[–]Realtrain 7896 points7897 points7898 points (770 children)
[–]Iseepuppies 3016 points3017 points3018 points (279 children)
[–]varnecr 2142 points2143 points2144 points (150 children)
[–]Iseepuppies 1351 points1352 points1353 points (54 children)
[–]BigBeagleEars 527 points528 points529 points (40 children)
[–]Texugee 594 points595 points596 points (99 children)
[–]Iseepuppies 336 points337 points338 points (51 children)
[–]redrobot5050 260 points261 points262 points (34 children)
[–]SpicyNuggs4Lyfe 936 points937 points938 points (272 children)
[–]TransitJohn 1030 points1031 points1032 points (211 children)
[–]AmITheFakeOne 240 points241 points242 points (40 children)
[–]gotenks1114 78 points79 points80 points (12 children)
[–]Feminizing 548 points549 points550 points (127 children)
[–]existentialcrisis911 887 points888 points889 points (23 children)
[–]j0llyllama 379 points380 points381 points (132 children)
[–]DoorFacethe3rd 311 points312 points313 points (27 children)
[–]darkciti 77 points78 points79 points (6 children)
[–]cardinarium 11.6k points11.6k points11.6k points (1593 children)
[–]Ariquitaun 8059 points8060 points8061 points (1236 children)
[–]VagrantShadow 1612 points1613 points1614 points (96 children)
[–]Curleysound 9178 points9179 points9180 points (756 children)
[–]LowkeySamurai 1914 points1915 points1916 points (240 children)
[–]pizzapartytn 637 points638 points639 points (32 children)
[–]CoffeeSafteyTraining 1097 points1098 points1099 points (90 children)
[–]dburr10085 540 points541 points542 points (45 children)
[–]sixty_cycles 374 points375 points376 points (25 children)
[–]GuyInOregon 277 points278 points279 points (15 children)
[–]PM_ME_A_PM_PLEASE_PM 231 points232 points233 points (8 children)
[–]blubirdTN 213 points214 points215 points (24 children)
[–]TheGoverness1998 1330 points1331 points1332 points (182 children)
[–]Rated_PG-Squirteen 987 points988 points989 points (127 children)
[+]helping_is_banned 181 points182 points183 points (17 children)
[–]LasVegas4590 334 points335 points336 points (46 children)
[–]poopyheadthrowaway 132 points133 points134 points (29 children)
[–]jonathanmeeks 991 points992 points993 points (35 children)
[–]Sassybeagle 539 points540 points541 points (29 children)
[–]Almainyny 437 points438 points439 points (14 children)
[–]RandomizedName2023 394 points395 points396 points (17 children)
[–]JustTestingAThing 98 points99 points100 points (6 children)
[–]meatball77 1338 points1339 points1340 points (108 children)
[–]AwesomeJohnn 1063 points1064 points1065 points (10 children)
[–]asos10 3915 points3916 points3917 points (335 children)
[–]GelflingInDisguise 133 points134 points135 points (19 children)
[–]RipErRiley 2467 points2468 points2469 points (157 children)
[–]autotelica 4138 points4139 points4140 points (113 children)
[–]reddicyoulous 938 points939 points940 points (42 children)
[–]gravescd 336 points337 points338 points (22 children)
[–]crosszilla 140 points141 points142 points (15 children)
[–]wrathfulgrape 2084 points2085 points2086 points (386 children)
[–]MedicineGhost 914 points915 points916 points (123 children)
[–]bodyknock 544 points545 points546 points (70 children)
[–]Sawses 304 points305 points306 points (34 children)
[–]VegasKL 133 points134 points135 points (19 children)
[–]oced2001 683 points684 points685 points (79 children)
[–]NapoleonsDynamite 373 points374 points375 points (31 children)
[–]DrNick1221 1037 points1038 points1039 points (45 children)
[–]TotesNotaBot0010101 405 points406 points407 points (25 children)
[–]PermitSpecialist5472 907 points908 points909 points (43 children)
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