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Australian Communist 
Spring 2023


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Announcements & Events

Strategic Denial Rights, EEZ's, Rare Minerals: Palau And US Neo-Colonialism


Palau is fast becoming a key strategic component in US-led regional military planning; the small Pacific country has increasingly been used by the Pentagon for military training and weapon technology transfer with Taiwan. Strategically placed within US-led Island Chain Theory (ICT), designed to restrict and control regional access and egress, Palau has recently signed a new agreement with the US to enforce their large Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), thought to ...

more...- Posted on 2024 Jan 03


Support for Palestinians on New Year's Eve


On New Year's Eve 2023 in Adelaide, thousands of people gathered at Elder Park on the banks of the city's Karrawirra Pari ("River Torrens" is the colonial name) to see in the New Year. 
At the same time, thousands more walked across the footbridge of Karrawirra Pari on their way to watch the Big Bash cricket game. These two events occur every year, but this year was different. 

more...- Posted on 2024 Jan 02


Global climate change hits dangerous new milestones in 2023


For decades, we have been warning about the consequences of careless greenhouse gas emissions on the Earth’s environment. Now the pace at which the global climate is changing is speeding up. 


more...- Posted on 2023 Dec 28


Doctor On the Frontline Gaza Praises Palestinian Resistance


Recently a YouTube video was circulated by supporters of the Palestinian people called "Wounds of War: The Gaza Experience Through the Eyes of Dr Ghassan Abu Sitta",

Dr Ghassan is speaking to other health workers in a forum organized by the Global Health Institute (GHI).

more...- Posted on 2023 Dec 27


Closing loopholes or creating new ones?


The federal government's Closing Loopholes Act Part 1 was passed on 14 December 2023. This Act covers industrial issues raised by workers through their Unions as part of the latter's financial and voting support for the election of the Albanese led Labor Government in 2022. 


more...- Posted on 2023 Dec 27


Christmas: It’s all class…


The gorging on products that is celebrated in the commercialised “holy” day of Christmas has seen more families than ever disadvantaged as a result of the current cost of living crisis.
Charities had struggled to keep up with the distribution of toys to families that could not afford them. And a new demographic has appeared at food distribution centres.

more...- Posted on 2023 Dec 26


RIghts Of Indigenous Peoples’ Struggles Continue As Governments Side With The Big End Of Town


The National Indigenous Times December edition reported on the front page that both Labor and Liberal Parties voted in the Senate to defeat the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Bill 2022. The Bill was tabled by Indigenous Senator Lidia Thorpe. 


more...- Posted on 2023 Dec 23


Dirty deeds done dirt cheap: political scandal in Japan


An unfolding political scandal has placed the Japanese Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) government of Prime Minister Fumio Kishida in panic mode. It sacked four cabinet ministers in mid-December as the government struggled to cover the main scandal: long-time political corruption stretching back decades with connivance from far-right groups, spurious pseudo front organisations, organised crime and seemingly non-legitimate business practices as standard operations.

more...- Posted on 2023 Dec 22


Support for Palestinians grows in Adelaide


On Sunday 17 December, thousands of people participated in a rally and demonstration in Adelaide in support of the Palestinian people's struggle in Gaza and the West Bank against the Zionist colonial occupation of Palestinian land.

Some might say "just another rally"!

more...- Posted on 2023 Dec 21


Community school mural censored over First Nations artist's identity with Palestinians


The intimidation that the Australian Zionist lobby exercises over Australian politicians and public servants was seen on December 19 in Adelaide.
Martin Westwell, the Education Department Chief Executive directed the staff of the Bowden-Brompton Community School to remove the words “From the River to the Sea” from a mural on one of the school’s buildings.

more...- Posted on 2023 Dec 20


Australia’s sub-imperial relations with PNG


The signing of a new security treaty between Canberra and Port Moresby on December 7 has carried all the hallmarks of Australia being a sub-imperial power for 'US interests' in the wider Indo-Pacific region.

The security treaty, aimed at side-lining China as an emerging regional power, has followed the US treating China as a competitor and thereby, threat to their traditional diplomatic and hegemonic position.

more...- Posted on 2023 Dec 18


The truth about Hiroshima and Nagasaki must not be forgotten


On December 9, an influential Australian media commentator and presenter made a comment which revealed her ignorance of the political struggles that surrounded the defeat of Japanese militarism at the end of World War 2.
Specifically, she was unaware of the entry of the Soviet Union into the war against Japan, and the relationship of that to the dropping of the atom bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

more...- Posted on 2023 Dec 14


Miko Peled speaks truth about the Zionist war against Palestine


I heard an important talk this evening.
I was at the Al Salam Community Centre and mosque in Adelaide with more than 200 others who had responded at less than 24 hours’ notice to hear a speaker.

more...- Posted on 2023 Dec 12


Military Satellite Project JP1902: Class and State Power in Australia


In April, the Australian government selected US arms manufacturer Lockheed Martin to partner the Department of Defence to build the JP Defence Satellite Communications system following the tender process. It has shown the age-old concept of the military-industrial complex is alive and well in Australia, with all that area of state activity entails with security vetting procedures and wider surveillance and political interference in civil society.

more...- Posted on 2023 Dec 10


#FreeDanDuggan - A Fight for Freedom and Australian Sovereignty


We are reprinting without change or comment the latest update from the campaign to have US extradition charges dropped against US-born Australian citizen Dan Duggan. Today is Day 412 of Dan's incarceration in solitary confinement. We stand with Dan and his family - eds.


more...- Posted on 2023 Dec 08


The housing problem in Australia: caused by capitalism and capitalist social relations (reprint)


Introduction: The housing crisis is not going away. It is a crisis in what Marxist historian Humphrey McQueen identifies as one of five pillars for the comfortable existence of the mass of the population. As such, it should be a social right and not an opportunity for private speculation and investment. 

more...- Posted on 2023 Dec 06


Did capitalist corner-cutting kill the Thylacine?


Amidst the ongoing crisis of environmental destruction across Australia, countless species of plants, fungi, animals and so on are rapidly becoming threatened with extinction. In order to save as many of these as possible, it is important to have as accurate as possible an “inventory” of threatened species. Some organizations, most notably the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), attempt to do exactly this. However, as we described ...

more...- Posted on 2023 Dec 04


There’s no space for warfare in Space


On November 30, the Australian Defence Magazine hosted a Space Summit in Canberra.
If the various imperialist blocs actually honoured the UN Outer Space Treaty, formally the Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, there would never have been such a Summit.

more...- Posted on 2023 Dec 04


Imperialist Rivalry Plays Out in Fight for Control of Australia's Rare Earth Minerals Deposits


While all the hand shaking and well-wishing between Prime Minister Albanese during his recent meetings with US President Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping, on the economic front, the competition for access and control of raw materials, a feature of imperialist rivalry, continues.

With changes in technology this competition spreads to new raw materials required by capitalist production. One of the new areas is the desperate search for access and ...

more...- Posted on 2023 Dec 04


DFLP: The future of the Gaza Strip is an internal Palestinian matter


Some political positions are presented by Western officials about their vision for the future of the Gaza Strip after the aggression. Israel expressed its position that it wants to install “a new security system in the Gaza Strip” in addition to what it describes as “liquidating the infrastructure of the Palestinian resistance.” In another place, the Israeli prime minister said: “After the war, there will be no civil authority in ...

more...- Posted on 2023 Nov 29


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