The 40 Most Rotten People Of 2023

It felt like 2023 moved by pretty quickly — but that doesn’t mean it didn’t suck. We’re already gearing up for the next shitshow of a presidential election, which means every clown is crawling out of the woodwork to run. Twitter breaks down every two weeks and we still don’t have a suitable replacement. There’s a massive humanitarian crisis in Gaza. And one major political party is lurching toward outright authoritarianism. So with that in mind, here’s a list of the people who fucked things up for the rest of us.

Illustrations by Rob Israel.

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Anna Perez: Black People Are ‘Extremely Entitled’ And ‘Commit Most Of The Crime’

On the Dec. 21, 2023 episode of her Rumble show, Wrongthink Primetime, conspiracy theorist Anna Perez claimed that “Black people are extremely entitled people” and “commit most of the crime.” Perez made the comments during a discussion of New York state’s decision to create a slavery reparations commission.

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White Supremacists: The ‘Great Replacement’ Is Becoming A ‘Mainstream Phrase’

Over the years, the “Great Replacement” — a white supremacist conspiracy theory — has steadily moved from the fringes to influential Republican figures like Charlie Kirk and Tucker Carlson. At the latest GOP debate, presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy promoted it on stage before millions of viewers.

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Stew Peters And Nick Fuentes Promote Antisemitic Conspiracies On Rumble

On the latest episode of his Rumble show, Stew Peters interviewed Holocaust-denying white nationalist Nick Fuentes about what he claimed was Jewish control of the U.S. During the interview, Peters appeared to drop the pretense that he only opposed Zionists, and agreed that Jewish people have infiltrated the media and the government.

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The ‘Great Replacement’ Takes The Stage At TPUSA’s AmericaFest

At Turning Point USA’s AmericaFest event, Charlie Kirk — the organization’s founder — once again gave a full-throated endorsement of the racist “Great Replacement” conspiracy. Kirk claimed that “They want Arizona to be less white,” and predicted a rise in “white identitarianism” among white Christians in America.

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White Nationalist Uses X To Broadcast Violent, Antisemitic Rant

Under Elon Musk’s leadership, X (the app formerly known as Twitter) has become a haven for white supremacists and antisemites. One white nationalist who returned to the platform, Lucas Gage (formerly Angelo John Gage), recently used it to broadcast a violent diatribe against Jews, whom he compared to “demons” that must be slain.

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Jack Posobiec Demands Pardon For Man Who Destroyed Satanic Temple Display

In early December, a display by the Satanic Temple (a depiction of Baphomet holding a wreath with an inverted pentagram) was placed in the Iowa Capitol alongside a Nativity scene. While the display was harshly criticized, it nonetheless stayed up for days, untouched.

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BlazeTV Host Once Again Appears On White Nationalist Livestream

Auron MacIntyre has a history of appearing on livestreams alongside white nationalists. MacIntyre, a neoreactionary podcaster, has appeared alongside Colin Robertson (a.k.a. “Millennial Woes”) and ex-Identity Evropa leader Patrick Casey. These appearances have taken place both before and after he joined Glenn Beck’s BlazeTV as an official host.

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Steven Anderson: The Star Of David Is A ‘Wicked Symbol’

In a guest appearance on The Stew Peters Show, Steven Anderson denounced the Star of David as a “wicked symbol” of the “false, Christ-rejecting religion” of Judaism. Anderson also denounced Jews as the “synagogue of Satan,” claimed that Jews “own a lot of media,” and called Islam and Judaism “wicked” religions.

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BlazeTV Host Auron MacIntyre: ‘It Is Undeniable’ That The ‘Great Replacement’ Is Real

During the last Republican debate, longshot candidate Vivek Ramaswamy gave full-throated support to the “Great Replacement” — the white supremacist conspiracy that white people are being systematically replaced by immigrants of color. BlazeTV host Auron MacIntyre praised Ramaswamy, and called it the “most important” part of the debate.

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