Friday, February 02, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Still as bad at the law as ever.

An anonymous tipster informs me that undischarged bankrupt Patrick "The Full Monty" Ross continues to talk smack about me (while still failing to move along his meritless lawsuit), apparently suggesting that I defamatorily accused him of "fraud." Yes, I did ... specifically, identify fraud which, for the hard of thinking, I explained in some detail back here.

In short, it is going to be difficult for Patrick to deny committing identity fraud when he has already openly admitted on social media to doing just that.

Thanks for stopping by.

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Back in Grande Prairie, it seems.

For someone on the run from the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy, the Saskatchewan Sheriffs and whoever else is apparently trying to serve him, undischarged bankrupt and ladies' man Patrick Ross does seem to make it painfully easy to find him, as we can see by this recent YouTube video giving away that he is back in northern Alberta (rumour has it at a previous employer, Fluidpro):

Just another screenshot in a burgeoning folder of pics showing Patrick has time to make vacuous videos about hockey and burgers, but can't seem to find the time to move forward his vexatious, frivolous and meritless $4 million defamation action against me (yes, you read that right, he's asking for four million dollars). Some day in the near future, I will begin posting excerpts so that no one need take my word regarding its frivolity or vexatiousness.

In any event, as I predicted, Patrick has time for hours a day on social media, but not to deal with the legal action that he himself filed, and he knows that the instant he tries to push this along, the first thing that will happen is that I will require him to sit for questioning under oath.  Oh, and he'll have to disclose where he's living and working. And so much more.

Expect little action.

P.S. For historical context, it's worth noting how gleefully Patrick was bragging over 10 years ago:

The above was a blatant lie because Patrick had never hired a lawyer back in 2012. In any event, I'm pretty sure this didn't turn out the way he was boasting.

Oh, and this unwise bit of bragging will also end up in the exhibits:

That would be Patrick, openly gloating about how much fun he is having evading the process servers who were looking for him at the time.

It's one thing to hide from the legal consequences of your actions; it's quite another to go on social media and brag about it.

That was probably a bad move.

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Still digging that hole.

As I described recently, undischarged bankrupt and MMA cosplay dude Patrick Ross is making life increasingly difficult for himself in that, rather than proceeding with his 2022 lawsuit against me, he has already announced that he is going to try to excuse his negligence by claiming it had to do with the passing of his father.

Patrick's problem, as I pointed out, is that when he eventually tries that pathetic and dishonest excuse, I will provide the Court with numerous publications of Patrick's wherein he continues to mock me on Twitter, making it clear that he has plenty of time for that but not to deal with the lawsuit that he himself filed.

And, yes, I have all the screenshots:

So, yeah, if/when I choose to have this action dismissed as abandoned due to Patrick's ongoing negligence, I will have a folder of evidence to prove what Patrick was really doing all that time.

I can assure you, the court will not be amused.

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: You can't make this stuff up.

Here is undischarged bankrupt and financial fugitive Patrick "One line, ladies, no pushing" Ross, mocking someone else's bankruptcy:

Yeah, he went there.

Monday, January 22, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: I can't even ...

This has to be trolling; it's too stupid to not be trolling.

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: I'm dying here.

JUXTAPOSE! Man who filed for personal bankruptcy in his 30s and listed total assets worth less than $6,000 including an autographed hockey jersey and replica WWE championship belt will now lecture you on other peoples' maturity:

It's hard to even mock this anymore.

Friday, January 19, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Happy interestversary!

And like clockwork (that is, every month on the 19th), we have another month of several hundred dollars of interest tacked onto the debt of undischarged bankrupt and incel poster boy Patrick ("The Spud Stud") Ross; this makes it 29 months since a Saskatchewan judge issued this order, so you can do the math:

At the moment, Patrick is crowing about (what else?) the fact that he filed a defamation lawsuit against me over a year and a half ago; more oddly, he is claiming that he is "winning" his legal slapfest with me, so it seems the right time to itemize events.

On my side of the ledger:
  • In 2010, I sued Patrick for defamation; Patrick was so arrogant as to not even file a defense, whereupon I won $75,000 in damages and a further $10,000 in costs.
  • For the following two years, as I chased Patrick around Western Canada, he was found in contempt of court twice, and assessed costs (which he never paid).
  • In December of 2012, Patrick filed for personal bankruptcy to escape my judgment; he listed assets worth a total of less than $6,000 (assets which included, among other worthless, childish rubbish, a WWE replica championship belt).
  • In February of 2014, given Patrick's non-compliance with the obligations of bankruptcy, his trustee discharged himself in disgust from Patrick's file.
  • In April of 2014, Patrick had his bankruptcy hearing, which resulted in an October 2014 order that described him as a manipulative toad who filed for bankruptcy solely to escape from my judgment against him, and further ordered him to pay $34,000 over 14 years.
  • Not content with this ridiculously favourable discharge order, Patrick filed a defective appeal, refused to correct it, and let it languish for over three years.
  • Eventually, I successfully filed to have that appeal dismissed as abandoned.
  • I subsequently successfully filed to have Patrick removed from the protection of bankruptcy due to his years of non-compliance (thus restoring the full judgment amount that Patrick owed me).
  • I subsequently successfully filed to register my judgment in Saskatchewan.
  • I subsequently successfully registered a collections action against Patrick.
On the other side of the ledger, I previously filed a motion to dismiss Patrick's asinine defamation action against me, a motion which failed as I (as I have openly admitted) filed inadequate paperwork, so the court (quite correctly) dismissed it. What Patrick prefers not to disclose is that, during that hearing, the judge -- even while dismissing my motion -- openly admitted that I had a "very strong case," suggesting that if I had but submitted my paperwork fully and completely, there's a good chance I would have prevailed. But you never hear Patrick conceding that, do you?

In addition, there is nothing stopping me from resubmitting that motion, but I see no reason to go to that effort since Patrick is currently making no effort to move this case along, so I have no obligation to do anything for the time being. That's it -- that is the sum total of what Patrick can claim on his side of the victory ledger, yet he is constantly crowing about how he is, in some weird way, "winning."

Fine, he's welcome to gloat as much as he wants, even as he must realize that he is a trustee-less, undischarged bankrupt without a home who owes me over $115,000 and who would have to pay around $25,000 to get out of bankruptcy quite independently of that $115,000, and who is a 42-year-old working at a hellishly menial job as an oil patch "swamper" making around $25/hour in -40C winter weather in northern Alberta with absolutely no realistic prospects of ever owning his own home, running his own business, having a meaningful relationship or ever, ever, ever getting out of debt, all the while on the run from the federal Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy, the Saskatchewan Sheriffs, and whoever else is apparently trying to serve him.

But, sure, I guess that's "winning."