War on Palestine
John Pilger: a fierce critic of empire
John Pilger: a critic of empire
Nick Everett

John Pilger was a writer, journalist and film maker who pulled no punches. His work was hard hitting and scathing about the rich and powerful, both in Australia and globally. Pilger died in London on 30 December of pulmonary fibrosis, aged 84.

What is the Australian state?
David Peterson

For most people, the word “politics” brings to mind the workings of the state: who will win the next election, what laws politicians are debating, how well or badly the government is delivering public services. The mainstream media and political commentators are also fixated on it. They pay far more attention to the latest opinion polls or a squabble in parliament than they do to working conditions in a factory or the investment decisions made by merchant bankers, which are generally not considered political at all, but simply the natural workings of a market economy.

The 1918 German revolution
Luca Tavan

“We stand today ... before the awful proposition: either the triumph of imperialism and the destruction of all culture, and, as in ancient Rome, depopulation, desolation, degeneration, a vast cemetery; or, the victory of socialism.”

WA prisons are ‘barbaric dungeons’
Alevine Magila

A bombshell report in the West Australian has uncovered details of appalling abuse in Banksia Hill Juvenile Detention Centre in 2022.

Toitū te Tiriti! Uphold the Treaty!
Elliott Shaw

Thousands rallied across Aotearoa (New Zealand) in protests called by Te Pāti Māori (The Māori Party) as a new conservative government took office in December. Rally organisers have called the movement “Toitū te Tiriti”, referring to the need to uphold and enhance Te Tiriti o Waitangi (The Treaty of Waitangi) against the new government’s racist attacks. Organisers invited people of all races to participate, and there was a significant minority of non-Māori protesters.

The world economy in 2023 and beyond
World economy in 2023 and beyond
Michael Roberts

How is the world economy doing as 2023 comes to an end? To answer that, we must remember that the “world” is made up of many parts, and not every major economy is doing as well as others. 

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World imperialism today
World imperialism today
Eleanor Morley

The world is a very volatile place. Two major invasions have occurred out within two years—a reminder of how deadly and destructive global capitalism is.

The missing socialist movement
Jordan Humphreys

If We Burn: The Mass Protest Decade and the Missing Revolution 

How fake socialism caused disaster
Daniel Taylor

For more than 100 years, the socialist movement has been divided into revolutionary and non-revolutionary wings. 

Mass movement defeats mining giant
Johnny Gerdes

Panama’s President Laurentino Cortizo has announced the closure of an environmentally destructive copper mine after the country’s Supreme Court ruled on 28 November that legislation granting the mine a 20-year concession was unconstitutional. The decision was greeted with jubilation by masses of protesters who had fought for weeks for this result.

Thirty years of failure on climate: How did it come to this?
Thirty years of failure on climate
James Plested

It’s more than 50 years since scientists first came to understand that carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions from human activities could be drivers of a potentially catastrophic warming of the world’s climate. It’s more than 30 years since the issue gained serious attention and politicians began promising to do something about it.

Australia's biggest radical conference
Christmas in Palestine
Christmas in Palestine
Jerome Small

“The Australian Government continues to work with the United States and other partners in support of the international rules-based order in the Middle East and surrounding region.”

Activists strike a blow against ZIM
Max Vickery

In his 1896 pamphlet The Jewish State, the founder of modern political Zionism Theodor Herzl made the case for a flag. “We have no flag, and we need one”, he wrote. “I would suggest a white flag, with seven golden stars.”

Far-right victory in Argentina
Tom Sullivan

The turbulent political winds of Latin America blew to the far right in Argentina’s November presidential election. Javier Milei, a self-styled “anarcho-capitalist”, won 56 percent of the vote, while his opponent Sergio Massa, economy minister in the Peronist centre-left ruling coalition, secured only 44 percent. 

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Labor is an enemy of Palestine
James McVicar

From the outset, the Labor Party has steadfastly defended Israel’s crimes.

Local council fight over Palestine
Liz Walsh

Socialist representatives in local government have led a push for councils to take a stand against Israel’s war on Gaza. Opposing them have been Labor Party councillors.

‘We’re not going to take it!’ – mass protests in Argentina
Mass protests in Argentina
Jasmine Duff

As midnight approached on 20 December, people streamed from their homes into streets across Argentina, banging pots and pans. As small, scattered groups marched, they grew and merged, forming cacerolazo demonstrations in neighbourhood after neighbourhood. (Cacerolazo is derived from “casserole dish”, which middle-class people traditionally bang with spoons in Argentinian protests.) Javier Milei, the newly elected far-right president had appeared on television just minutes before to announce a package of sweeping spending cuts and price increases.