Max Chandler-Mather on Israeli Apartheid

On 29 November it will be the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian people. The United Nations has just appointed independent human rights experts to oversee specific issues around the world. There are currently over 50 special rapporteurs serving in this capacity. The special rapporteur on the situation on human rights in the Palestinian territories is Italian lawyer and academic Francesca Albanese—I assume no relation.… Go to Article

Public Trustee: Questions on Notice to the Attorney General

These are questions to the attorney general of Queensland, Shannon Fentiman, concerning corruption and mal-administration at the Qld public trustees office from 2009 till 2020.


March 23 Peter Carne appointed as public trustee (PT)


8 Dec Video of meeting between (can’t be named because of Guardianship laws) with his friends and the Public Trustee and his officers.Go to Article

Samah Sabawi on Israeli lies and media silence

Interview with Samah Sabawi a Palestinian refugee from Gaza with Ian Curr in 2012


Samah Sabawi, 4PR – Voice of the People


Introducing Samah. 0:00

What was the British Mandate of Palestine? 3:17

When he left, he didn’t think it would be permanent. 8:18

How did he get permission to come to Australia?… Go to Article

Report on campaign to lift travel restrictions on Palestinians fleeing Israeli state violence

News from Palestine is not good. The Israeli occupation forces have increased the intensity of their attacks on people in the West Bank and in Gaza. (See video about settler violence in Hebron and the Australian Friends of Palestine podcast below).

Strong support for Petition

This week (ending 20 Nov 2022) was our 4th week campaigning to assist a family from a refugee camp on the West Bank whose apartment has been raided and trashed by Israeli occupation forces.… Go to Article

Vale Malcolm Bell

Malcolm Bell dropping Stephen Zaborowski and myself at Hamilton No 4 Wharf in Brisbane in August 1977. We were trying to stop the Uranium trains from leaving the port of Brisbane. Photo: Stephen Zaborowski

The tribute “Malcolm Bell – Man of God 1944-2022” may well be how some people in the church saw Malcolm but I remember a different Malcolm Bell.… Go to Article

Eyewitness report: Australia’s other offshore hell—lift the ban on refugees in Indonesia – Solidarity Online

We post this report from refugee advocate, Ian Rintoul, just returned from Indonesia. Ian was abducted in the nicest way by Afghans ! He spent long days with desperate people. Well worth a read, Ian Curr Ed. 19 November 2022. to Article

In the pink

On Tuesday, 22 November 1972, three Liberal members of the South Australian parliament mimicked the State’s mannequin of the year at a Party fund-raiser for the Federal election due on 2 December. Their photo appeared on the front page of next day’s Adelaide Advertiser.

Meanwhile, on the front page of the Australian there was a black-and-white photo of Labor premier Don Dunstan in the pink pants that he had worn into the Legislative Assembly.… Go to Article

Don’t look away now

Recently WBT received some hate mail from a former medical student. “Judy” claimed that a Big Ride for Palestine (Australia) petition was “anti-semitic”. This petition is simply asking the Australian government to relax its travel restrictions on Palestinians fleeing state violence by Israel.

Here is an eloquent response to those that ‘look away’ written by Tony Delamothe, then a deputy editor of the British Medical Journal (BMJ).… Go to Article

Playwright denied award because of support for BDS

Sad little (German) story from today’s Guardian. It’s eloquent testimony to the dark, dishonest times in which we live – WBT reader

Some of the leading names of British theatre and film have criticised the cancellation of a prestigious lifetime award to the playwright Caryl Churchill because of her support for Palestinian rights, saying the move is “nothing less than modern-day McCarthyism”.… Go to Article

Open letter to Qld Premier

From John Tracey on behalf of “G8252”.  “G8252”  is a forty year old First Nations  man with disabilities living in Brisbane.  As this is an open letter I cannot identify him.  G8252 is his QCAT file number.

Dear Premier,

The Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT) has been obstructing a compensation claim by G8252 against the Public Trustee since 2009, first by refusing G8252 the right to spend his own money on a lawyer, then by determining G8252 lacks legal standing to make a legal claim against the Public Trustee.  … Go to Article

Deadliest month in deadliest year …

During the worst month of murder in the worst year of war crimes, Western governments like Australia stupidly refuse to recognise Palestine as a state in the UN general assembly. It is time they recognise Palestine and accept the right of people under occupation to resist.

Just as Khalil Hamdan predicted, Israeli occupation forces murdered Palestinian 15-year-old girl the day before her birthday on 14 November 2022.… Go to Article

Seven Marched

It is important to reflect on Australia’s reaction to the invasion of East Timor by Indonesia and compare it with the anger and dismay at the invasion of Afghanistan, Iraq, and now Ukraine. For 16 years I listened to Gough Whitlam’s narrative of denial. Keating still boasts of his relationship with Indonesia during a period of genocide of the East Timorese by Indonesian military.… Go to Article

The 2022 Energy Crisis & Market Failure in Australia

This is to give preliminary notice of our next upcoming meeting, the last for this year.  It will be addressed by Trevor Berrill, the extraordinary  Sustainable Energy Systems Consultant and Educator.

Trevor will already be familiar to many of you.  For he has previously given a number of excellent talks to the 17 Group, notable for their detailed factual basis, cogency of argumentation, and attractiveness of presentation.… Go to Article

Palestinian uncle’s plea for help

Sign the petition at

End travel restrictions on Palestinians

Sun, Nov 13, 2022 12:45PM • 7:47


Khalil, 4PR – Voice of the People

4PR – Voice of the People 

We’re at the Milton markets and I’m talking with Khalil Hamdan, who has a nuts and fruit store here and honey.… Go to Article

Vale Ted D’Urso

Salvatore D’Urso

born 26/5/1927, died 16/6/2022.

Most people would have known him as Ted D’Urso, but his given name was Salvatore D’Urso. For he was proudly Sicilian on both his father and his mother’s side. They were both immigrants from Sicily and part of the famous ‘Red North’ that was later to elect the only Commu- nist ever, Fred Paterson, as a mem- ber of an Australian parliament.… Go to Article

End Ban on Palestinian Travel

Petition at

To the Hon. Speaker of the House of Representatives and Members of the House of Representatives

This is a petition for the Australian government to relax travel restrictions on Palestinians fleeing Israeli violence by occupation forces in the West Bank and Gaza.

Please fill out the petition on… Go to Article


FARHA is part of the palestinian film festival and is on at the dendy at Coorparoo this Friday evening at 6.30pm

Fourteen-year-old Farha dreams of attending school in the city with her best friend Farida but she knows that, as the daughter of the mukhtar (the head of the village), she is in for an uphill battle against tradition.… Go to Article

We want Justice

Like Isis, Thomas More believed passionately in burning people alive – Kate Maltby

Five Queensland Attorney’s General turned their backs on blacks, poor, aged, weak, gullible and vulnerable. They are:

Cameron DickLabor26 March 200921 February 2011
Paul LucasLabor21 February 201124 March 2012
Jarrod BleijieLiberal National3 April 201214 February 2015
Yvette D’AthLabor16 February 201512 November 2020
Shannon FentimanLabor13 November 2020Incumbent
Attorney’s General in Queensland 2009 – 2022

Cameron Dick and Paul Lucas led the surge toward privatisation under the Bligh government, selling off the public’s largest asset, Queensland Rail.… Go to Article

Forty years of land rights struggle

This month marks the 40th anniversary of the Commonwealth Games Land Rights protest in Brisbane in 1982. In 2012 BIMA made 30th Anniversary of the Commonwealth Games Protests 1982. We present the film here on Yuggera and Torubul country – land never ceded.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander viewers are warned that this film contains people who have died.… Go to Article

Shut down mining

They do not, by and large, like politicians – I suppose that, by and large, they do not really like anyone much – but they have a certain respect for them the same way they might have for a horse or a gun dog. There is of course, a lot of Texan among this stratum of millionaire.Go to Article

Preparing for war …

The United States is stepping up its war preparations in NT to use Australia as a launching pad for war

The IPAN National Conference in Canberra, 22-24th November is timely and an opportunity for peace activists to exchange views and plan and organise urgent peace action.

Register for the public meeting and conference here:
 Film & Public Meeting Tuesday evening registration:
                         to Article

No more lies, no more …

When the Kalkadoons stopped running 
and charged and charged again 
they fell as fell their tribesmen 
on earlier hill and plain. 
And we who wrote their finish 
must turn and write a start 
if we would turn from running 
and face our thundering heart

— Judith Wright

An Open letter to the Queensland Attorney General the Hon Shannon Fentiman,   

From John Tracey,  advocate for “G8252”. 

  “G8252”  is a forty year old Aboriginal man with disabilities living in Brisbane.  Queensland’s adult guardianship laws prohibit me from publically identifying him.… Go to Article