a site that then attempted to induce the users to download what appears to be malicious software. Salon immediately eliminated the advertisement. If you recently viewed our site from your Apple computer and were redirected to another website from which you download software, you should check to ensure that there is no malware on your computer. Apple provides instruction on how to do that here. Please contact us if you have questions.

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