Who were the neo-Nazis at Posie Parker’s rally in Melbourne?

As noted, Balywn Gauleiter Tom Sewell and some of his followers attended Posie Parker’s anti-trans rally in Melbourne on Saturday, March 18. While a number were known, some were not. Helpfully, the nazi geeks were more than willing to pose for some happy snaps outside their organising base at Tim Lutze’s Legacy Boxing Gym in West Sunshine and, somehow or other, these have made their way into the hands of the anti-fascist research group ‘White Rose Society’. WRS has since released the photos and is appealing to the public for assistance in identifying Lady Parker’s neo-Nazi allies (write : [email protected]).

In related news, ‘Paparoa’ (Aotearoa/New Zealand — [email protected]) has identified a number of the neo-Nazis who attended Lady Parker’s abortive attempt to make trouble for the trans- community in Auckland. This included Sam Brittenden, whose adventures in Ireland were documented as The Neo-Nazi and The Priest: An Extremist’s Journey To West Cork by the Far Right Observatory in March of last year.

See also : “The NSN is dead! Long live the NSN!” (September 9, 2021) | Senior neo-Nazi slips out of Australia to fight Russian army, Nick McKenzie and Anthony Galloway, The Age, March 2023 | Soldiers of hate: Army investigates neo-Nazis in its ranks, Nick McKenzie, The Age, March 18, 2023 (‘The Australian Army has discovered serving members are neo-Nazis, as a new generation of far-right leadership emerges with a declared interest in guns’).

About @ndy

I live in Melbourne, Australia. I like anarchy. I don't like nazis. I enjoy eating pizza and drinking beer. I barrack for the greatest football team on Earth: Collingwood Magpies. The 2023 premiership's a cakewalk for the good old Collingwood.
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7 Responses to Who were the neo-Nazis at Posie Parker’s rally in Melbourne?

  1. Pingback: Yeah Nah Pasaran! #156 w Simon Hunt on Posie Parker, art, culture, activism : March 30, 2023 | slackbastard

  2. Pingback: Yeah Nah Pasaran! #156 w Simon Hunt on Posie Parker, art, culture, activism : March 30, 2023 – 🏴 Anarchist Federation

  3. Pingback: Nazi Rally @ Victorian Parliament, May 13, 2023 | slackbastard

  4. Pingback: Melbourne Nazis Say: No to The Voice to Parliament/Yes to Boxing Gyms in Sunshine West | slackbastard

  5. Pingback: Melbourne Nazis Say: No to The Voice to Parliament/Yes to Boxing Gyms in Sunshine West – 🏴 Anarchist Federation

  6. Sam Brittenden says:

    Yea the boys

  7. Pingback: antifa notes (december 5, 2023) : nazis in Ballarat | slackbastard

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