An Illogical Life - on Alfredo Bonanno

On December 6, 2023, Alfredo Maria Bonanno died at his home in Trieste. Born in Catania, Sicily in 1937, he was a fellow anarchist, philosopher, bank robber, theorist and agitator, editor, writer, and tireless translator. What follows is an attempt to offer, en passant, a partial account of this figure and his history.

Brooklyn (NY): Skull Squat defense ongoing

From Squat!net
December 23, 2023

For the past week, squatters and friends have defended Skull Squat in Brooklyn from shady developers and their goons attempting to break-in, lock out residents, and demolish the building. After forcing entry three days in a row with hammers and angle grinders, the developers have been turned away for the past two days by dozens of punks, anarchists, neighbors, and friends. The building has been squatted for six months by six black, brown, and white transgender anarchists.

Easy Ways to Spot Authoritarians Within the Anarchist Milieu

from Warzone Distro

Noun: the enforcement or advocacy of strict obedience to authority at the expense of personal freedom.

We decided that a fun way to kick off the new year would be to encourage a more critical and confrontational examination of authoritarian elements within anarchist spaces.

Anarchist Federation of Uruguay joins Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan campaign

 Anarchist Federation of Uruguay joins Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan campaign

From ANF

The Anarchist Federation of Uruguay said in a statement that it has “joined the campaign for the release of Abdullah Öcalan to put an end to his unjust imprisonment as well as that of thousands of Kurdish and Turkish leftist militants in the worst prisons in the world, the prisons of the Turkish state.”

Eric King and Josh Davidson

Eric King and Josh Davidson

From The Final Straw Radio

This week on the show, you’ll hear part of our conversation with Eric King and Josh Davidson. Josh has been on a few times to talk about collaborative inside-outside projects he works on such as the Certain Days calendar, the greeting cards he helped make of Indigenous political prisoner Oso Blanco’s artwork to benefit Zapatista schools in Chiapas, and the Rattling The Cages book that he co-edited with Eric King.

Police install a camera to spy on a squat in the district of Gràcia

Police install a camera to spy on a squat in the district of Gràcia

From squat dot net, Barcelona, Spain

A camera hidden in a dark box on the roof of a restaurant monitored the activity of a squat house in the Gràcia district of Barcelona, at least since December 22 when it was detected. As disseminated by the group Ègida -Defensa Collectiva Anarquista, the video surveillance team focused directly on the door of the squat, which is why they rule out that it is the restaurant’s security system.

The Loss of our second Anarchist comrade in an Accident

From The Federation of Anarchism Era
December 9, 2023

Unfortunately, after Aref Qanbarzehi, our 15-year-old comrade, was killed in the uprising of “Woman Life Freedom” by Iran’s security agents, we lost another comrade of the Federation of Anarchism Era in a car accident during anarchist activity.

Building Black Anarchist Futures: A Review Essay

From Ufahamu: A Journal of African Studies
Volume 43, Issue 2, Fall 2023
By Huey Hewitt

Full title: Building Black Anarchist Futures: A Review Essay on Lorenzo Ervin’s Anarchism and the Black Revolution and William Anderson’s The Nation on No Map

ACTION WEEK / PRAGUE / 20 – 26 MAY 2024 /

From 20 to 26 May 2024, Prague will host the Action Week, whose motto is:
“Together against capitalist wars and capitalist peace.”

Each weekday during this week will see a different event. There will be presentations, discussions, fundraisers, protests and various types of direct action. Then the end of the week will be devoted to a bookfair and an internationalist conference, where we will try to shift from theoretical matters towards the coordination of concrete anti-war activities.


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