No "sad" content
No "sad" content
No "sad" content, such as pics of animals that have passed away (try r/petloss), animals that have been injured/abused, or sob stories (e.g. found him in a dumpster, finding abandoned animals, sick/survived cancer). >>>>more>>>>
No captioned pictures/videos
No captioned pictures/videos
No comics, captioned pictures/videos (try r/lolcats, r/cute, or r/animaltextgifs), or photos of just text. No memes or snapchat captions. >>>>more>>>>
No asking for upvotes, approval, or interaction
No asking for upvotes, approval, or interaction
No post titles asking for upvotes or approval, such as "any love for...", "what does r/aww think of...", or "this didn't get much love on...", or "karma machine", "sort by new", "don't scroll past", "not your typical aww", "r/aww needs more [X] animals," "name my pet." >>>>more>>>>
No harassment
No harassment
No slurs or harassing comments. >>>>more>>>>
This includes racial slurs, sexually inappropriate comments, and personal attacks on users or their animals.
Examples include: pitbull "statistics", reduction of animals to food items (e.g. calling a cow a burger/steak, calling a pig a bacon, anything about Asian people eating cats/dogs), advocating animal abuse, etc.
Posts must link to sites on our approved list
Posts must link to sites on our approved list
No posts with links to sites not on the approved list.
No NSFW content
No NSFW content
This includes not only inappropriate images but also inappropriate text, innuendo, or inappropriate jokes in comments. No comments about how dangerous certain domesticated breeds are, or about eating the animals in the post. >>>>more>>>>
No asking for donations or adoptions
No asking for donations or adoptions
No asking for donations, sponsorship or adoptions (try r/care or r/assistance). >>>>more>>>>
No bots, bot-like behaviour, or spam
No bots, bot-like behaviour, or spam
No bots or bot-like behaviour. This includes copypasting titles and/or comments, or generally acting like a script/bot. No flooding (more than 4 posts in a 24 hour period). Accounts must comply with the Reddit self-promotion guidelines. >>>>more>>>>
Original content only
Original content only
Only post content that is yours. No false claims of content ownership. >>>>more>>>>
No social media
No social media
No links to social media content, whether in comments, submissions, image/video descriptions (including imgur gallery descriptions for direct links), or as superimposed text in an image. Handles are okay in comments as long as they're not links. >>>>more>>>>
We're here to help, but please provide a link/URL when you modmail us
We're here to help, but please provide a link/URL when you modmail us
If you need to contact the mods, you'll need to provide a link/URL to whatever it is that you're talking about. Failure to do this may mean that you get ignored. We have other users to help as well, and making us dig through your profile to find an issue means we have less time to help others and deal with the rest of the subreddit.
Subreddit Links
Please spay and neuter your pets! While your newborn pets are cute, failing to do this allows your little darlings to add to the population of homeless animals. Adopt pets from your local animal rescues/shelters, there are plenty of animals just waiting for a home.