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"Showerthought" is a loose term that applies to the types of thoughts you might have while carrying out a routine task like showering, driving, or daydreaming. At their best, showerthoughts are universally relatable and find the amusing/interesting within the mundane.
Please be respectful of others' submissions. Rudeness is unacceptable.
Please read the FAQ before messaging the moderators.
All content must be original and unique.
Submissions that match (or echo similar sentiments to) ideas offered by other people will be removed, regardless of whether or not those ideas have appeared on Reddit. Blatant reposting and plagiarism may result in a ban.»
All posts must be showerthoughts.
Personal perspectives, crazy ideas, questions (rhetorical or otherwise) and meta submissions are not showerthoughts, and would be better suited to other subreddits. For an in-depth explanation of what a showerthought actually is (and is not), please read this page.
Your entire thought must be in the title.
You may include examples, explanations, or further information in the body section, but all posts to r/Showerthoughts must stand on their own as nothing but a title.
No thoughts about literal showers, bathing, or bathrooms.
Thoughts directly related to being in the shower (or anything related to the bathroom) will be removed.
No jokes, puns, wordplay, or submissions which are dependent on mechanisms or oddities in language.
While showerthoughts may be humorous in nature, posts which are explicitly comedic should be kept to other subreddits. Puns and wordplay are similarly disallowed, as are submissions which are focused on definitions, mechanisms, or oddities in language.
No "life pro-tips" or advice.
Posts intended to inform users of tips, tricks, life-hacks, or useful practices (whether serious or not) should not be offered here.
No posts about Reddit or its functions.
Posts which include any mention of Reddit, subreddits, karma, or anything tangentially related are not allowed here.
No posts about politics, social justice, or religion.
Posts which include any mention of politics, religion, or social justice (or concepts, figures, and ideas tangential to those topics) are not allowed.