top 200 commentsshow 500

[–]Adventurous-Event722 1474 points1475 points  (73 children)

'Ok I see what's your problem sir, your cpu cooler and GPU is not connected properly'

Ahh ok.

[–]alexokc0[S] 763 points764 points  (69 children)

“That would 100$ for our diagnosis”

[–]PC_BuildyB0I8700K@3.7GHz | NH-D15 | 16 GB DDR4-3200 | 1080 Ti 95 points96 points  (11 children)

Best Buy used to own this other store Future Shop. Whether they had locations outside Canada, I'm not sure but they were just as bad.

Sold me a refurb'd Asus ROG laptop that they passed off as new (with a new price tag to go along with it), asked if I'd like the extended in-store warranty with accidental damage protection - I said no, because there's no warranty that would ever cover user damage, but they snuck it onto the total anyway and I didn't even find out until after I got home and checked the receit, was was a three hour drive.

When I called to complain, they had none of my information on file as the owner of the laptop - the clerk that sold it to me had put all his own info down, presumably so he could steal it when it inevitably required service, as the OS drive was faulty.

So I asked them to update the system with my info as the owner - called back a few days to check in, and surprise surprise, they not only didn't update my info, they had "no history" of me calling them about it.

I tore them a new asshole and the next time I called back, they had it fixed. Then my hard drive failed. When I took it in for data recovery, they erased the only partition I told them to keep, with about a half decade of personal projects on it from an old PC I didn't have anymore AND had the gall to try to charge me $150 for recovery, despite already charging me $200 on the day of purchase for "extended warranty and accidental damage".

Lesson learned - never trust Best Buy. The name of the store may have been different but the owners/operators are the same scum

[–]Ok_Independent9119 13 points14 points  (2 children)

Man I walked into a best buy and just asked if they had a crossover cable and none of them even knew what it was. I explained it and they tried to gaslight me saying that's not a thing. I just left stunned. That was the same year I got rejected to work there too and it was all just perfect.

[–][deleted] 5 points6 points  (0 children)

I went into a Best Buy the other day and the guy at the door asked if he could help me find anything. I said I needed a USB 2.0 cable, and he's like, "do you mean USB C?" So I said no, a USB 2.0 cable. He asked me what I needed it for. So I just asked him where the printer cables were and he was able to point me in the right direction.

[–]Nvidiuh4790K/4.8 | 1080 Ti | 16GB 2133 | 850 PRO 512 | 1440 165 G-Sync 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Best Buy does not hire knowledgeable tech enthusiasts. They hire people who can sell stuff.

[–]zombiedud4096 20 points21 points  (4 children)

Surprisingly that’s not how all Best Buy’s works that one probably didn’t screen carefully enough or watch it’s techs closely enough to make sure they were actually good at what they did and not idiots

[–]PC_BuildyB0I8700K@3.7GHz | NH-D15 | 16 GB DDR4-3200 | 1080 Ti 20 points21 points  (0 children)

It was Future Shop, and it was their modus operandi - it's exactly the reason Future Shop went out of business and all their store locations were replaced with Best Buy, which is the parent company. So yes, they were all like that

[–]TheLaziestPotato 152 points153 points  (44 children)

They took a tip or two from American hospitals

[–]Andre4kthegreengiantbradandrepont39 92 points93 points  (43 children)

It's cute you think any kind of diagnosis would only cost $100, especially at a hospital

[–]Mooslim_of_peace 2 points3 points  (0 children)

A third world health care system could never charge American rates nor provide such services.

We clearly have a third world education based on your lack of critical thinking and logic

[–]Bren9311 36 points37 points  (37 children)

Maybe if the US wasn't a 3rd world country health care would be free..

[–]Disastrous_Ad626 34 points35 points  (9 children)

I saw a geeksquad goon charge a lady 100$ to show her how to log back into her email on chrome.

I was fucking furious and told the kid he was scum.

[–]Drytchnath 19 points20 points  (6 children)

I used to work for Geek squad. If you don't charge for services then you risk being written up or getting less hours on the schedule.

That said, $100 is a bit steep, he probably could've found a sku for customer education that charged $15-30.

So glad I got a desk job and got away from retail in general.

[–]GerbilJuggler 19 points20 points  (5 children)

I never worked for Geek Squad, but I did work Easy Tech for Staples a long time ago. One time an old lady needed a new mouse. So I showed her a selection of basic wireless mice. She got one of the cheaper but decent mouse for her laptop, but she then asked for help to "install" it. The store manager happened to be nearby, and told me to charge her $29, the price for certain hardware installation. All I did was plug in the wireless dongle and that was it. I didn't charge her, and the manager wasn't too happy lol.

[–]FrozeItOffRyzen 9 5900 | 32GB-3200 | RTX 3070Ti | 6TB SSD 8 points9 points  (4 children)

Welcome to the world of "corporate quotas". One of the most disgusting things about retail.

[–]evilsbane50 1 point2 points  (3 children)

Look you're not wrong but at the same time as an independent technician your time is worth money and it's not wrong to charge for your expertise no matter how simple it may seem to you.

[–][deleted] 10 points11 points  (1 child)

I was that kid once. Please don't shoot the messenger. It's easily confused, but GS is not a computer repair gig. It's a sales gig that leverages your computer aptitude. I didn't figure that out until about 6 months after joining and I kept getting severely reduced hours for giving away advice and instructions for free. I left shortly after because I realized I wasn't a sales guy and I can't live with taking money from people who are already having a bad day.

That kid was probably just trying to to make the payment on his car.

[–]risethirtynineDesktop 39 points40 points  (1 child)

It ain’t got no gas in it

[–]NotTRYINGtobeLameR7 3700X / RX 5700 XT / 16GB DDR4 @3600MHz 17 points18 points  (0 children)

I do think maybe you could fix this by adding gasoline. And a spark.

[–][deleted] 1575 points1576 points  (27 children)

The longer you look the worse it gets

[–]displacedpieRyzen 7 5700x | EVGA 3080 FTW3 Ultra | 32 GB 3600mhz 441 points442 points  (18 children)

At least it's Dual Channel 🤷‍♂️

[–][deleted] 185 points186 points  (16 children)

green pcb ram

[–]Hawaiiansdoitbetter 84 points85 points  (0 children)

Tarkov Ram

[–]SettleBurgers 75 points76 points  (2 children)

Uggo. Right Stick isn’t even in all the way.

[–]SkunkleButtRyzen 9 5900x 32gb @3200 RTX 2080ti Mini-itx 25 points26 points  (0 children)

lmao damn was gonna say that but you beat me to it!

[–]welchplugi7-12700k | 3070ti | 32gb DDR4 3600 1 point2 points  (0 children)

At least they were in the right slots

[–]Alpha_AFDesktop 55 points56 points  (6 children)

And a stock intel cooler.

That somehow fell off.

Also, how is that gpu doing? I can't imagine it came unconnected with the pcb and is still usable. I'd imagine it snapped at the teeth

[–]finedamighty 67 points68 points  (2 children)

I doubt the gpu was even connected since its upside down

[–]fullrackfergPC Master Race 19 points20 points  (0 children)

Lol I didn't even notice that, since I was blinded by the rest of the travesty in this picture

[–]WallabyInTraining 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Look at where the dual 8-pin power connector is located on the gpu, and realise that's not where they are if its slotted correctly. The connectors for the monitor are likely facing the front of the case.

[–]throneaweigh42069 1 point2 points  (0 children)

That doesn’t look like a stock intel cooler, unless it’s super old or something.

[–][deleted] 10 points11 points  (1 child)

Who cares about the ram that Gpu is probably dead.

[–]mrissaoussamae8500 1 point2 points  (0 children)

That doesn't matter

[–]imtougherthanyou 36 points37 points  (0 children)

Damn you I thought I had seen enough but noooooo

[–]is_mr_clean_there 8 points9 points  (0 children)

It’s like op bought all the parts to build a pc themselves and Best Buy shipped it to them loose in a pc case

[–]ChinkstaSteam ID Here 6 points7 points  (3 children)

Especially you had no way of verifying the product before and after delivery.

[–]The-Foo5950x / RTX3080 / x570 / 128GB 3200 CAS 16 744 points745 points  (27 children)

I’m having trouble finding something that isn’t wrong with this machine.

[–]alexokc0[S] 349 points350 points  (17 children)

Ram sticks 👍🏻

[–][deleted] 477 points478 points  (15 children)

Nah. Even those aren't right. The right stick isn't seated fully.

[–]jordanleepi7 11700K 3080 10gb Crazy 8’s Ram 119 points120 points  (10 children)

I would be double check that the ram is the spec that is listed on the site as well. Generic looking ram could’ve been swapped out for the cheaper stuff. Easiest way to check is on task manager. This is a good reason to not buy prebuilt, especially open box…

[–]alexokc0[S] 72 points73 points  (4 children)

I’d love to check but I don’t think the pc works as of right now.

[–]Daniel_H212Demoted to laptop user :( 23 points24 points  (0 children)

They usually list the speeds and capacities on the sticker and I doubt anyone has swapped out those.

[–]RandomFRIStudentRyzen 9 5900x | 64GB 3200MHz | Rtx 3080ti 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Well good news is, you only have to screw on the cpu cooler and gpu to find that out.

[–]Significant-Brush-26i5 10400f + 1650 23 points24 points  (0 children)

that would have been a real shame if they had less powerful ram in this build

[–]ikverhaarDesktop 10 points11 points  (0 children)

Easiest way to check is on task manager.

No. Easiest way is to check the stickers on the RAM. After that, you send it back and let the shop figure out how to get the system working.

[–]alexokc0[S] 34 points35 points  (0 children)


[–]Tech_geek_176Pop!_OS 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Can we just give a moment of respect for the left stick of ram?

[–]idiotwithahobby 18 points19 points  (2 children)

I honestly would not be surprised if the mobo pins are mashed inside the CPU. The m.2 seems to be OK though.

[–]alexokc0[S] 29 points30 points  (0 children)

Pins were bent everywhere

[–]The-Foo5950x / RTX3080 / x570 / 128GB 3200 CAS 16 16 points17 points  (0 children)

All I know is you have a GPU that appears to have been ripped out of its slot, with a CPU cooler banging around in the case. I can think of a lot things that subsequently occurred as a result, none of them good.

[–]ImNotMe314 28 points29 points  (0 children)

PCIe slots are still attached to the motherboard which isn't a guarantee if the gpu came out in shipping.

[–]Deep_Accident_48537900XTX|7950X|64GB|2TBWDSN850X 8 points9 points  (0 children)

The cable management isn't very good 2/10.

[–]PatrickrkPC Master Race 2 points3 points  (1 child)

What we can see of the case looks pretty much perfect.

[–]NINNINMAN 158 points159 points  (4 children)

Took me a hot minute til I realized the gpu was somehow upside down lmao. How does that even happen, not to mention the rest of it

[–]alexokc0[S] 55 points56 points  (1 child)

I truly don’t know. That’s what puzzled me the most. Had to been thrown down a set of stairs

[–]vbun04 10 points11 points  (0 children)

So much money did you supposedly save by ordering this?

[–]Brezelfalter5800X | RX 6800 | 32GB@3600MHz 14 points15 points  (0 children)

Not only that, it is also rotated so the pcie slot cover is on the right. That thing is oriented wrong in every direction.

[–][deleted] 336 points337 points  (16 children)

pc looks like it’s been through the Vietnam war like 3 times

wouldn’t even be surprised if it was used as cover for soldiers lol

[–]alexokc0[S] 116 points117 points  (14 children)

Was actually 4, than hit by a truck.

[–][deleted] 37 points38 points  (13 children)

then threw down the stairs

[–]Specific-Ad-8789Ryzen 5 3600|RX6700XT|16GB DDR4|Kingston NV2 500GB 4 points5 points  (3 children)

Couldn't help but notice your flair , bottleneck much? Anyways that sounds awesome lmao

[–]Brezelfalter5800X | RX 6800 | 32GB@3600MHz 2 points3 points  (2 children)

Actually, now that you said it, the 3080ti seems like a hard botttleneck

[–]Specific-Ad-8789Ryzen 5 3600|RX6700XT|16GB DDR4|Kingston NV2 500GB 1 point2 points  (1 child)

Definitely , the i3 probably needs some NASA superGPU for it to not be bottlenecked

[–]tittysilk 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Forrest Gump saved that PC 3 times on the same dayah.

[–]Scobinn 196 points197 points  (45 children)

I bought a sound bar in “excellent condition” from Best Buy. It was missing the remote, wall mount, and power adapter.

[–]alexokc0[S] 71 points72 points  (38 children)

That’s makes me assume the geek squad did not throughly check their products

[–]colexian 121 points122 points  (32 children)

Geek Squad sleeper agent here,that is absolutely what happened there. They are supposed to check each product, go down a checklist, and then put in the computer what is missing or isn't when printing the label.They either got lazy or made a mistake, sometimes those precincts (especially after the Super Bowl or Black Friday) have just a ridiculous amount of returns and like 2 people to handle them.

if you go back to the best buy you got them from, customer service can return the item for you, or mark it down to cost less due to the missing items.

You could also get a universal remote, power cable, and wall mount on Amazon for super cheap. Depending on the power cable, it could be as low as like $3.

[–]iankost 70 points71 points  (10 children)

With the super bowl comment - is it really a thing in the US that people actually buy a big TV just for the super bowl and then return it?? That just seems crazy!

[–]cmackchase 52 points53 points  (0 children)

Yes, that happens.

[–]fuzzysqurl1 Hz CPU 20 points21 points  (0 children)

I bought my TV as a Super Bowl return item like 3 years ago. Still had the plastic film on it. Saved like $300 off retail and the Best Buy reps let me unpack and test it in the store before committing to purchase.

[–]Swiftax3 9 points10 points  (0 children)

I worked for microcenter a few years. Oh yes, there's always a few every year after the super bowl, and as long as they aren't damaged, we accepted their returns. Least we can do is make the damage check as agonizingly thorough as we can I suppose.

[–]RichardBCummintonite 38 points39 points  (2 children)

Yes... scummy as fuck, but this is America. People are selfish here. A lot of people will lie and say it doesn't work to get the return too, which really makes it more hassle for the company.

So anyway, if you need a TV, check a few days after the superbowl lol. You might be lucky enough to snag an open box one that has been used once.

[–]space_brain710 1 point2 points  (1 child)

Kinda unrelated but I saw “scummy” & “tv”s so I figured I’d throw this comment in. I worked for the big red hell a couple years around Christmas and we sold tvs knowing that they would get returned. Like the only number that matters to them is how many go out the door. For Black Friday everyone had to hustle and get like a thousand flat screens on the floor and I saw more than several get dropped in the ruckus. I made a comment about one that fell pretty hard on the corner (i would be amazed if it was not broken after that) and was told by an exec team lead “just get them put out the customer can return it if it’s broken” “shit they could probably just return the box”. They front like customer service there is good bc they will accept basically any return but who the fuck wants to present(or receive) a broken tv on Christmas, then have to load the damn thing back up and go to a target during holiday season? It’s a nightmare, and definitely not good customer service imo

This is the same store that accepted the return of a pumpkin carving set two days after Halloween, the box was open and the knives had pumpkin smeared on the blades. The carvers were just marked down and put on another shelf lol

[–]RichardBCummintonite 1 point2 points  (0 children)

. Like the only number that matters to them is how many go out the door.

Yep. Any retailer I worked for didn't give a flying fuck about the products, actual sales, or customer satisfaction. The only thing that matters was if it looked like we did well, so the managers met their quotes/goals and the company met their projections for investors.

People steal power tools all the time at my job. I always laugh when they say stuff in meeting like "We had a great day in Dewalt. We sold $3000, and I'm like yeah but you only made $200 tops lol. Some crackhead walked out with a cart full of drills too. They actually don't care. All that matters is they're "up 12% in sales." The number is all that's important

[–]ADeadlyFerret 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I was at Walmart right after 4th of July. A guy was returning a clearly used crock pot. Like he didn't even clean it. Full of some kind of cheese dip and no receipt. After arguing back and forth Walmart took the return.

[–]alexokc0[S] 6 points7 points  (1 child)

Thank you for sharing. I knew that some sort of things to check before shipping. Got a refund after 2 weeks they picked it up gave me a new and had all the accessories I was promised. Didn’t need all the accessories but just the fact the person before me took the accessories and trashed the pc. And GS didn’t fix any of that.

[–]colexian 23 points24 points  (0 children)

but just the fact the person before me took the accessories and trashed the pc. And GS didn’t fix any of that.

Can almost guarantee you this is what happened:
Customer returns computer, says they never even used it, didn't open the box.
The computer was back in the box as expected.
Customer service didn't check, or probably just doesn't know jack about computers (Most people that worked at my four different bestbuys didn't know what a GPU was, they could tell you where they are sold in the store but not how to install it or what it does.)
Customer service then returns the item as new in-box, the return label automatically prints without any agent reviewing the item, and shows excellent condition and all accessories.
Customer service then sets the item aside, at the end of the night a different person tapes it closed, puts the label on, and sets it out on the floor.

I'd say there was a 90% chance no human ever even looked inside the case before re-selling it, and if they did there was a good chance that human doesn't know anything more than what a keyboard and mouse is and couldn't tell the difference from a CPU and a GPU in a lineup.

[–]Scobinn 8 points9 points  (3 children)

I returned it, it was July of last year I can understand the wall mount but the remote and power cable is a little ridiculous.

[–]alexokc0[S] 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Matter fact. I don’t think it had the power cable 😂

[–]Swiftax3 5 points6 points  (1 child)

People forget the cables for returns all the time, best case scenario they agree to come back with everything later and do the return then, worst case they play passive aggressive or argue at which point we take it back and try to resell it as incomplete, not much else we can do. It's often at that point that things get mislabeled.

[–]Scobinn 1 point2 points  (0 children)

This would be expectable if the product wasn’t in excellent condition.

[–]dumpsuterfirebaby 1 point2 points  (4 children)

Just a heads up things have changed and some manufacturers don’t allow for you mark missing items at all. It’s stupid CAs have to write whats missing. Or a remote or unique charger isn’t essential

[–]colexian 1 point2 points  (3 children)

I don't think that is new, you are right and I forgot about that completely. Some products just won't let you select them at all.
I remember thinking they would PRC and then it printed a like-new tag...

[–]dumpsuterfirebaby 1 point2 points  (2 children)

It’s really confusing because you are like this a unusable like this, but hey those vendor contracts like RTV t.v with nothing wrong.

[–]Stryker2279PC Master Race 1 point2 points  (1 child)

They also limited what we can mark on a product in recent years. The number of products I've had to mark as "satisfactory - residue" and handwrite on the ticket that it's missing something because the open box sticker would otherwise not list it is really annoying. In short, don't buy open box online, buy it in store and see it yourself.

[–]ScarredBadger 8 points9 points  (0 children)

Current Geek Squad employee here. It's not even that, sometimes the system just doesn't let us add those missing items into the tags (and therefore the online inventory), we try our best to at least write down on the in store tag what it's missing but we don't always catch it because we are trying to function check a mountain of returns while also helping people coming in.

[–]richajf13700K|32GB@7200|4090 Suprim Liquid X|AW3423DW|48" LG C1|Index 4 points5 points  (0 children)

I did the same, and all I got was a completely beat up subwoofer,power cable, and one sheet of bubble wrap thrown in an oversized plain cardboard box. No speaker bar. No remote. No wall mounts or hardware, nothing.

The box it came in was beat to hell and back and had clearly been opened and retaped.

[–]Cambronian717Desktop 3 points4 points  (0 children)

“You bought a sound bar that works. Do you expect us to just give you the peripherals?”

-Best Buy probably

[–]Uncoolx2PC Master Race 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Ah, $14 off!

[–]colexian 133 points134 points  (14 children)

Gonna sound like a Best Buy shill here, I am an ex-Geek Squad agent (5 years, ARA),
Best Buy will fix this for you OP. They are really good about fixing this kind of shit. Either a full refund or whatever you need (I would ask for a refund and a markdown on another open box computer, they will likely give you a steal of a deal if the online guys will haggle like the in-store ones.)

The inside tea:
The open box items are all returned through customer service (Who are supposed to check the condition and whether the items are even in the box or not... Have had them return an iPad with just a clipboard in the box...)
Then the open box item goes to Geek Squad for inspection where an agent is supposed to look it over, determine condition, and what parts are missing based on experience and a checklist.

That said, here's where I play devil's advocate. Some of those geek squad agents are like 17-18 year old kids, and they don't usually get extra time to open box stuff. They just have to keep it done as shit comes in. And some days there is way more open box stuff to test, inspect, and repack than there is time (Cause they got other stuff to do, we used to have appointments booked every 15 minutes all day.)
They probably got lazy and didn't check, or this desktop just fell apart in shipping cause it wasn't supported (Is that heatsink literally sheared off the mobo or just no screws??)

A lot of bestbuy's open box stuff is usually a really good deal. Amazon usually has better prices when they both sell the same item, bestbuy will price match amazon if the models match.
Often people will buy something and immediately return it after opening it, and it has to go open box. Even if there is zero wrong with it.
Also instore, if the item has sat for a long time, you can haggle the price down ("I see the tag says it was priced a month ago, take $50 off?")

Good luck with your mangled desktop, OP.

[–]alexokc0[S] 34 points35 points  (4 children)

Thank you for insight. It’s insane that Best Buy just accepts this kind of work. I’ve already seen few people with the same issue I had in this thread. But I also understand 17-18 year olds can only work so quick when booked up so much. But just boggles my mind that this is such a common issue. At least they solved this for me.

Also how do you know if something has sat for so long ?

[–]colexian 53 points54 points  (3 children)

It’s insane that Best Buy just accepts this kind of work.

This is kind of like ordering a hamburger from McDonalds and them getting your order wrong and you asking why they accept this kind of work.The pay kinda sucks, the workers are usually young and inexperienced, and especially since the pandemic overworked and underappreciated.

Also at the risk of REALLY sounding like a shill, Best Buy doesn't accept it. They used to send corporate to open random open box items to check to make sure they were inspected and tested properly.

I also want to point out that rarely if ever will someone post on reddit about buying an open box item from best buy and it being exactly what they expected.So, there is a bit of a bias for the screw ups to get posted, making it seem more common than it is.

Also how do you know if something has sat for so long ?

Unless it has changed since I worked there, the red open box price tag should have a date labeled on it. The date gets updated every time they update the price, which SHOULD be done often but isn't always. if you see like a stack of stickers on top of each other, or the labeled date is over a few weeks ago, ask for a lower price and you can usually get it. Most stores want to get rid of their open box stuff ASAP because so much of it comes in.

[–]Mikinator5 7 points8 points  (0 children)

It's pretty understandable that level of quality work in store is lower than corporate standards.

If you truly have an issue with a big box store, sending a complaint further up the chain usually gets you someone that's paid enough to care about the store's reputation.

[–]phroureosteamcommunity.com/id/phroureo 5 points6 points  (0 children)

I've never worked for best buy, but I've had a ton of good experiences with them buying online and in store, new and open box. Got a crazy good deal on a TV once.

Once I paid $500 for a $1200 tv that still had the protective film on the front. I'm not sure the tv even ever made it out of the box because it was still packed in styrofoam and everything.

Anyways OP had a bad experience but Best Buy good at customer service at least as far as big retailers go.

[–][deleted] 3 points4 points  (0 children)

The cpu cooler is an arctic cooler, they have fun push pins that pop in and out of the mounting with a click.

Kinda like noctua sound dampening rubber thingies, but more Secure

[–]Zealousrubbing 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Also to add on anything that is shipped is likely thrown around and banged up from shipping open box items don’t have the gpy styrofoam to keep things from moving often times open box PCs are packed well to prevent glass from breaking inventory does not usually know to protect the gpu with bubble wrap or soemthjng

[–]ZexypearlPC Master Race 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Current geek squad agent, can confirm I am 18 but even still I’m surprised something like this slipped through, even in my store whenever we get busy and can’t actually functionality check it we at least look at it, if not then opening shift can just take a look

[–]alexokc0[S] 140 points141 points  (34 children)

Got this “excellent condition” pre built from them and came like this. In there description of it being an “opened box excellent condition” says that the Best Buy geek squad check out all these pcs before shipment and that it comes with all accessories. Ex. Keyboard, mouse, Wi-Fi adapter, and extra cables. Didn’t come with anything. Just the pc and it absolutely being fucked from every inch.

[–]Precursor19 19 points20 points  (1 child)

So I looked up the product and think I found it (3070 with a spoiler on the case) and from what I can tell, someone swapped the power supply. The cables should be black and have individually wrapped wires. Someone definitely swapped some stuff out and returned it and nobody checked everything was still in the pc.

[–]alexokc0[S] 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Exactly. That’s why the post was made. Shows that there is a chance Best Buy does this

[–]RobotRangler 42 points43 points  (0 children)

Problem is that these cases are not meant to be shipped with components installed like you would find from something like a Dell or Lenovo pc with extra locking tabs.

[–]Trunks956i7 8700k | 2070 Super 82 points83 points  (18 children)

In all honesty this was probably something to do with the shipping rather than best buy. People who work in warehouses will steal shit occasionally and toss it around

[–]The-Foo5950x / RTX3080 / x570 / 128GB 3200 CAS 16 54 points55 points  (4 children)

Maybe, but the cable management, unplugged headers, etc., make me think this didn’t leave their warehouse in great shape.

[–]moksa21 41 points42 points  (8 children)

This is definitely Best Buy’s fault. It was probably returned after the buyer switched cpus and possibly gpus. I’m assuming it had a solid side panel so the geek squad fired it up and it launched on the integrated graphics then shut down quickly after it booted so it didn’t overheat. Doing the bare minimum.

If a plane crashed with a gaming rig in it I’m willing to bet that the cpu cooler would still be attached to the motherboard when it was pulled from the wreckage. That did not happen in shipping.

[–]Trunks956i7 8700k | 2070 Super 13 points14 points  (3 children)

I’m not saying it fell apart in shipping, I’m saying it could have been taken apart and partially stripped in shipping. That happens

[–]moksa21 10 points11 points  (0 children)

Ok. I guess that’s possible but from my experience with Best Buy returns I’m sticking with my theory.

[–]Fallen_Uncertainty 6 points7 points  (2 children)

You haven't worked in logistics have you? A unit being shipped second hand doesn't have to adhere to the same standards as it does via it's manufacturer. It can be dropped in a box, with no protective elements, and shipped out. Once it enters the logistics chain that box is going to be abused. It'll be dropped, tossed, thrown, and hit, way more times then you'll be comfortable knowing about before it gets loaded on the back of the delivery van. Even if the boxes don't look bad hidden damage is still a factor in things arriving broken.

I used to hear the logic you're applying all the time when I worked ops at FedEx. Dealing with people who thought their really expensive shipments weren't going to get damaged without any type of insulation was the highlight of my day.

[–]moksa21 4 points5 points  (0 children)

I’m not saying things can’t get destroyed in transit but if you have ever built a pc you would know that a cpu cooler isn’t coming off the motherboard without taking the pcb and socket with it (assuming it was properly installed.)

[–]alexokc0[S] 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Which is very possible. Due to the box not being a plain brown box

[–]twiggumsi7 - 9700k / 1080 Ti / 32 GB 3 points4 points  (5 children)

It probably worked for prior to shipping.

[–]alexokc0[S] 6 points7 points  (3 children)

That’s a possible chance. But just wanted to put out there that there’s a huge risk and that doesn’t seem to be checked like promised. Also the packaging was torn

[–]GenXerFPS 7 points8 points  (1 child)


[–]alexokc0[S] 9 points10 points  (0 children)

Yupppp, after 2 weeks waiting for them to pick the pc up thru ups.

[–]winkapp 21 points22 points  (6 children)

This is what happens when you ship a gaming PC without any internal packaging, the GPU breaks loose and everything else gets smashed as it bounces around the case.

[–]FUTURE10SPentium G3258, RTX 3080 12GB, 32GB RAM 2 points3 points  (1 child)

the GPU breaks loose

The thing is, there's no damage to the metal bit or the PCIe slot, it's like it carefully unscrewed itself, removed itself, flipped itself around, and disconnected the power cables.

[–]uuunityyyRyzen 7 5800x | RTX 3070 | 32 GB 3600MHz CV 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Because OP faked this post lol

[–]AlphaWolF_uk 5 points6 points  (0 children)

This is so bad in every single area that it has to be deliberate ?

even the front panel connector is off and the pcie power for the GPU.

[–]Own_Chair4428 6 points7 points  (0 children)

This has got to be fake how does the gpu end up like that.

[–]Cheerfulfan 9 points10 points  (2 children)

I highly doubt this real or it is extremely exaggerated. The GPU’s position is flipped around completely in a way that makes no sense. If the pc was shaken so much that it did flip, the case would be in much more damage which in this picture is appears fine. Also the cables like the usb3 look fine for it to be unplugged through shipping. Honestly if this is real, the wtf happened, but if its not then what can a comment do.

[–]smurf3310 17 points18 points  (4 children)

What people do for online points...The gpu unscrewed itself, got out of the pcie slot, flipped around in that tight case and unplugged the cables itself without any damage anywhere...nice try

[–]Sour_Gummybear 3 points4 points  (3 children)

Can you send it back? I can just see this turning into the Newegg shit all over again. Sorry man this absolutely sucks.

[–]alexokc0[S] 1 point2 points  (2 children)

Happened with Newegg ? Also got it returned

[–]Sour_Gummybear 4 points5 points  (1 child)

Yeah gamers nexus sent a motherboard back, never having opened it and Newegg said they wouldn't accept it because it was damaged by them.. It's a long story you can find it on GN's YouTube channel and learn about it. Apparently Newegg had been ripping people off like that for a while until they messed up and did it to GN.

[–]alexokc0[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Gonn have to check that out

[–]RinzlerxRyzen 5 3600 XFX R9 390 2 points3 points  (1 child)

To be honest most of everything I buy from them is open box. I’ve had amazing luck on every single item I’ve every bought from them. Was this shipped to you? A lot of the time those pcs may be 3rd party. Hope it gets all sorted out!

[–]alexokc0[S] 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Got it all sorted ! Yes it was shipped to me

[–]KinjiKingPC Master Race 9 points10 points  (7 children)

I'm having trouble to believe that this pc came like this. This post seems fishy to me.

[–]Exciting-Insect8269 9 points10 points  (7 children)

There’s no way it shipped quite like that. With the cpu cooler loose that definitely would’ve broken something in shipping. Same goes for the gpu. One good bump and the cpu cooler would destroy the gpu it’s sitting on. Honestly looks like you disassembled it and screwed around inside a little, then took a picture for Reddit…

Also what brand/model pc is that? It’s not common to find a full rog strix motherboard in a prebuild, particularly one with well-defined manufacturer logos/name on the builtin heat syncs, but a generic cpu cooler/generic ram (usually if there’s a fully decked out mlb like you would get if buying individual parts yourself it has nicer rgb ram and a liquid cooler with their logo). They almost always have rgb everywhere and a minimalistic MLB that has unmarked heat syncs when it does have them, a basic case with bad wire management space and a logo in the bottom right corner. This looks like a custom build to me.


[–]BlackBlueBlueBlack 7 points8 points  (2 children)

Yeah this is kind of sus. Assuming the gpu was properly installed, the case would have to fall into a black hole for the gpu to dislodge from the pcie slot, flip upside down AND horizontally, and dislodge TWO pcie cables. Also, the USB3 header is disconnected. That shit is incredibly hard to pull out.

[–]Exciting-Insect8269 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Yea the more you look at it the more it looks like op bullshitted it.

[–]smurf3310 8 points9 points  (1 child)

100% this has been tinkered with for some reddit points, that case is pretty tight and even if the gpu was unscrewed and unlocked from the pcie slot it wouldnt be able to come out fully cause of the window panel or it would have broke the window panel

[–]nerdinitup_exe 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Not surprised. I mean it's best buy...

[–]TackyBrad 2 points3 points  (3 children)

This is ridiculous, but I've gotten tons of open box stuff and had no issue.

I did get my first amazon open box disappointment though... bought a car part open box and some guy just ripped his out of his truck and chucked it in the box. Was dirty from years and everything

[–]CallMeKorverRyzen 7 5800x / RTX 3070 / 32GB DDR4 2 points3 points  (1 child)

Take this shit to your nearest Best Buy location & raise hell. This is absolutely fucking ridiculous

[–]alexokc0[S] 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Funny you mention. I brought it there and the fucking told me i had to wait 2 weeks for them to pick the shit one up then another week to ship me a new after they pick the old one up. Couldn’t return it to the store because it was shipped from another state. People working that night were 🧠💀

[–]Cmcgregor0928 2 points3 points  (3 children)

Yea I won't ever buy an open box item from best buy again. Bought a sound bar as a replacement for mine that got ruined (thanks kids) so I figured I didn't need everything since it was the same model. Came in worse shape than my broken one

[–]alexokc0[S] 2 points3 points  (2 children)

You’re the second person to tell me that. Hate that I wasn’t the only person this happened too. Hopefully you get a new sound bar and new kids

[–]Cmcgregor0928 2 points3 points  (1 child)

Sound bar got returned pretty easily, the hospital isn't letting me return the kids though

[–]alexokc0[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I’m sorry to hear that

[–]RecordDefiant95105950X | Rog Strix 3090 | x570 Dark Hero 2 points3 points  (7 children)

How did the GPU even get upside down. That's impressive at this point

[–]smurf3310 5 points6 points  (5 children)

he took it out and flipped it, same with everything else

[–]Droid8Applei9-10900 KF | RTX-3080 Ti FE | Maximus 13 Hero | 32GB 3600 2 points3 points  (1 child)

It would appear the cooler decided to off itself, making a noose out of the cpu motherboard power cable. When the GPU was removed from under his feet, he changed his mind, frantically reaching to the one opened RAM tab as he fought to climb up, stepping on the gpu power cables in the process and dislodging them... only to have the USB male plug do the same thing after that failed.

The poor guy fought like hell, but in the end, he was(n't) screwed.

[–]alexokc0[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children)


[–]Paradox_Dolphin 2 points3 points  (0 children)

This PC was clearly assembled by The Verge

[–][deleted] 2 points3 points  (1 child)

So here's what happened...

Someone bought a new PC. They swapped out the memory, CPU, and graphics card. and got themselves an upgrade for their existing machine. Put their old bits into the new PC. Went back to the store and scoped out someone who looks clueless on computers. Returned for a full refund saying it doesn't work. Profit.

[–]chaos_creator69Desktop 2 points3 points  (0 children)

At least it was an Intel CPU

Dear God, imagine the amount of bent pins it could've had

[–]bakedpanduh 2 points3 points  (2 children)

Why not just build it yourself then instead of taking the open box risk?

[–]alexokc0[S] 1 point2 points  (1 child)

At the time of purchase parts we’re quite high and prebuilt was my only option atm. But got a different pc and ended up parting out a prebuilt and built it. Chilling now

[–]JudeVR12 2 points3 points  (2 children)

At first I thought how horrible there is no way this came from a reputable dealer... Then I read Best Buy

[–]alexokc0[S] 4 points5 points  (1 child)

Yup, regret for sure. Lesson learned and was able to show it ain’t worth it.

[–]Conscious_Board5376 1 point2 points  (2 children)

Honestly I have done it a bunch of times and never had a problem.

[–]GTA-CasulsDieThriceDesktop 1 point2 points  (1 child)

This makes me so glad I just bought the parts and did it myself.

[–]optiplexiss 1 point2 points  (3 children)

Damn, I've always had nothing but the best with open box items from best buy. This sucks!

[–]alexokc0[S] 1 point2 points  (2 children)

Did my research before buying an open box. Heard nothing but great things. But it’s just my luck lmao

[–]optiplexiss 1 point2 points  (1 child)

They're really good about taking things back, too! I hope you get what you're looking for in the end!

[–]alexokc0[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Appreciate it ! Ended up parting out the new one that wasn’t thrown to shit, parted it out and built my own

[–]cali_exile_bull 1 point2 points  (3 children)

Open box

We’re gonna open the box and kick the shit out of it.

Which shipping method would you prefer?

[–]TexturalThePFNoobDescending Peasant 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I got a new office computer from there once and it didnt come with a 256gb ssd as stated. Said i needed geek squad to get it fixed

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (1 child)

They shipped this to you or you bought it in store?

[–]VoarTok 1 point2 points  (1 child)

Right after high school, I had a job working for an IT director at a small company. I mentioned something to him once about Geek Squad, and he straight up says

"If those fools at Geek Squad actually knew what they were talking about, they wouldn't be working at Geek Squad"

This is what he meant in a single picture.

[–]DiddleSenpai 1 point2 points  (1 child)

I learned my lesson through amazon, ordered lian li case and every tab to hold on every panel eas sheered off

[–]alexokc0[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Yup. Buying in person is the move

[–]TheGoodDoctorGonzo 1 point2 points  (0 children)

At least there’s decent coverage with the thermal paste.

[–]RynideRyzen 7 5800x, Nvidia 3070ti 8GB EVGA, 32GB DDR4 3600 CL18 RAM 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Black Sheep here: I ordered an open box "geek squad certified excellent" Lenovo Yoga 6 13inch laptop and it has been well, excellent! Exactly what I wanted and needed and it feels brand new. Sorry you weren't able to have the same experience.

[–]Kami-No-Fluff 1 point2 points  (1 child)

Geek Squad Sleeper agent here ~ If you’re able to go to the store, PLEASE check the open box items before you buy them. You may have great experience with open box items, but it only takes one time (like this one especially) to really push you over the edge. Verify that everything that should be there, is there, and that the quality description matches the product properly. If it doesn’t match you can ask them to redo the tag for a better discount or speak to a manager for a discount. (Barter Barter BARTER!)

There are times where I would do a function check on some items that were missing a lot of things, and the system would still mark it as “excellent condition.” Other times the system didn’t have an option to select that a specific item was missing, (there is an “other” option but the text space is VERY limited) so it made it looked perfect or damn near perfect.

If you aren’t able to view them personally, then at least you get 2 weeks to return the items. I’ve seen some prebuilts come back without GPU’s, swapped hardware, missing coolers, like this photo, etc.

My precinct were the only people who would do func checks, (which turn into open box items)and the things I’ve seen some extremely lazy CA’s do during func checks is horrendous. Blue shirts are also not always the best or can’t be asked to check that everything is there. Other blue shirts don’t know a DAMN thing / what to look for and accept anything during returns. Not to mention that a lot of workers are around that 18 - 25 age range. (or at least at my store that’s what most were) Some can be FANTASTIC workers, however they may not always have the time to check everything since they are swamped. I have some buddies that still work at my old precinct, so I visit them there sometimes and they have tons of func checks, double or triple booked per hour, and it’s 1 CA to do all of that MAYBE 2 CA’s on a good day. (Sometimes as a ARA I would have to do both CA and ARA work because the first CA wouldn’t be scheduled for 3 - 4 hours after the store opened) So the likely hood of everything being checked 100% of the time is drastically reduced. Then there’s the workers that just don’t care. They will accept anything and everything (or just not do any of them and make it harder for the next worker after them) to avoid being stuck in func check land all shift, and won’t even check the items if it looks like it wasn’t even opened. (Someone “returned” an 8k TV once and given how large and heavy the box is, neither the blue shirt or a CA bothered to check because it looked it was never opened. Come to find out later on that they replaced the TV with some large plywood sheets and got away with it)

There’s also times throughout the year where func checks would come in swarms! Times like the Súper bowl, New Years, Christmas, thanksgiving, Easter, etc, would have a large increase in returned items since everyone wants to look good for their guests when in reality they can’t afford to keep it. (Harsh, but a lot of people tend to admit it when returning it!) So be extra careful around those times as more items are checked even less and less.

Also, extra tip about prebuilts ~ I STRONGLY recommend that you avoid CyberPower and IBuyPower prebuilts. A majority that were sold, would come back “defective” because of cheap PSU’s. And if you must get one due to budget or whatever reason, I recommend getting a protection plan. (I know, I sound like a shill but for garbage prebuilts like those, you definitely want em) During my time there (about 2 years ago or so) we were not able to send them out for service. If you had a protection plan, we would swap em out, if not, you contact the manufacturer and GL!

TLDR ~ If you can’t personally inspect open box items assume the worst until proven good quality. Do not buy IBuyPower / CyberPower since a LOT of them fail shortly after the 2 week return period. And if you simply MUST get an open box item, don’t forget to barter if it has a relatively old tag.

Typed this all out on mobile, so if there’s a shit ton of typos or shit seems hard to follow, sorry in advanced! I get like an inch of space to see what I’m typing and it’s currently 3am as I’m typing this!

Agent Going sleeper once more…

Even quicker summary ~ If Grug no see open box, Grug no buy open box. If Grug want buy prebuilt, Grug No buy Cyber / iBuy Power. If open box old, Grug BARTER. If Grug see windows, Grug lick windows!

[–]juhotuho10PC Master Race 1 point2 points  (1 child)

They didn't support the GPU in any way in the shipping?

[–]alexokc0[S] 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Not a bit of foam was in the case

[–]XI_YANGG 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Ngl, this is crazy to me cause this could've been my comp I bought from them and received on Tuesday! Thankfully, it wasn't. I would contact bestbuy and let them know what happened asap and try to get a trade in or a refund.

[–]arcangelxvii7-7700K / GTX 1080 STRIX / 16GB DDR4 / 960 EVO / RGB Everywhere 1 point2 points  (0 children)

While I get why people buy open-box inventory, I'm firmly of the opinion that buying this kind of stuff outside of physical stores is kind of dumb. It's just rolling the dice.

If you're buying online you basically have to go by faith that the product description is 100% correct and if any kind of issue comes up... good luck. Compare that to in-store (including Best Buy) where most of the time you can inspect the item to your heart's content before buying if that's what you want to do. Why buy an expensive used item without verifying the condition first?

[–]SluggardRaccoon 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I got mine open box from Best Buy and it was fine. It said “scratches and oils” or something, I’m assuming it was the display model and they mean fingerprints but there was nothing but a lil dust.

It’s unfortunate you didn’t have the same experience. Hopefully you figure something out I would be very upset.

[–]NahoolaR7 3700x | RTX 3070 | 16GB DDR4 @ 3600Mhz 1 point2 points  (7 children)

Hey I have the same GPU. Good card. Runs a little warm tho, i manually set the fans to max RPM in afterburner.

[–]alexokc0[S] 1 point2 points  (3 children)

Wish the rgb changed

[–]NahoolaR7 3700x | RTX 3070 | 16GB DDR4 @ 3600Mhz 1 point2 points  (2 children)

Every goddamn day I wish that.... it's not like it physically can't either cuz it goes red on shutdown so it at least has red and blue.

[–]alexokc0[S] 1 point2 points  (1 child)

Right ? Only thing I don’t like. But at least green and purple match

[–]NahoolaR7 3700x | RTX 3070 | 16GB DDR4 @ 3600Mhz 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I just gave up on color schemes and set everything to rainbow cycle. It's easier that way. I'm not even particularly fond of unicorn puke, my car is completely matched up, dashboard, AC controls, stereo controls, even the dome light. All red. It's just easier to not care with my PC. And I got the 3070 at the end of 2020 when it first came out so I really couldn't pick and choose which one I wanted, I just had to go for whatever I could find in stock.

[–]BGYeti 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I have the same philosophy for safety equipment that I have for electronics, never buy used. It might cost me more in the long run but to have full warranties and knowing I was the only one to handle parts is a must for me.

[–]gasblowwin 1 point2 points  (0 children)

My bf and I went to best buy one time just to buy an hdmi cable and we saw this woman and her son with their computer and after it got looked at they were told by best buy that the fix for the computer would be “at least 500$.” My bf fixes and builds computers so he told them he could fix it for them for cheaper. The only problem? There was a cord that wasn’t plugged into the motherboard 🤦🏽‍♀️ Best buy really sucks when it comes to PC’s

[–]BaconStrpzPC Master Race 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I worked at Best Buy for 5 years in sales and management. Don't buy pre-built PCs there. PowerGPU will actually build according to your budget and needs. There are a handful of companies online that build real PCs.

[–]Winterdevil0503R7 3700x RTX 3080 10G 32GB DDR4 1 point2 points  (0 children)

What the fuck is going on here? I really really wish Gamersnexus got this computer.

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I have to buy curbside pickup now because every time I go to Best Buy the asset protection assholes follow me around the store. Not discreetly either. One time I was in there with my two kids and they still were all up on me until I had to ask them “do you work here” when they said yes I asked “where are the GPUs?” then she got all confused and told me it wasn’t her department to which I replied “so you don’t work here?”

She really thought I walked in there to steal Sonic Heroes w/ my two sons next to me?

Fuck BEST BUY and their profiling security team.

[–]Stormcrow6666 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Pfffttt...a little duct tape and Elmer's glue and your good to go.

[–]Own-Historian-7557 1 point2 points  (0 children)

What’s wrong? Just connect cables and place the heatsink.. easy

[–]couchsittingbum 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Ive always wanted a gpu that blows hot air up to where my exhaust fans are

[–]mynamestopher 1 point2 points  (0 children)

A few weeks ago I bought an ultra wide from Best Buy that was open box excellent and it in fact was not. Missing cables and had a row of dead pixels. Took it back and they were actually super helpful. They ordered me a brand new one and price matched it for me so I paid like 50% off the new price.

[–]twisted_2337 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Cool it has a fan facing up GPU I like that

[–]BUNNYQUEENMTF 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Haha I like how New RTX cards can be put in all possitions without complements

[–]littleSquidwardLoverRyzen 5 5600x/Radeon Rx 6700 Xt/16Gb 1 point2 points  (0 children)

That's has to be one of the saddest CPU coolers I've ever seen

[–]Ready-Bobcat-4699 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Don’t buy a prebuilt you beta

[–]Diligent_Pie_5191PC Master Race 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I dont know what happened! I turned the PC on and flames came out the top of it! Lol.

[–]Mooslim_of_peace 1 point2 points  (0 children)

To be fair why would you ever buy a open box item? That's begging for a bad time. And it's not like they even heavily discount it.