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Australian Press Council 2023 Press Freedom Award is now open for nominations

The Australian Press Council (APC) is calling for nominations for its Press Freedom Award (formerly the Press Freedom Medal) for an individual, or individuals, who have demonstrated extraordinary commitment or service to the cause of press freedom.


Nominees can be journalists, editors, or others such as members of the legal profession, educators, or whistle-blowers whose work has supported press freedom or cast light upon important issues in Australian society. Nominations may be made by members of the public, any member of the Council and its Secretariat, or from any publication that is a member of the Press Council.


"Advocating for freedom of the press is an important responsibility of the Press Council," said APC Chair Neville Stevens. “The Press Freedom Award honours those courageous individuals who pursue this freedom, often at great personal risk.”


Nominations for the 2023 Press Freedom Award open today, Thursday 12 October 2023 and should be submitted by Wednesday 1 November 2023, together with reasons why the individual(s) should be considered for the award. They can be supplied as Word documents, PDFs, or within the body of an email. Nominations should be no longer than 250 words.


Please email nominations to


For those without access to email, they can be sent by post to:

Australian Press Council

PO Box 1014

North Sydney NSW 2059.


Please supply a contact phone number with your submission.


At the close of the nomination period, a shortlist will be compiled from which the winner(s) will be selected. In selecting nominees for the award, the Press Council will be guided by its Constitutional aims to promote freedom of speech through responsible and independent print and digital media, and high journalistic and editorial standards.


If you have any questions about the Press Freedom Award or need guidance on how to nominate someone, please email with the subject line: Press Freedom Award.



APC congratulates Small Publisher Members on success at 2023 Mumbrella Publish Awards

The Australian Press Council congratulates the following Press Council members for honours achieved at the 2023 Mumbrella Publish Awards:




Read more about all the award winners here

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